Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 201 - 199

Chapter 201 - 199: On The Other Side 2

Bothered by Alex's behavior Leon asked, Ferris and Eris were also looking at him.

''Amy has already lost.'' He said. 

''How so?" Ferris couldn't help but ask this question. 

Meanwhile, Leon studied the platform and noticed something unusual going on. 

''What is that?" He pointed his finger at the stage. There were small burnt holes all over the platform, however, if it was only that Leon wouldn't be concerned about it, it is because currently, those holes were emitting small amount of smoke. 

''It seems that you've noticed them. It's a trap Gracier lay when they were fighting for the finale.'' Alex explained. 

''A trap?" Leon was intrigued, he wondered what kind of trap this was. Ferris and Eris were also curious as they had finally noticed the holes emitting smoke.

''Don't worry you will see what kind of trap that it is soon.'' Alex chuckled. 

~Back on the stage.

Amy started to feel that something was amiss. Gracier was too calm, so calm that it gave her chill, something was whispering to Amy that she was going to lose even with her strongest trump card deployed. 

Amy ground her teeth and decided to finish the match, to not let Gracier execute an attack, it was to prevent any unforeseen circumstances. If she was not so focused on Gracier, Amy would have noticed the holes emitting smoke, it was the location where Gracier fireballs had hit.

''Devour her,'' Amy ordered and the water dragon roared and wanted to pounce on Gracier. 

It was at that moment, Gracier said, 

''Blossom Fire Lotus.'' 

Under the astonished eyes of the audience, the whole platform was transformed into a huge Fire Lotus before, 


It exploded with the girls inside it, Amy was so shocked that she couldn't react in time before getting swallowed by the Fire Lotus. Her water dragon got blasted into smithereens.

''What?" Eris exclaimed, she was already on her feet because two opposite elements clashed it resulted in a pretty big explosion.

The platform was almost destroyed. 

Looking at Alex, Eris saw that he smiling not showing any concerns while looking at the flaming platform. 

''Why are you smiling? You don't look concerned about your sister at all. What if all injuries can be healed? I don't think-" 

Alex pointed his finger at the sky, Eris was forced to stop talking and look, she was surprised, Gracier was flying in the air, behind her was beautiful pair of flame wings. 

In Gracier's hands was a figure in a sorry state. Amy, her clothes were almost destroyed leaving her in her underwear, her pink hair turned into Afro style. Currently, she was unconscious, the shock of being swallowed alive in a big explosion scared the hell out of her so much that she became unconscious. 

Gently flapping her wings Gracier descended on the ground, she placed Amy on the ground before taking out a blanket from her space ring to cover her. 

[Final winner of Group H: Gracier Alexander Touch]

Gracier searched for her brother and when she saw him, she smiled at him as if to say I have won. Alex smiled back before asking her to come to join them to watch the remaining matches. josei

While he was waiting for his sister to join them, Alex heard Leon say, ''Your sister is scary on her own. Almost like Maria, to think she would be that scheming, she has already laid a trap since the beginning, how scary. I wonder why women are so scheming?" 

''To that question, I don't have an answer. Concerning Gracier's trap, this was not the first time she did it, the first time I was so surprised that I couldn't talk.'' Alex said while thinking about the first time Gracier used that technique, it was on Sebastian. Talking about Sebastian, Alex wondered how he and the other were doing, he had expected to see them here in the academy, but he didn't see them. Even though he asked about them, nobody heard about them, it seemed that they weren't able to join the academy. 

'I hope you four are doing fine.' Alex hoped. 

Seeing his friend became lost in thoughts, Leon inquired, 

''Alex what's going on? You look so worried all of the sudden.'' 

Scratching his head Alex said, ''Ah! It's nothing I was thinking about some friends. I thought I will see them here but they are not in the academy.'' 

Tapping his friend's shoulder to comfort him, Leon said, ''Don't worry, they must be busy with something else. They are fine, you will see them again.'' 

Alex nodded his head, Gracier joined them at that time and after greeting the other she sat near her brother. 

''Big brother look over there, sister in law is about to fight the bad guy,'' Gracier said pointing her finger in a certain direction. 

Following that direction, Alex saw Luna facing Leonardo, Leonardo seemed to be saying something. 

''Luna, why are you wasting your time with that loser? It is true that somehow he unsealed his Gift but compared to us, his Gift is nothing. You deserved a better man than that. So open your eyes.'' Leonardo said.

Luna looked at him as if she was looking at a fool. 

''What with that look?' Leonardo was displeased, what he said was for her good, and yet she was looking at him strangely.

''You will always walk in his shadow. Instead of finding a way of getting rid of your inferiority complex, you only know how to slander him. Did you think by doing such things, by going after his woman that you will be able to surpass him? I truly pity you. Use your brain a little.'' Luna said not hiding her disdain.

