Cornered by the CEO

Chapter 66

Chapter 66: Mo Qingchen the Boob Man

Chapter 66: Mo Qingchen the Boob Man

Qian Meng broke away from the crowd she was embedded in and drifted around aimlessly, searching through the faces until she spotted him. Even in the darkened theatre, his clothes and blazing black eyes made him stand out.

He stood at the bar watching her intently.

Seconds later, she was standing in front of him. "You're here," she stared at him as though she was hallucinating.

"I am. But clearly, you're not." He looked at her disapprovingly. "How much have you had to drink?" He wasn't happy. He was never happy.

"I feel happy after a long time," she retorted. "I am celebrating." josei

"I can see that. Qian Meng, I-"

Her finger landed on his lips, silencing him. Slowly she shook her head side to side.

"Did you come in to lecture me?" He probably had. Party pooper.

He was irritated. "No, but now that I'm here, I can't help it."

"So, why are you here?" She was confused by this too. And the fact she was too delighted to see him.

His jaw tightened. "You said I was incapable of compromise. I had to prove you wrong."

Her smirk was fiendish. "Oh, yes. That and we need to work on changing your standards. So, how are you going to do that?"

"I'm here, aren't I?" He glanced around impatiently, slightly horrified by his surroundings.

"You are." That was a huge step towards unscrewing the stick up Mo Qingchen's ass. "Have a drink with me. And if you don't want to stay, we can go." She was sincere.

He thought about her offer for a second before reluctantly nodding. Since the crowd was thick, she grabbed his hand and led him to her booth.

Just as they sat down, the waitress appeared. "Welcome." Her eyes devoured Mo Qingchen shamelessly. "What do you desire tonight, sexy?"

"I'll have a Campari," he replied curtly, barely glancing at her way.

"I'll have another White Russian," she called out.

The waitress glanced. "I thought you already got what you desired, Goddess?" she smirked and sauntered away.

Mo Qingchen stood out like a sore thumb as he sat in his perfectly tailored suit and ruffled hair. Qian Meng picked up a cookie from the plate and held it up to his pursed lips.

He looked down at the treat and then his eyes grabbed hers.

"Take a bite," she ordered and much to her surprise he obliged. She had meant to tease him and call him out for being a prude. But this was an unexpected result.

The cookie was a mini replica of a female breast with a bright red cherry at the center. She held his penetrating stare as he bit down on the flesh-colored pastry.

Qian Meng saw the sparkle of pleasure cross his features as he swallowed the first bite. He was a foodie, so his stamp of approval was critical. She stared at his face and didn't notice when the waitress appeared, standing beside her with their drinks on a tray.

"Tasty, aren't they?" she asked suggestively.

He took the cookie from Qian Meng's hand and swallowed the rest of it whole, entrancing both women. "Delicious." He licked the tips of his fingers.

"A breast man," the waitress hummed. "There's plenty more where that came from." She placed down a fresh plate of cookies in front of them.

After grabbing herself a chocolate-covered penis cookie, she focused on the stage. While she was busy with Mo Qingchen, Dolly had stripped down from her previous costume into a retro, one piece. The woman was, frankly, sex on legs.

She slinked across the stage, eyeing the men like prey.

Leave it to Marcus to have a lascivious party with a full performance. Based on the crowd's reaction, it would be the talk of the town.

Qian Meng felt warm and a bit sappy. Which was completely unlike her. Slowly, her gaze moved to Mo Qingchen. He was munching away at another boob cookie, eyes glued to the stage.

Definitely a breast man.

Qian Meng snickered to herself. She had wanted to feed him a cookie, but it turned out it needed to be a breast to count.

He turned to her with a quizzical look. "Something funny?"

"You." She held back her laugh.

Confusion touched his features. He was holding a half-eaten boob in his hand. Of course. How could this scene not be funny?

"You like eating boobs," she snorted. When she said it out loud, it was even funnier. Instantly, his eyes dropped to her hands. Surprise, surprise. She was holding half-eaten penis pastry in both. She should have been mortified at that but instead, she laughed.

Mo Qingchen leaned in a little closer to her. "Do you need me to say it?" His smirk was downright scandalous.

Her hips slid closer to his. "Say that I like stuffing my mouth with-"

A loud voice interrupted them. It was Marcus, beaming at her.

The angel stood at his smile, smiling sweetly while the demon lurked behind.

Like a hellcat, Dolly pounced between the men.

"You were amazing," Qian Meng found herself saying, shouting across the table.

"Everyone, this is my Muse, my Goddess... my savior." Marcus pointed towards her with pride.

"I didn't do anything apart from showing up." Qian Meng chuckled at his ridiculousness.

"Sometimes, just the presence of a person sparks the world," Angel spoke. Her eyes settled on Mo Qingchen.

"So true," Dolly replied. "Girl, I could go blind from the spark I see in this booth. Our pretty little Goddess is something else." As she spoke, Qian Meng could only look at her breasts. Indeed, this woman had a lovely pair. No wonder Mo Qingchen was watching so intently.

"Thank you," she said, feeling awkward. "It's my pleasure to be here."

"We haven't met your friend here." Mo Qingchen and Yun Qian Meng snorted at the last word.

"Sorry. This is Mo Qingchen." She flailed her hands at him as though he were an installation at a museum.

Mo Qingchen gave a slight nod of acknowledgment. He came off as uninterested, which he probably was.

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