Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 199 - 197

Chapter 199 - 197: The Outcome

Lilith felt fear, a kind of fear that came from the deepest part of her soul, something was whispering to her to not go against this man, to not look at him in the eyes, or else she'd die. This man was beyond her reach, he was the king, she should bow in submission.josei

Lilith gasped in amazement. As she knew what this feeling meant, this is called intent, there are different types of Intent: the more commonly known is Killing intent, people possessing this intent can use it to decide the outcome of a fight. The intent Alex seemed to be unconsciously using was different from that, it was the mix of Killing intent, King intent, and most importantly you can feel death aura from it. Never heard of such Intent, if one day he was able to control this intent it would be a dreadful thing, you will be robbed of your will to fight, your will to live, the weak-willed ones may die under such Intent.

In Freya's location, she was surprised mouth agape, same with Elseria. Even from here they could feel the intent Alex was emitting, strong as the two are, their hands were shaking, something unusual seemed to be creeping into their hearts. 

They looked at each other before snorting, they used their Intents to dispel Alex's intent. 

Not everyone has one, Katherina also possesses one, but compared to that of Alex it was as if comparing heaven and earth. 

'I must have this person.' Katherina vowed to herself once more. Alex's value became inestimable by now, everyone will want him.

Fighting their matches, Artemia, Leon, Maria, Sakuya, Leonardo, Damien, and the others also felt this intent, they wondered what was going on on the other side.

~Back on Alex's and Elseria platform.

Fighting back against the need to kneel, the need to forfeit, she stood back with difficulty, her breath ragged. Even keeping her Impel seemed way harder than normal. 

'This is bad.' Lilith said to herself.

Looking briefly towards the crowd, she was even more stunned by how many of them were already kneeling from their places (the weak-willed ones, even though they choose not to look at Alex, the effect of his Intent still worked on them, some of them, unable to support the pressure, simply fainted.) Even a few people in the VIP rooms weren't spared, some of them were showing a pitiful display that would have shamed their family if they had been seen by the others.

'I need to end this fast. This intent is still too raw. He can't even control it, he's unconsciously using it.' 

Thinking about that, she gritted her teeth, she isn't the one to submit, not even her brother, no that thing because it's not her brother any longer could make her bow to his goal. So, it was not today she'd submit without fighting. 

Tapping her foot on the ground twice, purple lightning danced around her, this purple lightning was mixed with a dark element. 

''Shadow Clone" She shouted. 

Suddenly, Lilith's body was split into two, the second Lilith look exactly like the real one except for its eyes, there were black instead of purple, both Lilith was holding a dagger in their hands. 

Both Lilith disappeared, they tried to attack Alex from two angles. He who had not said anything since the moment he appeared, nor he made some kind of move finally moved. 

Crossing his arms two guns appeared, two identical Silveria, Lilith's eyes widened, she had never expected this outcome, so she was caught off guard.

Bang! Bang! 

Two bullets were fired, and because of their proximity to Alex, they couldn't dodge in time, the shadow clone disappeared because she received a bullet in the head, Lilith tilted her head sideways and further protected herself using her dagger, she couldn't avoid it, so she was injured. 

She quickly distanced herself from Alex and planned her next attack when suddenly, the feeling of danger assaulted her, she knew it was too late to dodge, so she switched place with her newly created Shadow clone, it was then she saw it. Her shadow clone was frozen in a gigantic block of ice, the temperature on the platform plummeted.

''No way, he said he can't use magic, so what is this?" Lilith questioned nobody in particular. 

Outside, a commotion started as rumor has it that the Eighth could not use magic like the other seven, however, now he transformed a part of the platform into an iceberg. 

Freya, Elseria, Katherina, and the others didn't know how many they have been surprised today.

Alex appeared the surprised Lilith and said, 

''Indeed, I can't use magic like you lots but there's always a way.'' While saying so, Alex was inwardly surprised at how strong this magic bullet was, it was his first time using it, he used the ice bullet this time.

