Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 200 - 198

Chapter 200 - 198: On The Other Side 1

[The second match of the C group ended in Alexander Kael Touch victory.]

The moment this appeared in the sky, cheers erupted, nobody expected such an outcome as for most of the people that came to spectate the match, even though Alex was strong, his opponent was the demon princess, a genius like Artemia, she was stronger than Alex. Even so, he still won the match, it was an exciting fight. 

Just as that announcement appeared, a white light covered Alex and Lilith healing all their injuries. They were back to normal after a couple of minutes, Alex sliced arm was reattached, when he did some tests he didn't find anything amiss. 

Leaving the stage, Lilith stopped and said, 

''You win this time, next time I will win. I hope you will not lose if you were to face her. For your information, she's strong, stronger than you think.'' 

''Thank you for the information. I knew she's strong, stronger than me, however, I'm not planning to lose and if I were to lose that would mean I'm still lacking to face her, that I need to work harder. Well, I doubt I'll lose.'' Alex affirmed with determination.

''Well, do your best I'll be cheering for you,'' Lilith said before leaving. She stopped once again as if forestalling Alex's next question, she spoke, 

''Don't worry we will talk later as I know you have a lot of questions to ask. I'm not planning to run away, so don't worry.''

Alex nodded his head before stepping down from the platform, he was surprised to see Artemia waving at him, she muttered something before she went to join Lilith, the latter appeared annoyed, however, Artemia seemed not bothered by Lilith's attitude and dragged her with her.

''As I thought you won.'' Leon appeared behind him and said. 

''Well, I'm not going to miss our match, a promise is a promise. How were your matches?" Alex asked Leon a question after taking a seat. 

Sitting beside him Leon shrugged his shoulders, ''Too easy, it's was almost boring. Too bad that I couldn't watch your matches.'' 

Alex couldn't only smile helplessly, none of them expected the matches to be held simultaneously making it impossible to watch the other's fight unless you finish your matches faster. 

''Tell me what did the second princess say to you?'' Leon asked, he was curious Artemia had almost finished talking when he appeared so he couldn't hear anything.

''Ah! She said she waiting for our match.'' Alex said. 

''I see, by the way, Damien has already finished his matches, the-" 

''What you two are talking about?" Ferris with his sister appeared next to the two and sat. It was Ferris who raised the question. Eris seemed to be in bad, still, she congratulates Alex for his victory against Lilith. 

''From the way you are acting, it seems like you have lost against your brother. It's because you're still lacking to face him, no need to be so down, try to do better next time.'' Leon said not minding the murderous gaze Eris was sending him. 

Alex sighed, ''There is a better way to word it you know?" 

''Well, what the wild cat said is not wrong. Train harder to catch up to your big brother.''

Ferris said while trying to caress her sister's hair, the latter kicked him in the foot before harrumphing.

Leon chuckled while thinking it would be good if his sister was here, he was missing her already, she was too young 12 years old, or else she'd be attending school with him. Too bad, shaking his head Leon said. 

''Let's watch the other's match.'' 

Alex, Ferris, and Eris nodded their heads. 


On the D group stage, Kuina won her first match and she was waiting for her next match. josei

Maria and Sakuya were fighting each other. Wind and Ice were clashing, half of the platform was frozen while the other half had cuts on it. 

Sakuya figure disappeared and when she reappeared she was in front of Maria, she performed a Renzoku Waza (It means "consecutive attacks"), it was so fast, so perfectly executed that the movement of her Katana couldn't be seen. Maria's figure had been cut apart, however, Sakuya showed neither joy or sadness seeing Maria's figure being cut as she knew it was just her clone. 

Maria appeared behind Sakuya while thrusting a crystal blue slender sword toward her head, however, she abruptly let go of her sword and jumped back. 

''Kazagiri (Wind mist)" Sakuya said the moment Maria appeared behind her, her Katana turned into a mist that attacked Maria. 

If the latter had not quickly let go of her sword and jumped back she would be gravely injured, even though she managed to dodge the wind mist, she still received an injury, her right arm was that was holding the sword was injured. 

