Death Guns In Another World

747 Chapter 722

747 Chapter 722

Suddenly, as though she thought of something, Alpha smiled and asked.

''How is your new boss?"Â

''Pretty good, unlike the previous one, you don't need to work overtime, nor you need to kill people constantly. I'm living an easy life.'' Sera replied with a smile, and Alpha chuckled, admitting.

''That's indeed an easy life. When do we start?"Â

''Tomorrow, we will wait for Alex to make the first move before beginning,'' Sera told her.

Nodding her head as she found nothing against such arrangement, Alpha was back on the previous topic.Â

''How much I wish to change, Boss. Do you think there's still a place left for me on your side?"Â

Facing this unexpected question, Sera frowned before answering.

''There is, but are you sure you want to work there? In a place where your sister is?"Â


The table in the middle of the two exploded into smithereens.Â

The customers were startled, wondering what was happening, but before they could check what was going on, the two strongest assassin's table, they were long gone.Â

The two appeared again in a deserted alley, and Alpha's face had completely lost any semblance of reason as she asked slowly, asking one word at a time.Â


Sera was unfazed as she replied.Â

''Just because I talked about your sister?"Â

''Die!" Alpha didn't say anything and immediately launched an attack.Â

The world around them seemed to have shifted; they appeared in a world made of water, purple water; it was like a small purple lake. Skulls filled this small purple lake, and the aura of death was strong. This is Alpha's domain: the purple death's lake.

Immense pressure appeared, and countless ghosts coming from the purple death's lake were trying to swallow Sera; however, she chuckled before unleashing in this her domain.Â


Black water more terrifying than the purple death's lake appeared. Then the two moved, four daggers clashed mid-air.Â

Clangs! Clangs Clangs!Â

Sparks flew as they exchanged hundreds of moves instantly; they seemed to be in perfect synchronization as they knew where the other would attack, which angle, and how to block it.Â

Suddenly, the black water vanished, and Sera's pupils turned black; Alpha happened to be looking at her at that moment.Â

''Shit!" She swore as she understood that she had lost.Â

Sera slashed with one of her daggers; it was so fast that Alpha was unable to react in time; Sera's dagger stopped right before her carotid, but it was not what stopped Alpha; what stopped her was the cold sensation on her heart; she didn't dare to move, she even slowed the rate at which her heart beat just because she was afraid of Sera's death hand, she hadn't detected it until it was already too late.Â

''I say, you think because she became Saint, you're my equal?"Â

Facing Sera's question, Alpha did not dare to acknowledge it; she could only shake her head. She thought she could win against Zero after stepping into the Saint Realm, but it was a foolish thought. Sera was still the strongest.

''Ah! Forget it. I know I'm at fault for bringing up something you don't like to talk about, but she is your sister, for god sake. You learned everything not too long ago, but you should at least see her and let her know that the big sister whom she thought was dead was, in fact, alive. She survived miraculously, became assassin under Elseria, and learned everything; also, she regained her memories recently.''

''Ah! I wish, but it's hard to see her. I felt like I have let her down. As her big sister, I couldn't protect her when our psychopath of brother acted. She suffered too much. Maybe she would not welcome me if she knew I was alive and never come to see her. I'm scared; I don't know what to do.''Â

The second strongest assassin was shaking, afraid that her sister would dislike her. If others saw this scene, they would be shocked, speechless as this reaction was unlike Alpha. Sera sighed; she could understand Alpha's fear, but that was not the solution.

Not acting because she was afraid was not a wise choice, and as an assassin, it was unacceptable.Âjosei

''Ouch! What was that for?" Alpha asked as she held her throbbing forehead.Â

''Stop hesitating. Lilith is not like that. I have spent time with her, and I knew her a bit; deep down, she desired family love; Alex and we are trying but compared to her real family member, the difference can't be explained. Go see her after this mission. I will help you, and I have the perfect solution for your reunion. I'm sure you will like it, so will the others.'' Sera announced with a mysterious smile.Â

Despite being curious, Alpha smiled and seemed to have accepted Sera's suggestion.Â

''Good sister. Althea, let's go.''Â

Alpha, no Althea nodded before, together with Sera, they left. Soon, the world would tremble under their name: Zero and Alpha.


Deep in the middle of the night, Blue Heaven Villa.Â

After messing a little with Sakuya and Maria, they didn't have sex, just teasing each other, spending time together; Alex now laid down in the lukewarm water of his bath as his body was enjoying the effect of the water. His bath was more akin to a large swimming pool full of hot steaming water.

As time passed, Alex became lost in thoughts; if he says he was not a little bit afraid, it would be a lie, but this wouldn't stop him once he set his mind on something, no matter how risky this would be, he had to do it, he couldn't wait for Elseria, Freya and Armstrong to come back, who knows how long it would take, besides situation like this was better take care of it yourself instead of relying on others.Â

Sakuya, Maria, Gracier, and Noire disguised as him would be leaving tomorrow morning for the Far East Empire. Alice would stay behind to help.Â

Just as he was immersed in his thoughts, a sudden voice reached his ears, almost making him jump out of the water.Â

''Alex, once you are done taking your bath, let's talk.''

It was Lilith's voice.

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