Confinement King

Chapter 269

Chapter 269: Neon Signs


Still, I went to a family restaurant in front of the station as promised, and found that Sato-san had arrived first, and Tachioka-san came a little later.
I knew Tachioka-san’s face, but we had never talked before. So, it’s like I’m in the middle of nowhere.
She is about the same height as me, and had twin-tails.
She is not flashy, but she gives off an air of a strong person.
When she talked about her favorite actors, she got excited, and when she talked about fashion, she was rather enthusiastic.

However, what got her most excited was when she talked about how Tachioka-san was doing all the housework.
The conversation turned to the supermarket’s special sales, and Sato-san was made to promise to accompany each of us to buy a pack of eggs at the next special sale.
After we had gotten to know each other quite well, I asked Tachioka-san something that had been bothering me.

It’s good. Sato-san was just exaggerating. Seeing me breathe a sigh of relief, Sato-san asked Tachioka-san.

Satou-san turned to me with a frown on her face.

I’m a little relieved.

As I was saying this to myself, Tachioka-san said with a slightly enchanted look on her face.

But then Tachioka-san’s voice suddenly dropped.

When Sato-san said that, Tachioka-san’s lips puckered up and she let out a frustrated sound.

Apparently, she was trying to make it popular.
◇ ◇ ◇
Tattakata… well, since she didn’t want me calling her that, so unwillingly, I’ll call Takaka, Onee-chan. Then now, she and I went shopping in the afternoon.
We visited a commercial building in a neighboring city, and she bought a lot of clothes and underwear, and let me carry half of the large shopping bags she brought with her as a matter of course.

Well, I think this is the reason why she took me out for shopping.

The lineup of the clothes she bought was very gal-like. Did she get inspired by being with gyaru at the camp?
After spending the whole day with her, I was getting less and less tense, but the more I talked to her, the more I couldn’t believe that she was the same person as the chairwoman of the Public Morals Committee, even though they looked the same.

And now, we’ve come back to the nearest station and are having dinner at a fast food restaurant in front of the station.

As I’m thinking about that while biting at the teriyaki burger, Onee-chan suddenly pouts her lips while looking at her phone.

… Ehhhh!?

She says it’s funny, but she looks at her phone like it’s not even funny.
A boyfriend for that walking, right-angled, steel-headed public moral, that’s usually a big scoop. If I had any friends, I’d send a group message right now to spread the word. If I had any friends!
Anyway, while I was in the bathroom, I sent a smug message to Kijima-senpai.
He read it right away, but didn’t reply.
When we left the fast food restaurant, it was already dark and past seven o’clock in the evening.

I didn’t know what to do with Takaka, who was saying things that were unbecoming of the chairwoman of the public morals committee, so I just smiled fondly at her.

With that said, Onee-chan took me to a street lined with small buildings behind the station. It’s a night town with twinkling neon signs.

While I was making a complaint in my heart, she walked up to a bar.

A flashy neon signs.
The inside of the bar is seen through a glass window with colored stickers.
Behind the counter, I see a line of girls in bikinis.
She is standing in front of the door, staring at the knob.

And then, an old man jumped out and crashed into Onee-chan.

The man shouted at Onee-chan, who had fallen on her buttocks, and walked away indignantly.

I ran over to her and helped her up, and she laughed while rubbing her butt.

When I said so angrily, she looked sad for some reason and spoke.

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