Cosmic Peak

Chapter 12 - A Way To Get The Quests.

Chapter 12 - A Way To Get The Quests.

At this moment, Aren was asking something to the guards while others listened carefully.

After hearing Aren's question, The guard nodded with a helpless smile, " Little brother. There are several spots like that around the town. The nearest one is 4 kilometers away from it, and it's a small spot where Blood Deers gather at a pond. They are very blood-thirsty, unlike normal deers. We want to exterminate them because they can be a threat to us anytime, but we also can't leave the town because an unknown threat can descend here anytime."

Another guard nodded with a sigh, " Indeed. We are only fourteen guards here, and if we send half of our force there, we can't exterminate all of them, and we would suffer casualties instead. "

Aren nodded thoughtfully and smiled at the guard, " How about we do that for you? We will exterminate that threat for the town. "

The guards looked doubtfully at Aren before speaking, " Are you sure? They are not weak like normal deer and are stronger than normal wild beasts like lions and tigers. "

Aren thumped his chest with a smile, " Of course, I am sure. leave it to us. "

[ A Quest Received: Exterminate the Blood Deers. ]

<Quest Objective>

--> Kill the Blood Deers that gather at the pond.


--> 1000 Exp

--> A random skill. ( Grade C to Grade A ).

Aren saw the quest panel and then looked at the guard who spoke, " Then we will leave them to you. "

After that, The guard told Aren about the path leading to the Blood deer's gathering spot.

" Hey, Boy! What are you doing? " At this time, old man Tenkai came here with anger on his face.

The Quest panel also appeared in front of others too.

Old man Tenkai was angry at Aren because of his move to accept this quest. After glaring at Aren, He looked at the guard and spoke in a heavy voice, " Please take back this quest. We don't want to accept it. "

Hearing that, the guard became displeased, " Humph, It's your decision whether you want to do it or not. It's not like we are forcing you to kill those blood deers. "

Aren chuckled while looking at Old man Tenkai, " Old Mister, This is not a video game. The quest is already received, and we can't remove it. We also can't return home before completing it. Though, I don't know if we will be automatically kicked out once the 16 hours pass. "

At this time, others also walked towards them as old man Tenkai spoke with anger, " You have just put our life in danger. What if one of us dies there? "

Aren was getting tired of this old man, " If you want to stay here and waste time by just practicing skills, then do so. "

After that, he turned to his mother and spoke, " Let's go, Mom. You don't have to worry; we will first check the situation and make a plan on how to kill blood deers. " saying that, he glanced at the old man Tenkai before continuing, " After all, no one should be stupid enough to think about attacking unknown creatures head-on. "

" Old mister, I will give you one minute of time to think. You should be able to think about the benefits of this quest. Also, with more people, we can plan more carefully to kill the blood deers and move on to the next spot. "

" Grandpa, Aren is right. Trust him for one time, please. " Quinn pleaded with a voice that showed her confidence in Aren.

Meanwhile, Julian was getting jealous of Aren, and his father and mother tried to convince old man Tenkai not to follow Aren in this dangerous quest.

' Sigh. We can easily kill wild animals with our current strength, and even if blood deers are stronger, we can still make quick work of them with enough planning considering that we are going in the jungle and at the pond area, which can let us plan things. If they are already scared of fighting, then what will happen in the future? ' Thought Aren as he sighed while looking at them.

The one minute was going to be up soon, but old man Tenkai had closed his eyes after hearing Aren.

Before the one minute was up, Old man Tenkai opened his eyes and spoke seriously, " Let's go. We will complete this quest. "

' So the old man has not gone senile after all. ' Aren nodded internally.


After thirty minutes of traveling, they finally found the pond. Seven Blood Deers were drinking the pond water while eight Blood Deers were resting around the pond at various spots. The pond was pretty big, and the area around it was also wide.

Aren had told everyone to quiet down and move very slowly so as not to make any noise.

After observing the Blood Deers for two full minutes, Aren made a plan.

He asked the group about their skills, and they told him after he explained his plan.

First, He wanted to check the Blood Deer's movement speed. He was sure that their speed couldn't surpass their Movement type skills, but he still wanted to make sure.

" You all wait here and just watch without making any noise. " After saying this, Aren moved towards east since he wanted to enter the pond area from that direction.

Lorain whispered worriedly, " Be careful, Aren. "

Aren turned around nodded with a smile before continuing.

He reached the bushes in the outer area of the pond and saw two Blood Deers resting.

Now he needed to do something that could attract only these two Blood Deers or just one of them and...He already had a plan about that.

There was an apple in his right hand, which he plucked from the nearby apple tree, ' Let's see if they eat an apple first. ' historical

Aren carefully aimed and threw the apple beside a Blood Deer.

The noise attracted one of the two, and it glanced at Apple. But...after glancing at the apple, It returned to its resting posture.

' It looks like I have to do it the rough way. Guess they are Blood Deers because they are only out for blood. ' Thought Aren as he picked up a stone from the ground.

He threw the stone right beside the apple. The two deers glanced back at the stone for a second before turning their neck in the front and continued to rest.

' Dang, They are more stupid than I expected. '

Aren weakly smiled before he picked up one more stone, and just as he was about to hit one of the deer with it, he got a different idea, ' A little bit pain...I can endure it. '

He picked up a relatively sharp-edged stone and created a cut on his finger with it.

After that, He glanced at the deer to see if their sense of smell was monstrous or not, and he sighed relief to them not detecting the scent of blood from his finger this far, ' Good. '

He then put some blood on the stone and then threw it. This time, He threw it to the left of the left Blood Deer.

The left Blood Deer's ears instantly perked up, and Right Blood Deer's ears also perked up as they obviously smelled blood that was near to them.

