Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 209 - 207

Chapter 209 - 207: The Disappearances Inside The Dungeons

After both exchanged attacks, Gracier was the one to fall on the ground first with a thud sound, she had already removed the spear piercing her body. She had reverted to her original form, her Loli form.

And due to the side effect of using dragon mode, she couldn't move, slowly she started losing consciousness, just before losing consciousness she heard the sound of something crashing against the ground. 


Even without checking she knew it was Damien. Indeed, it was Damien, laying in five meters diameter crater he constantly puked blood, he tried to stand up but unfortunately, his body didn't listen to him, Gracier's Flaming meteor fist did a lot of damage to his body. He felt like all his bones were broken. josei

He couldn't help but sigh as he knew it would be impossible to continue the competition even if he got completely healed as he was too tired. Closing his eyes he lost consciousness. 

Everything happened fast, even some people had trouble believing what happened. 

Chris appeared beside Gracier and checked her body, he couldn't help but sigh at how gravely injured she's, she can't continue the competition even after receiving treatment, because of the overuse of her muscles, she needs a lot of rest, stressing stuff should be avoided. 

After done Gracier's check-up, Chris moved to Damien's side, the diagnosis wasn't too different, Damien's case was even worse, most of his ribs were broken, his arms were broken as well. 

Chris heaved a sigh before standing up, he looked at Freya and whispered something. 

Freya nodded and Chris suddenly announced,

''This match is a draw. Both contestants are gravely injured, making it impossible for them to continue the mock battles any longer. The third match will start in half of an hour.'' 

After his announcement, two clerics appeared and took Gracier and Damien with them.

On the audience side, even though most of the spectators were surprised by the result of the match, they found it logical as none of the contestants was able to stand up after the last attack.

Leon and the others were surprised by the outcome of the match. Seriously speaking none of them had expected such an outcome, not even Artemia, who seemed sure of everything. 

''What a surprise. To think Gracier was this strong. I want to fight her.'' Leon said thinking how he feels fighting against a strong opponent such as Gracier. 

''I share the same thought. I wonder which one of us will win?" Kuina said while imagining her fight against Gracier. 

''Obviously little Gracier as she is more competent than you.'' Leon didn't forget to provoke Kuina. 

The latter smiled, it was a dangerous smile,

''Do you wish to be beaten up? If you do then tell me. I will happily comply.'' 

''Tch! Don't get full of yourself just because you beat me once.'' Leon spat out. 

''Once?" Kuina asked amused. Leon snorted refusing to answer.

Eris and Ferris shook their heads and focused on Maria's and others' discussion.

''Great match as expected of my imouto,'' Sakuya said. 

Both Luna and Maria rolled their eyes at her. 

''Indeed, it was a great match. However, what surprised me it's Gracier's eyes, her left eye. It's special.'' Maria said recalling the sensation she felt when she looked at that gold eye, she was momentarily stunned.

Sakuya, Luna, the Wolfang siblings nodded their heads as they have all seen Gracier heterochromia eyes.

''Alexender seemed to possess a special eye as well.'' 

It was Artemia who said this. Lilith nodded her head as, unlike the others, she had experienced Alex's special eye. 

Leon was excited at the prospect of fighting against Alex while the latter unleashes his eye's power. 

Kuina was wondering what kind of special eye Alex has. 

While Artemia and the others were having their little discussion on the Touch's siblings' special eyes, elsewhere another interesting conversation was taking place.

''As expected it ended up in a draw.'' One of the spectators said he was the one who talked previously when Gracier was attacked by Damien's Divine severance. 

Sitting not too far from the man who just talked was a petite girl with black long hair tied into twins' tails, she rolled her eyes when she heard the man shamelessly proclaim that.

''Weren't you the one saying that the match was set just a moment ago?" The Loli asked. 

The man started to whistle not replying.

Normally he would have chided the girl for not minding her own business, but somehow he couldn't bring himself to do it when facing this girl. She may appear petite and vulnerable to others, however, from her body the man could feel a dangerous aura. It was why he decided to stay silent.

Seeing the man's attitude the girl couldn't help but chuckle.

Another spectator said it was a middle-aged man with a long scar traversing his face. From his getups, you could know that he was an adventurer. 

''Let's him be. Well, it's surprising to find Berserker here.'' the man with the scar on his face said while glancing at the petite girl surnamed berserker. 

Berserker chuckled, ''Likewise, I'm surprised to find you here as well Scarface.'' 

A commotion started when people heard those two names because they are famous A-Rank adventurers, especially the Loli, the berserker, nobody like to mess with her as she is like a walking catastrophe, one wrong word you may end up dead. 

The man who talked previously shivered when he learned the Loli real identity.

Ignoring the stares of adoration mixed with fear she was receiving, Berserker said. 

''You are here for scouting isn't it?" 

Scarface chuckled neither denying nor acknowledging Berserker's claim. 


Berserker clicked her tongue in annoyance,

''Insociable as always.'' 

Scarface shrugged his shoulders and said,

''That little girl is sure something, to be able to fight someone 12 levels ahead of her isn't something everyone can do. She is a genius. If only we can- Well, forget it. Berserker, the guild master invited you to be one of the supervisors in the exploration of the dungeons isn't it?" 

Berserker nodded her head, while leaning against her seat she explained the reason behind their summon, 

''Well, you know it's kinda more like babysitting than a supervising because of the disappearance of some students and adventurers lately, some may have died due to their carelessness, however, most of them got kidnapped, if all of them were dead inside the dungeons, they should be some traces left, even if the dungeons swallowed the dead bodies, some traces should be found while investigating, however, none has been found, this suggested that there is someone or an organization behind this. The truth is that even though the dungeons are under strict monitoring, this doesn't mean that the responsible know everything happening in them, dungeons are and will remain mysterious, unpredictable. The people responsible for the kidnapping must have found a way to access the dungeons undetected.''

Suddenly, her expression turned cold, she released a bit of killing intent,

''Those damn maggots if I ever face one of them I will tear him/her to pieces.'' 

''I hope you never face them as they must be pretty strong to go and come into monitored dungeons and kidnap people as they want,'' Scarface said.

 He knew the reason for Berserker's current behavior. It was because one of their recruits, a promising seed disappeared while exploring a dungeon, he got probably kidnaped by the unknown organization behind the disappearances. 

Marie is the name of the petite girl, the berserker. Sighing she tried controlling her emotions. What most people didn't know is that the recruit who disappeared was none other than her half-brother. They just reunited and yet he now he was gone, his fate unknown.

'Ah! I hope everything goes well during this babysitting mission.' Marie prayed as she could feel a storm brewing.

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