Lilith attacked Alex with her daggers, however, it was Alex's afterimage, the real Alex appeared in front of her and when she wanted to attack she couldn't as she froze, locking her in place was a pair of heterochromia eyes, one green, the one she knows and the other blue, the one she doesn't know. Under this eye, she felt like she was being stared at by the death god. The previous pressure she was able to deal with strike her again, however, unlike before she couldn't deal with it so she became momentarily frozen. 

Alex closed his right eye before sending a powerful punch toward Lilith's stomach sending her into the sky.

''Gah!" She grunted of pain.

He appeared behind her like a ghost, having regained the ability to move her body, Lilith wanted to retaliate, however, once again she was frozen as Alex used his right eye on her, this time she saw the illusion of a younger Lilith playing happily with her father, brother, big sister before everything disappeared, her father and big sister were both killed by her big brother, the one who usually smile. Lilith's mind was shaken violently, even though she knew it was mostly an illusion, she couldn't help but be stunned by it.

Raising his leg high, Alex kicked Lilith toward the ground. 

Bang! Crack! 

The platform cracked when Lilith's body collided with it. Dust filled the platform, Alex did not wait before attacking, he fired a phantom bullet toward her location.

The invisible bullet went toward Lilith's location like a rocket, however, when almost near her, it was blown away by a strong wind, all the dust in the air were swept away, the wind was so strong that Alex protected his eyes with his arms, he was pushed back a couple of steps. 

Alex was surprised mouth agape by what he saw when all the dust disappeared, he was not the only one. 

Lilith could be seen half kneeling, however, it was not what let them with a gaping mouth, behind Lilith was an extremely beautiful pair of wings, they were black, beautiful black feature. When he saw them, he was mesmerized, these wings remain him of that of a fallen angel. 

On Freya and Elseria side, no surprise was shown on their faces as they were already aware of this. However, in another pavilion, the brown-haired young woman's location, something unusual was happening,w the purple-haired beauty held her head the moment she saw these wings. 

''What is happening to you Al- Cecilia?" Asked the brown-haired woman.

''Nothing! Just a little headache.'' Cecilia said. 

Even though she was not convinced, she knew when to not probe too much, the brown-haired woman said. 

''I see.'' 

The two continued to observe what was going to happen on the stage. Unbeknownst to them, Elseria was observing them and when she saw Cecilia holding her head, she sighed before looking at Lilith, recalling the rumor related to the latter family, Elseria had the look of longing.

There was a rumor saying that the Astaroth family was from an ancient demon race (a type of superior demon) that ceased to exist, the origin of this ancient demon race could be traced back to the upper world, they are called: The Fallen angel.

~Back to Lilith's location. 

*Huff* *Huff* *Huff!

She slowly stood albeit with difficulty, her breathing was ragged, her clothes became more ripped showing her snowy white thighs, even her risqué purple underwear was visible. Her right arm was partially dislocated and her fingers broken, her chest was punctured and covered in blood. Even though she was that injured, her eyes were firm, some part of her silk black hair had turned purple. 

Purple lightning started dancing around her body, twisting space, staring at Alex she said. 

''Let's end our fight in the next attack.'' 

''Sure,'' Alex responded.

Suddenly, the two black daggers in Lilith turned into a slender black sword, 

〖What? She's able to do this? Those two must have acknowledged her. I hope that the blue-eyed girl is also at this stage.〗Silveria murmured.

Even though he heard her words Alex did not have the time to question her as the moment that black slender sword appeared, Lilith's aura changed, if previously she was like a beast in the process of awakening then the current her is an awakened beast. Alex was feeling immense pressure. 

Lilith held the black slender sword in her left hand, slowly lowering her head, her black wings spread, she disappeared and appeared behind Alex with her sword lowered, near her feet was sliced arm, it was Alex's left arm. 

Puking blood, Lilith said, ''I've lost.'' 

''Indeed you have,'' Alex responded without turning back, his face was extremely pale, however, he was smiling.

Lilith's body suddenly turned into an ice sculpture, it was beautiful, a masterpiece as the figure in the ice sculpture was smiling, a beautiful figure, the smile of someone that has accepted her loss.

What happened was pretty simple, because of her fast speed Alex knew he couldn't dodge in time, so he sacrificed his left arm and with his right arm, he fired an ice bullet into Lilith's body when she was passing him.

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