Cosmic Peak

Chapter 11 - Silly Farce, Aren's Plan.

Chapter 11 - Silly Farce, Aren's Plan.

Aren and his mother arrived at the address and saw a few cars parked to the side and not fifteen but sixteen people standing in a group.

Ten bulky men wore the black suit as they surrounded six people in a guard formation.

The six people consisted of Quinn, her mother, an older man who had white hair and beard but looked tough and stood straight.

The other three were a middle-aged man, a woman, and a boy around the same age as Quinn and Aren.

Seeing Aren and Lorain, Quinn shouted with a smile and called them.

Aren and Lorain walked towards them as they greeted the old man Tenkai, Quinn's mother, and others.

But the middle-aged man, the son of old man Tenkai and his wife, didn't have a good attitude towards Aren and his mother. They were originally opposed to the idea of bringing Aren and his mother with them, and at first, even the old man Tenkai himself didn't want outsiders to join, but Quinn insisted, and her mother also requested, so he agreed.

Aren looked at his mom and Quinn's mom standing together and smiled internally. This was one of the reason decided to come here. Quinn's mother and his mother were good friends, and they had helped each other many times.

When one of them was ill and was not in a condition to work in other people's homes like washing dishes and cleaning in the area beside slum, they would help the other one by working in their stead.

" Form a circle and grab hands. " Old man Tenkai spoke with an indifferent face.

Everyone formed a circle in this order: Old man Tenkai-Quinn-Aren-Lorain-Hemila( Quinn's mom )-Jason( Old man Tenkai's son )- Ferisila ( Jason's wife)- Julian( Jason's son. )-ten bodyguards-Old men Tenkai.

After that, they all thought about entering the Wild Expanse.

[ Please select the destination. ]

Red Bell Town.

Fluorescent Town.

Square Mord town.

Masqi-Lu Town.

Honken Town.

Lucan Fire Town.


There were a total of fourteen town names, and seeing that, Aren looked at Old man Tenkai.

" We will go to Honken Town. " Old man Tenkai spoke in a voice that didn't accept any objection.

Quinn was going to speak something, but Aren tightened the grip on his hand to get her attention and shook his head before whispering, " Let's see what your grandpa has in store for us. "

" They are all level 2, just like your mom and me. They didn't even know about the method to increase the spirit energy pool until I told them. " Quinn whispered as she smiled helplessly.

" It's ok. Let's see if your grandpa has any plans. "

Afterward, According to Old man Tenkai, Everyone thought about entering Honken Town as the scenery blurred in front of them, and they appeared inside the Town's square.

After entering here, The old man Tenkai spoke, " First, We will train and practice our skills to increase our proficiency and get our meridian stat to 1% so we can increase our spirit energy pool's limit by 100. "

Hearing that, Aren frowned and shook his head before speaking, " That's impractical. "

Hearing him, Old man Tenkai frowned while Julian spoke in a berating tone towards Aren, " Humph, you don't need to use your brain. Grandpa will handle things here. "

" Shut up, Julian. You don't need to speak if you can only spew out the crap from your mouth. " Quinn snorted and spoke towards Julian.

Hearing that, Ferisila got angry, " Mind your language, Quinn. This is not your slum area. "

" Shut up! " Old man Tenkai spoke as he swept his glance at Julian and Ferisila, " She is not in the slum anymore. "

" Father, We are also your family. Also, Ferisila is right; Quinn should not speak the filthy language. " Jason said in defense of her wife and son.

" Well, If you want to continue your family drama, then my mom and I will leave. Honestly don't have time for this...crap. " Aren spoke plainly. historical

" It started because of you! Don't butt in when grandpa has already decided for us. " Julian spoke with anger.

Lorain squeezed Aren's hand in worry and whispered, " Aren..."

But Aren didn't let her finish as he looked at old man Tenkai before speaking, " There's no need to waste time on just training skills. I thought you had a better plan, but..." Aren wryly shook his head.

" Let's go, mom. We can't stay with this bunch to waste today's time and halt our growth. " Aren spoke before turning around.

" Wait! You also did the same thing yesterday. " Old man Tenkai spoke with a grim face.

" Yeah. Quinn told us about it. If you did that, then why can't we do that? " Jason followed up with a smirk.

" Pffff...Hahaha. " Aren turned around and laughed before speaking, " That was for the sake of experiment. We continuously practiced skills to increase proficiency since meridians stat increased when our skill level increased. And our spirit energy pool should be related to meridians since we consume spirit energy to use our skills. These things are connected, so I thought that increasing meridians stat might expand our spirit energy pool's limit. "

After Aren finished speaking, Quinn directly said to her grandpa with puppy eyes, " Grandpa, Let's hear Aren's plan. "

Old man Tenkai looked deeply at Aren before speaking indifferently, " Alright, speak. "

Aren smiled faintly before saying, " It's not exactly a plan, and I am just guessing since I am also as clueless as you all. "

" Humph, Why ar-"

" Shut up! " Aren glared at Julian before he formed his smile once again and continued, " There should be guards in this town too, right? Let's go there. "

All of them walked towards the Town's gates with Jason, his wife, and son walking with reluctant expressions.

Old man Tenkai didn't have any expression as he remained indifferent.

Aren got this idea after yesterday's fight and talking with some guards. He already had planned about today after entering Red Bell Town, but Quinn's call about going together caused him to change his thoughts as he decided to go with them to see if they found any plan or way for today's adventure.

But it turned out that they had such a silly plan of wasting time on increasing the proficiency of their skills after hearing Quinn. Naturally, it was not their fault because training skills seemed practice to them to increase their power and then go outside. But Aren didn't want to waste time since he already knew how to get stronger fast and also train skills in the process.

' Since Red Bell Town's guards knew about those locations around their area, then this town's guards should know too. Hehe, It's time for some rapid development.. ' Thought Aren as they finally arrived at the Town's gate and saw guards.

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