Confinement King

Chapter 268

Chapter 268: Derau~

I had a dream.

I dreamed of angels. But how did I know it was an angel?
Because they had beautiful white wings.

I nodded to the angel who told me that.
There’s no way I can doubt it.

. Save her. Don’t ever abandon her
That’s a strange thing to say, I thought.
I’m the one who’s being held captive.

is trying to feed you something. Making you sip your sister’s blood and once you’ve sipped it, you’ll fall under the devil’s control. Then there’s no way to save you
I don’t know what that means.
But God gives us trials.
The words of the Bible are always difficult to understand, and the true meaning is shown behind the haze, to be grasped by one’s own will.
After I thought that, I open my eyes, sit up and ruminate on the dream I just had.
The dream is swept away into the depth of oblivion as my consciousness awakens.
This is a dream that must never be forgotten. It should be.
I must imprint it on my consciousness, ruminate on it, and find its true meaning. It must be a clue to my salvation. It has to be.
At the same time as I remember what I dreamt, the memory of last night just before I fell asleep comes back to me.

I can’t help but frown at the inexplicable feeling of discomfort.

voice directly in my eardrums.

Sister’s voice, angel’s dream.
She’s almost there. That’s all I can think of.
And it ignited a spark of hope in my frail heart.

I prayed in my heart. Then, almost as soon as I looked up, the door opened and Centipede’s(Mukade) maid came into the room.

That’s right. Usually the sound of women panting and beds creaking would keep me up until almost morning, but last night it quieted down around midnight.
I was worried that he might come to me, but he didn’t, and I was able to sleep comfortably for the first time in a long time.
There was also the matter of my sister’s message. So, I tried to trick this maid into thinking that things might have changed somehow.

Without any particular hesitation, Centipede replied.
I’ve never heard the names of all these people before, but I guess they are the names of the women who fell victim to Fumio’s poison. Nothing seems to indicate that trouble is brewing.
After placing the tray on the floor, Centipede tilts her head slightly.

When I frowned, Centipede said.


◇ ◇ ◇

breakfast, my phone on the table vibrated.
After dropping the eggs into the frying pan, I picked up my phone to find a message from Sato-chan.
It said――

lady(san), will you come?

I smiled and replied with a short message.

Of course I’m going.
As far as I was concerned, I had already planned to pretend that I had left my notebook at home on the first day of the summer vacation and postpone the submission.

Brother didn’t say much, but I could tell that he was worried about me. Shiratori-senpai is still quite suspicious, even from my point of view.
A little after twelve o’clock and after preparing lunch for my brother, I leave the house.
Then, when I arrived at the family restaurant–

Sato-chan waved her hand to me.
On the table, besides the drink bar, there were texts and notebooks spread out.
Across from Sato-chan sat a girl who looked familiar to me. Sato-chan and I are in the same class. But I believe she is from the next class.
She is a quiet girl with long bangs and her eyes are almost completely hidden.
When I sat down next to her, she turned her head shyly.

Yesterday, Sato-chan had sent messages to everyone she knew to see if they had finished their homework.
There were several people who had finished their homework, but only Moribe-san agreed to let her copy her homework.
However, looking at Moribe-san’s behavior, I think the truth is, Sato-chan forced her rather than she agreed.
She is probably the type of person who cannot say NO to a request.

Even though it is summer vacation, it is a weekday afternoon, and there are only a few customers, so there is no sign of being kicked out even if we stay long.
While picking up a drink from the bar and a pile of fries, we begin to copy Moribe’s notes lazily.
But when I saw her notebook, I thought to myself, “Are you serious?” because it was a decent notebook.
However, there was no way it would end with just three girls gathering together and quietly copying notes.
It’s mainly Sato-chan who made a lot of noise, but gradually Moribe-san started to get to know us and joined in the conversation little by little.

of yours?

Moribe-san choked at Sato-chan’s question.

Sato-chan made a dumbfounded face, then suddenly turned to me.

(*Note => Seriously?)
I said, glaring at her, and Satou-chan gave me a puzzled look.

“. I thought I’d give it a shot at the buzzword award

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