Child of Destiny

Chapter 669 Miss Bunny's Fortune

Chapter 669 Miss Bunny's Fortune


The Empyrean Talons seemed to be not running out of ways to surprise the gaming world. Just recently they shocked everyone with their music video. And now one of their key members, the Angel of Death and the Emperor of the Night, was making another world-shaking news.

Sickarius just challenged the Demon God Justin, ranked fifth in the Godlike Ranking List, in a duel. And on top of that, the latter even set the mode of the battle in Deathmatch Mode.

Such a mode of battle was very cruel since both of the players needed to bet their gaming careers on the line. Whoever got defeated would lose everything while the winner would take it all.

Not only that, but the loser would also quit the game since that system was going to delete their account after the battle. And if they wanted to create a new account, they needed to wait for a whole month in real-world's time before they could go back again.

Such a long break would make the loser be left behind by everyone. And even if they were able to get back in the game, catching up to the leading players and regaining their current positions was going to be pretty much impossible.

As for the victorious one, they would not only get the items and equipment of their opponent, they would also take over every quest that the opposing side had.

It was the same for the accumulated experience points of their opponent, half of it was going to transfer to the winner while the other half would be converted to something with an equal value.

At the same time, both of the contenders were forbidden to do any kind of trade or transactions right after the mode was set. It was to avoid any kind of foul play before the start of the match.

Aside from the mode, the match itself was a huge hit online. And naturally, the entertainment companies were not going to miss such a rare opportunity to broadcast this particular match. And among these companies, True Sight Industries was the one that was most excited about this news.

Previously, the World Gaming Organization let them be the official broadcasters that covered Shin's battle against Immortal. Even though there were some mishaps during the coverage of that match, they still think that it was quite successful despite their rating being slightly worse than a particular channel.

Due to this, they were quite confident that they were going to have exclusive coverage for these kinds of battles as long as they continued performing this way.

Having that in mind, they were expecting that they were going to be the official broadcasters on this upcoming battle between Shin and Justin.

Unfortunately, not everything was going according to the plan. Once the event organizers of the World Gaming Organization discovered that Miss Bunny was no longer working at the True Sight Industries, they immediately pulled out the offer and said that they were only going to let them have the 'brand' if Miss Bunny covered the battle herself.

Knowing that it was practically impossible, the higher-ups of the True Sight Industries could only cry in the corner while regretting their decision of letting Miss Bunny go.

But that was not the end of their pain.

Not long after the rights for exclusive coverage slipped away from their hands, the entertainment company suddenly discovered that the Fan Page of the Empyrean Talons was having a special coverage of Shin's match.

And as if rubbing some salt on the wounds of the True Sight Industries, the gaming company offered Miss Bunny to have the exclusive rights to cover such battles in the future, which meant that she was going to be the official host that would cover these kinds of battles in the future.

With this, the other entertainment companies would not be able to cover those official matches in the future unless they partnered with Miss Bunny or at least with the World Gaming Organization itself.

Having a partnership with the latter was just a pipe dream for them, so the entertainment companies immediately turned their eyes on Miss Bunny and offered her some generous contracts for partnership.

Naturally, Miss Bunny was quite clever enough to refuse their offers and waited for them to become more 'generous' on their offers. After all, she could already monopolize all of the future battles that were worth covering. And she didn't need to trouble herself on promoting her channel since the game itself would do it for her due to her exclusive contract.

But that was not the end of good news for Miss Bunny. It was because she also started getting some sponsorship offers from different companies. And one of them was the biggest corporation in the Soaring Continent, the Flying Dragon Corporation.

How could Shiella miss such a good opportunity? She would naturally use her 'connections' (her brothers) to introduce her to Miss Bunny so that she could strike a business with her. After all, they would be able to promote the products and services of their company to a large audience through Miss Bunny, especially that she had a pretty large fanbase.

In the meantime, Miss Bunny was very surprised when she got the offer from such a big company. Moreover, it was being offered to her by the heiress of the company herself.

With the Flying Dragon Corporation taking the lead, the other well-known companies followed them and offered Miss Bunny their own sponsorships.

Their offers were not as good as the one that the Flying Dragon Corporation was offering since they were only trying to test the water first. After all, their companies didn't have someone like Shiella who was very familiar with how to run a proper business inside the game. At the very least, they were trying to observe how well things would turn out before they took the full gamble.

Regardless, Miss Bunny struck quite a big deal this time. She was not expecting that her career was going to have such a turn like this. And now, she became more confident that her decision was the right call.josei

"Heh! I'm sure that Director Ji is fuming in anger now! Who said that he can use his authority to pull such strings at work? Hmph! Serves him right!" muttered Miss Bunny as she tried to imagine the current face that her previous director was making.

After that, she started making the finishing touches that she needed for her broadcast later. Fortunately, she only needed to cover the match through her own virtual space, so setting up all of the preparations that she needed was not as troublesome as setting them up in the real world.

When she was about to finish everything, she suddenly received a call from an unexpected person.

"Huh? Why is he contacting me now?" muttered Miss Bunny as she looked at the caller's ID. Then she cleared her throat a little before answering the call with a bright tone. "Hello, young master Arthur! All of the preparations are almost done, so there is no need for you to worry."

Hearing her greeting, Arthur chuckled a little before replying. "Can you not address me like that Miss Bunny? Even though I really like everyone focusing on me, I really don't like being called like that."

Miss Bunny giggled a little when she heard those words and quickly said. "Then don't call me Miss Bunny either. Just call me Elder Sister at the very least and I will call you little brother in exchange."

"Alright, Elder Sister!" answered Arthur with a tone that sounded like a soldier saluting to his superior.

His reply made Miss Bunny laugh once again before she immediately said to him. "Alright, that's enough. Just tell me what you need from me. I am quite busy right now, you know?"

Cough! Cough!

Hearing that, Arthur cleared his throat a little as his attitude suddenly became polite. "Ahm… I know that you are supposedly going to cover Shin's battle solo, but can you at least have a partner to make it more entertaining?"

Miss Bunny slightly knitted her eyebrows for a moment when she heard those words before answering. "I know what you are trying to say, but it is going to be quite difficult to look for a good host at this last minute."

"Moreover, all of the good emcees that I know are all from different entertainment companies. And I will need to sign a partnership with them if I want to ask for their help, which is what I am trying to avoid right now. I am already tired of taking orders from their higher-ups," she added as she tried to explain her position.

"But not all of the good hosts can be found in those companies. There are still some good candidates from different online platforms," said Arthur before trailing his words a little. "In fact, I know someone who will be the perfect fit for the job."

Hearing that, Miss Bunny couldn't help but feel a little skeptical with his words before saying with a little sarcasm in her tone. "And who could it be?"

When Arthur heard that, his mouth couldn't help but grin from ear to ear while replying. "Who else but the guy beat the ratings of the True Sight Industries previously-… Mr. Casanova."


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