Sakuya did not wait for her to recover before sending her next attack, numerous wind blades were sent toward Maria. Extending her left arm, a crystal blue slender sword appeared in her arm, calmy moving it she cut down all the incoming wind blades as if there were a joke, it was beautiful to behold. Sakuya couldn't help but praise her best friend for her ingenuity, dispersing cold in the air, she controls it to slow down the incoming wind blades before cutting them down. This may appear simple but it's not, it takes one an astronomical amount of concentration to be able to do this.

Like a mirage, Maria's figure disappeared to reappear on Sakuya's left, holding her sword in spear stance she sent five consecutive thrusts at her, closing her eyes before lowering her center of gravity she performed Iaido, five sword strikes were sent toward the incoming thrusts. 

Clang! Clang! Clangs !!! 

Sakuya jumped back to narrowly avoid the fate of being screwed by the ice spikes that suddenly came from the ground. Knowing her friend, Sakuya did not put all of her focus on defending against her first attack because it was to mislead her, the real attack was the one coming from underground. 

However, Sakuya's face changed the moment she jumped back, she was assaulted by a suddenly dangerous feeling. 

''Crap, the first two are fake,'' she mumbled. 

Maria on the other side smiled, ''Ice pillar.'' 


The ground shooke and where Sakuya was standing turned into a gigantic ice pillar. Maria smiled as she had won a lottery before using her sword to block an attack coming from her back. 

Somehow, Sakuya had survived, the current Sakuya was in an extremely sorry state, half of her body was frozen, her hand was trembling, she used her last trump card, however, this trump card was at the initial stage, she didn't have perfect control over it yet. It a special ability she acquired recently, she called this special ability [Wind Body], as she did with her Katana by transforming it into mist, she can transform her body in mist to avoid a fatal attack. 

When she was deconstructing her body, some of the ice elements got mixed in resulting in her current half-frozen state. 

[Glaciate] Maria muttered after she spun around to face Sakuya, her eyes shined blue. The latter body shook before it was turned into an ice sculpture. 

Sakuya couldn't only blame herself for falling into her friend's traps. Until the end her moves had been predicted.

The match ended in Maria's victory, the next battle will be between Maria and Kuina, the two were given few minutes before their match would begin.

Outside, Alex's and others' location. 

''That girl is scary. To think while fighting her opponent she has already planned four moves ahead, she just leads her opponent into her trap. Truly scary.'' Leon said while looking at Maria with a look of admiration mixed with a bit of fear and excitation. Ferris and Eris stared at each other before shaking their heads, it was to say they are not sure if they could do better if there was in Sakuya's place.

Alex on the other side nodded his head while thinking he must be careful when fighting against Maria, that type of opponent is scary. However, he was more curious about the slender sword in Maria's hand, it was because it looks exactly like the one Lilith had summoned recently. 

'I wonder if there is any link between the two Gifts.' He asked himself.

〖There is. Like Maria's Gift which is called Frozen Fairies (Twin Ice Fairies Princesses), Lilith's Gift is also called Dark Fairies (The Twin Dark Fairies Princesses).〗Silveria explained as if she could read Alex's mind.

'Eh! That's some unexpected information. Then-' 

Before he could continue, Alex heard Eris's excited voice, she was pointing her finger in a certain direction. Looking over there, Alex was surprised to see his sister fighting against a pink-haired girl. 

''It's about to end,'' Ferris said while observing the two.

Indeed as Ferris said, the match was about to end, both girls decided to end the match using their strongest attack. 

Amy chanted, ''Hear my call and manifest to bring destruction upon my enemy. Roar Water Dragon'' 

After Amy's chant was completed, space was altered, the sky above their platform turned dark as if it was about to rain. 

A five meters long western dragon made entirely of water appeared and roared. 

Amy was looking pale, she had used almost all of her remaining MP to summon this water dragon, it was her trump card to win this match, at first she was not planning to use it so soon, however, facing an opponent like Gracier she was forced to use it. 

Smiling she looked at Gracier wanting to see the despair on the latter face, however, what she saw shocked her, Gracier was smiling seeming unaffected by the water dragon in front of her.

In the spectator's area, Alex held his head in his hand. 

Bothered by Alex's behavior Leon asked, Ferris and Eris were looking at him. 

''Amy has already lost.''

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