Leonardo's face darkened, however, Luna's next words infuriated him even more. 

''Even if you are the only male remaining in the universe I will never date you. Let's start.'' Luna added.

''Hehehe, hahahaha! Well, I was planning to go easy on you but now I change my mind.''

Leonardo said before summoning his sword Excalibur. 

Luna readied her staff using the staff butt she tapped on the ground twice. 

Hundred small water balls were created, the water balls were transformed into water needles before being sent to attack Leonardo.

Leonardo harrumphed before moving his sword, his sword was so fast that it leaves afterimage being, he cut down all the water needles before he appeared in front of Luna with his sword thrust forward. 

''It is the end.'' He declared. 

Titling her head sideway Luna dodged the blade, 

''I wonder about that.'' She said.

The moment Leonardo heard these words, he felt a sudden sense of imminent danger, so without wasting any more time, he jumped back. 

Fswoosh! Fswoosh!!!

Numerous water needles were shot out of the ground, if Leonardo had not jumped back he would be injured even if he managed to defend against the water needles. 

Luna kicked the ground and appeared in front of Leonardo, she threw her staff high into the sky earning Leonardo's confusion, however, what happened next made Leonardo's eyes widened. 

Luna threw a punch toward him. Leonardo snickered before retaliating with his punch. 

However, just as the two punches were about to clash, Luna's hand became covered in water like a glove. 


As the two fists clashed, Leonardo was astonished to see that he got pushed back, it was like he hit something soft. 

And because of the momentary surprise, Leonardo's response face of Luna's next attack was delayed. 

Catching the staff she had previously thrown into the sky, Luna used to strike Leonardo, the latter hastily defended using his sword, he was blasted back by a powerful force. 

Again, Leonardo was surprised by how strong Luna's physical strength is, however, he didn't have the time to think about such a thing because, like an enraged leopard, Luna was already in front of him. 

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! 

Punch after punch was sent, it was so fast that Leonardo felt like it was a professional boxer who was in front of him. He had trouble defending against Luna's punches, no, it was Luna who didn't give him any time to think. 

Outside, the audience was dumbfounded, some were wondering if they were not dreaming, a woman boxing like a man.

Elseria was laughing hard while Freya was sighing. How she wouldn't know her student's true nature? Underneath her gentle exterior is hiding a tomboy princess, she likes fighting.

On Alex's side, Gracier, Eris, and Ferris couldn't believe what they were seeing. Meanwhile, Leon, 

''Slap me, please. It's that really your girl Alex? Are you sure someone else did not switch place with her?" 

Holding his face in his arms because of the embarrassment, Alex said. 

''I can assure you that it's Luna. This is the real her.'' 

''No way. The gap between the gentle Luna and this crazy battle girl who is sending punch after punch with a smile it's too much.'' Leon said while looking at Leonardo who was getting cornered.

In her world, Silveria was laughing hard while holding her belly.

~Back on the stage.

Leonardo's face darkened, even though none of the punches deal him any sufficient damage, it still left a bad aftertaste in his mouth, he felt like he would become a laughingstock if he continues to stay passive. 

So, his body turned into a flash of golden lightning, he appeared behind Luna and sent a kick at her.

Suddenly, Luna spun around and crossed her arms to defend against the kick.


Luna's back collided against the wall, she became momentarily dizzy, even so, she quickly rolled on the ground when she sensed Leonardo's next attack. 

Using her Light element, she healed herself before she sidestepped to the right just enough and the blade passed a hairs breath from her face. 

Leonardo's figure disappeared and turned into three, it was because he was moving at extremely fast speed using his lightning element, Luna couldn't defend against all the attacks, she got knocked back and before she couldn't stabilize her posture she feels the cold sensation of a blade against her throat.

''Surrender, you're not my match,'' Leonardo said. 

Only a chuckle answered Leonardo's words, followed by the sound of something bursting. 

The Luna in front of Leonardo burst into water bubbles, those water bubbles turned into chain that momentarily restrained Leonardo's movement. 

The real Luna appeared in front of Leonardo and punched him in the face, he was shot back like a cannonball, he crashed against the wall and was embedded in it. 

At the same time, Luna puked blood, surprised she looked down to see Leonardo's sword run through her stomach. 

'He must have thrown it.' She thought.

Suddenly, Luna crouched down while puking a mouthful of blood, her face was pale before she couldn't retire the sword there was a rumbling sound coming from the other side, Leonardo was standing there with a half-broken nose, golden lightning was dancing around him. 

Luna knew that she couldn't win, since the start, she knew that her goal wasn't to win but to punch this asshole who loves to harass her man once in the face. She succeeds, so after retiring the sword, she surrenders. 

Even though he won, Leonardo was furious, glaring at Alex he decided to make in pay. Alex was thinking the same thing.

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