Death Guns In Another World

746 Chapter 721

746 Chapter 721

Night arrived, and Avalon, the floating capital, was embraced by darkness. In a small corner of a big floating island stood a bar.

The bar was nothing particular and had nothing different from most rundown bars that could be found anywhere in the capital.

Few presences filled the bar, and from their thick blood aura, it was not hard to guess that none of those present were to be trifled with.

In this seemingly dangerous environment sat a woman; because a mask was hiding her face, it was impossible to see her face, but those piercing brown eyes and her brown hair were visible. Nobody tried to strike a conversation with the girl even though she had been sitting there for one hour already.

As mentioned above, this bar might look like any other rundown bars out there, but with a slight difference which is here's the gathering spot of the most dangerous people; it was like one of the underworld meeting rooms.

Naturally, most of those present knew each other or had heard about each other. The woman with the plain mask was Zero, the strongest assassin in the capital; naturally, it went without saying that nobody wants to mess with this dangerous woman you wouldn't know and how you die.

Zero, Sera in disguise, sat silently. It had been one hour she was waiting, but she was not there. The reason she had not contacted the bitch yet was that it had been a long time she came to this place, so she decided to enjoy a quiet evening, but she was reaching her limit already.

Finally unable to endure it anymore, Zero took a stone and injected mana into it; it produced a buzzing sound, and from it, a lazy voice came out.

''What is it, Zero? I'm busy; I'm on a mission.'' Alpha's voice echoed, and Zero chuckled; taking a deep breath, Sera said.

''I see. You have five minutes to get here, or else you are dead.''

Saying so, she stood from her chair and cracked her neck.

Her pupils changed into a full black spade, and her power became so immense (coupled with her killing intent) that the bar and all the surroundings immediately began to tremble.

The power was so great that it could already be felt a few streets away.

Those present gulped; it was the power of Saint Realm expert, among two hundred million population, not even the amount of Saint Realm expert reached thousand. Naturally, people respected them because they were the second strongest, and coupled with Sera's reputation for being the strongest assassin on the human continent, people feared her. Some even thought that now she became Saint; there was almost nothing she could not kill.

Sera did what she had done for a reason; she knew Alpha was closer, on a mission on not, she called her, and she had an obligation to be present, it was not because she was not the leader any longer that she could disrespect her. Her patience was limited; one hour was more than enough. Her action was more like a warning than intimidation.

And as expected, it worked like a charm. Not even two minutes had passed, and Alpha arrived. She was sweating. Seeing this, Sera sighed and knew that she was indeed on a mission.

The other customers gulped when their saw Alpha, the purple devil. Those present felt pity for whoever was about to be the two deadliest assassin's targets.

On the other side, Alpha, who appeared, completely changed her attitude; it was completely different from the previous lazy voice.

''Good Evening, Sister. I heard your call, and here I am!"

Sera snorted and handed over Alpha a list. She took it and read it but couldn't help but frown.

''What is this? Our next target?"

''Not really, but those are the Eighth's targets. He's plan something interesting.'' Sera told Alpha, not going into the details, and as expected, she took the bait.

''Eh? Tell me more. I'm interested.'' Alpha said.

Sera nodded before explaining a bit about Alex's plan. Alpha's eyes shone in purple luster, and she laughed.josei

''He is insane, but I want to join this face.'' Alpha declared.

Those words were precisely what Sera wanted to hear. She might force Alpha to work with her under Elseria's order but having worked together for many years; she understood Alpha better than anybody. Once she was interested in something, her accuracy would double as she would be concentrated because she found the mission interesting. Sera needed the Alpha with 120% of capacity to perfectly carry out Alex's mission.

''Who are we going to kill?" Alpha asked with her eyes shining.

Sera did not answer with words, but instead, she took another list, but unlike the previous one, this one contained the name of the targets they must kill in the Holy Crux empire.

''Wow! Four cardinals out of the seven Cardinals? And five head priests? The little boy is serious, it seems.'' Alpha mumbled as she read the names on the list.

''What? Are you perhaps afraid?" Sera taunted.

''Hell, no. I'm fired. I have long since wanted to kill those assholes, but I didn't get the opportunity to do so, but now I got the opportunity I must use it.'' Alpha declared like a righteous Hero.

Sera rolled her eyes at her. If she hadn't known her, she would believe in her bullshit. Naturally, Alpha's real nature was revealed soon.

''How much we will we getting per head? After all the opponents are Saints, it would not be easy.''

Sera had expected this to happen. The seven Cardinals were all Saint Realm experts; assassinating Saint Realm experts would not be an easy task, but the two were confident in doing it.

''Don't worry, Alex would pay, and most importantly, Elseria gave her authorization, meaning we will be getting a double pay.''

''Wow! That's awesome. I'm definitely going to do my best if it's double pay. The boss is generous after all.'' Alpha declared after hearing Sera's words; the latter chuckled thinking.

'It is normal because none of her missions were easy.'

Suddenly, as though she thought of something, Alpha smiled and asked.

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