Aren narrowed his eyes and waved his finger in front strongly as a few drops of blood fell on the ground.

Both Blood Deers stood up and smelled the blood on the stone when they sensed another blood scent and followed it.

Seeing them coming, Aren moved back a little and threw a few more drops on the ground.

The Blood Deers followed it and finally saw Aren, who grinned at them.

" Come on! " Aren spoke as he activated his skill < Haste > and started running.

The Blood Deers' eyes turned red as they ran after Aren.

Aren saw that their speed was very fast and almost caught up to him, ' So their speed is faster than when I use <Haste> Hmmm...guess I will have to ask for seven people with their < Dash > skill to do this work. '

After running for a minute, Aren glanced back as he narrowed his eyes and took out his Heavy Broad Sword, and swung it backward.

The Blood Deers didn't expect to greet this big sword right when they were about to plunge their bloody giant fangs on this human.

[ One Blood Deer Killed, 50 Exp gained. ]

One deer got decimated while the other got aggressive and attacked Aren as it dashed towards Aren.

Aren smirked as he observed its movement and ducked down at the right timing while just moving his sword's angle a bit before bringing it upward.

[ One Blood Deer Killed, 50 exp gained. ]


Aren returned to the group and created a plan to lure the Blood Deers in a pair of twos or threes. They can even handle more since their numbers are higher.

He told them how to lure the Blood Deers before leading everyone 500 meters back.

Aren pointed at six bodyguards and Julian, " You seven will go one by one and bring the Blood Deers here. Don't use <Dash> skill right off the bat and let the Blood Deer think that you are their prey. Once they almost come close to you, use your skill. With that timing, you can reach here, and we can kill the Blood Deers. "

" M-me too? " Julian stuttered.

" Of course....Wait, " Aren narrowed his eyes and continued, " You think you can get free lunch by doing nothing? You got the required skill, so you have to use it. "

These people don't have Silver-Tier weapons like him, so they can't one-shot Blood Deers. They will likely require two to three solid hits to kill them.

" He will go last. " Old man Tenkai spoke with indifference.

Aren glanced at him and assumed a bored face, " Fine. "

After that, One bodyguard slowly moved towards the pond area and followed Aren's method to lure Blood Deers. He wanted to lure two but came three Blood Deers instead.

' Shit ' The bodyguard almost peed his pants, seeing those long and sharp fangs and red eyes of blood deers. But he still remembered the plan and didn't use his <Dash> skill right off the bat.

Their normal speed was comparable to athletes because of the agility stat. After all, they were all level 2 and got five stats points to distribute, in which they also added some in agility.

When the deers almost closed onto him, He used <Dash> as his movement speed increased by 72% for six seconds.


Seeing three Blood Deers coming, Everyone prepared to use their skills while hiding behind the trees.

At this time, Aren spoke, " Long-range attackers, Attack first and make them angry to attract their attention here. After that, finish them off with your skills. "




There were four long-range attackers, including Quinn, so they all attacked, and afterward, everyone easily finished off the Blood Deers.

The Exp was distributed according to their contribution.

They continued this pattern to bring more Blood Deers and killed them.

Julian's turned didn't come because all Blood Deers were decimated before his turn.

[ Quest: Exterminate the Blood Deers, completed ]

Everyone leveled up and received the rewards.

They also opened the random skill box and received a skill.

Aren got <Wind Slash>, Lorain got <Sword Beam>, and Quinn got <Water Bullets>

After they learned the skills, The headache they got was way worse than the previous time as they got information on how to use their skills.

<Wind Slash>

-Skill Level:1 (MAX: 5)

-Skill Rank: A

-Cost: 80 Spirit Energy.

-Effect: Releases a powerful Wind Slash by waving your hand or bladed weapon in a direction.


<Sword Beam>

-Skill level:1 (Max: 5)

-Skill Rank: A

-Cost: 80 Spirit energy.

-Effect: Releases a sharp and powerful condensed spirit energy beam from the sword towards a target. Current range: 4 meters.

-Note: The damage of the beam also increases propositional to the sword in hand.


<Water Bullets>

-Skill level: 1 (Max: 5)

-Skill rank: A

-Cost: 90 Spirit energy.

-Effect: Conjures powerful, condensed water bullets with spirit energy and shoots towards the target.


Aren asked them to tell him about their newly acquired skills since they still need to clear more spots like this, and now that their strength has increased, they can kill more.

After everyone told their skills to Aren, He was surprised to find that only He, his mother, and Quinn got A-rank skills while others got either B or C.

Since it was random, nobody voiced their dissatisfaction and returned to the town.

There, Aren asked guards about more of such spots of vicious beasts that can be a threat to the town anytime.

This time, They asked several spots at once and went out.

After this experience, The Old man Tenkai softened and started listening more to Aren as he was not stupid and could recognize Aren's ability.

The next spot they decided to go on was the Den of Long-horned Red Bulls.

[ Quest: Menace of Forest ]

<Quest objective>

-->Kill Thirty Long-Horned Bulls.


--> 1800 Exp.

--> One Skill point.


It took them two hours to finish this quest as they had to tread carefully near their Den.

But fortunately, no one was injured.

After finish that quest, they moved to another spot where they had to kill a bunch of Firefox.

[ Quest: Cinders to Dust. ]

<Quest Objective>

-->Kill Twenty FireFox.


-->2000 Exp.


When they arrived at the spot to kill Firefox, Everyone suddenly trembled as they felt terrifying weight boring on them.

They were horrified as they saw the terrifying beast flying towards them and felt death.

Unfortunately, They also couldn't leave this place and return because a quest was ongoing.

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