Cornered by the CEO

Chapter 65

Chapter 65: Give Her Everything She Desires

Chapter 65: Give Her Everything She Desires

She got out of the car and glanced at Mo Qingchen. She could see he had no intention to come out. She slammed the door shut and glanced around at her surrounding. The street was lively with music and laughter floating in the air.

The entrance to the place was covered in graffiti. She expected it to be an abandoned industrial space or a bar, but this was neither. Seriously, it looked like she had gone back in time.

The place looked like it was filled to the brim with mayhem.

A naked woman swung high above the bartender's head on a metallic contraption. Naked ballerinas, aerialists, and even a naked man playing the cello entertained the crowd as they piled in through the little entrance. She saw faces from the industry: models, designers, and big-shot bosses who wanted to woo Marcus.

Qian Meng wasn't a prude but she hadn't expected so much nudity around her. She could only imagine what Marcus had in store. Apparently, these parties were wild. Qian Meng had been to some tame ones, but Marcus was on a different psychedelic realm.

The crowd was a little rowdy and a bit over-friendly, but then again, Qian Meng wasn't bothered about watching people have a good time. josei

A man with painted blue skin requested to see her ID. After handing her passport, she watched as he inspected it.

He looked up with a wide smile while handing it back to her. "Goddess of tits. Marcus' Muse. I welcome you." His eyes had the same spaced-out look as Marcus.

"Thank you," she said awkwardly.

She was pulled away from the door by the throng of people. She headed straight to the bar for a much-needed drink. It was almost midnight and the urge to fully enjoy seemed vital.

Damn it. She had missed partying. The lights. The people. She missed having friends she could hang out with. Just as she was about to order her drink, someone placed a hand on her ass. Instinctively her fist swung at the source, hitting the man in the jaw.

The man was dressed like a demon. It wasn't a cheap costume but an elaborately designed one. A detailed creation.

The demon rubbed his jaw. "Nice hook, angel," he winked flirtatiously.

"Fuck off, pervert." The man didn't seem deterred. Until an angel... a literal angel came and saved her. She shooed the demon away.

"Thank you for saving me," Qian Meng said sheepishly. The night had just gotten weirder.

"It is my duty, Goddess," she replied.

"I'm Qian Meng." She extended her hand in greeting. The angel's smile was radiant.

"I know. We have been waiting for you to come." She took Qian Meng's hand and guided her away from the bar.

As they walked, Qian Meng realized that this place was designed like an old theatre. The elaborate decor and vintage wallpapers had been restored beautifully.

"Goddess!" the familiar voice yelled from behind Yun Qian Meng. "I knew you would come." His arms were wide open.

Qian Meng rolled her eyes and smiled despite her confusion. "A Muse must attend such occasions." Her face was serious, but her laughter rang out soon after.

"I found her before Ditsy Demon got his hands on her," the angel said.

Marcus' smile dropped. "I'm so sorry!" he yelled in aggravation. "I warned him to stay away from you until after the show."

Qian Meng looked at him with trepidation. "You know that pervert?" she asked.

Marcus nodded. "Yeah. He's a cretin, but Dolly won't perform without him."

"Dolly?" she asked, noticing the lights dimming slightly.

"Yes, Dolly the Pussycat," the angel commented but didn't offer any explanation.

"What is that?" Qian Meng's voice was lowered as the crowd hushed. The man painted blue took the stage.

"You'll find out soon," he said, smirking. He grabbed a scantily dressed woman as she walked by. "Honey, this is my Goddess. Give her everything she desires." Marcus cupped her face in his palms.

The stunning blonde smirked at his words. "Of course." Her eyes landed on Yun Qian Meng. "What do you desire, Goddess?" Qian Meng felt a smile overtake her lips.

"A White Russian," she said without thinking. It was a bad decision, she knew instantly.

"Oh, you like it sweet and rough, do you?" Qian Meng shrugged.

The room filled with an upbeat melody. The angel grabbed her hand, pulling her into the booth. As the performance ensued, her drink arrived and she found herself drinking it quickly.

The angel chuckled softly. "Somebody's thirsty," she noted with a sweet smile.

"Not really," she responded. The waitress was quite attentive. Qian Meng's glass was never empty. She even brought a plate of cookies for her to snack on. The acts on the stage were erotic yet artistic.

Marcus had disappeared but Angel protected her relentlessly, not letting anyone come near her. Glancing down at the cookies, she chuckled. They were an assortment of naughty little shapes.

She munched on a perfectly shaped penis when the scene changed. The pervert from earlier was on stage with a woman. The audience chanted and moved closer. Qian Meng had a buzz going and the enchanting woman on the stage moved like a siren, beckoning her closer.

She floated closer, unable to stop herself from joining the crowd of people gathered at the foot of the stage to worship Dolly the Pussycat.

They swayed in unison, so free and uninhibited. If she could bottle this feeling and carry it along with her. Her eyes wandered the room slowly. It was so out of control that she couldn't stop herself from dancing and laughing. She was giggling like a child.

Then she felt it.

Mo Qingchen's eyes. They were on her... that much she was sure of. She knew this feeling quite well. There was nothing like it.

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