Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 225 - 223

Chapter 225 - 223: Silveria's Suggestion


''Well done. Not all fights can be won by using only force, using your mind may be useful sometimes.'' Silveria sounded near Alex. Looking at his right Silveria was there.

''I know. If I decide to fight them I don't know how many times I will die. It's a good thing that the snake helped me to weaken the Demonic Ice Ape. Thanks to that I was able to kill.'' Alex said while gazing at the blue sky. He wondered what it's the real identity of this world, it's an illusion or a real-world? 

Shaking his head, he decided to not care about such a matter, for now, someday he will know the answer. 

''Why don't you check your status to see what you have gained?" Silveria suggested.

Nodding his head, Alex proceeds to check his status.


『[Alexander Kael Touch]

Class: Magic Gunslinger

Age: 17


Race: High Human

「 Rank 7」

Level 65

Experience Value (XP): 200/18800

Magic Power: 5020/5020

Magic: None

Attack: 1100 (+100) ✒ 1200

Defense: 1000 (+ 100) ✒ 1100

Agility: 1130 (+100) ✒ 1230

Intelligence: 1000 (+100) ✒ 1100

Luck: 780 (+100) ✒ 880

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Two Guns * Semi-sealed*

Skills: [Advanced Appraisal Level 1] [Item box Level 2] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 4] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Accel Level 3] [Knife Art Level 4] [Link Level 3] [Gun Art Level Level 10] (New) [Normal Regeneration Level 5] [Mana Recovery Level 5] [Synthesize Level 2]

Special Abilities: [Language Comprehension][Danger Sense] [Overdrive] [Death's Eye] [Envisage] {Erase} {Magic Bullet} {Snatch} [Hellsing] [Xerox] 

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] [The Reborn]』

''Wow! 100 points. I didn't suffer for nothing.'' 

Hearing Alex's shameless words, Silveria couldn't help but sigh.

''Master, you should rest for a bit before heading to the core zone,'' Silveria suggested, it was more a warning than a suggestion. Alex knew it, he may have recovered his MP, but this doesn't mean that he was in top condition. He decided to follow her advice. 

''Let's have a chat shall we?" 

''What do you want to talk about?" Silveria asked after sitting comfortably. 

''Who do you think is targeting me?" He asked. 

''The mysterious organization.'' 

Silveria's answer was short. Alex nodded as he also came to the same conclusion. 

''I thought the same. However, I wonder why they are targeting me? Is it because of my Gift? Or it is because I'm a threat?" 

To his question, Silveria pondered for a moment before answering. 

''I don't know what is the right answer but if I must pick a one, I will say it's because you will become a threat.'' 

''I see. What I fear the most it's them targeting the one I love, especially Gracier. I'm sure I won't be following Gracier to the dungeon as I have my schedule to follow. Building a good relationship with this Goddess princess is a must.'' Alex said fearing the possibility that his sister would be targeted while he was away. 

''I understand how you feel, however, there is nothing you can do except for hoping that your fear doesn't come true. Also, you tend to forget that Gracier won't be alone. Leon, Ferris, Eris, Kuina, Maria, Luna and Sakuya will be there. Even if all of them are not with her, someone among them will accompany her. So, don't worry.'' 

Alex nodded his head and wanted to talk, however, he was stopped by Silveria's next words. His expression couldn't help but twitch when he heard her words.

''You should be more concerned by how to completely win that princess over. I understand that you want to build a good relationship with her for the future but I suggest making her yours. It will be faster this way. She is talented, a reincarnated goddess to boot. You won't ask for better. Having qualified women beside you can be considered as being powerful. So do your best, you will be alone with her in the dungeon exploration, use this chance to make her yours.''

Alex stayed silent for a moment before massaging his temple. 

''What do you take me for? Some kind of Harem protagonist that went after all beautiful girls?" He asked in a not amused tone.

Silveria chuckled before asking, ''Aren't you a Harem protagonist? Luna, Maria, and Sakuya let's not forget Sera and Elseria.''

''Ugh! You talk as if all of them are already my women.'' Alex retaliated. 

As if waiting for him to say those words, Silveria said,

''Elseria aside, Maria and Sakuya will be yours, same with Sera making them four. I see no need to not add another four on top of it. This is for your own good. Women control the world, having a bunch of women is equal to controlling the world. I won't say to go after all beautiful women you will see, however, there are some you should consider making yours. You need subordinates, people you can trust, there won't be a better choice than women that love you, that care about you, they will be ready to do anything for the one they love. None of the women I'm talking about are weak. Let's take for example Artemia, if you succeed in making her yours, you will have the support of the whole Drexia empire as she is loved by everyone.'' 

She took a deep breath before continuing. 

''You may be wondering why I'm adamant on this subject. Well, all I can say it's because of the future. You need talented individuals that can fight alongside you. You may befriend a lot of people that may decide to help you in time of need, however, I believe most of them won't move in dire time, some may backstab you, this is how ugly people are, your best friend will kill you in front of benefits. However, if you have powerful women beside you, they will willingly help you as they don't want the one they love to die, they want to be utile to you, they will die for now.

It's unlikely that they will betray you. Forgive me for not going into the details as it will detrimental to your growth but I can say that the real enemy isn't here, your final destination isn't here. This world is just your first step. I know you know the saying 'With a great strength comes to a great responsibility.' You have been bestowed upon a great Gift, naturally, come alongside such great Gift it's an equal responsibility. Not only you but all others as well. Just that they are unaware of the meaning being what they received. They will come a day they will understand. To help you carry your responsibility you will need followers, reliable followers, I thought having women will be more convenient hence my suggestion.'' 

Alex stayed silent to digest what he just heard, unlike that idiot Leonardo, the moment he received his Gift, he knew they must be a reason behind it, there is a saying 'There is no free meal in this world.' 

What Goddess Mea said before they left was total bullshit. Alex had the feeling that someday he would face that Goddess again. 

Some may say, I can choose to refuse my responsibility. For example, I can't choose to not be the Hero if that is my responsibility. However, will you really stay still when the world is about to be destroyed? Your loved ones about to be killed? No, you will not. You will step out and fight, fight for your future, fight your happiness even though initially you didn't want to. 

Those behinds (who gave you power) knew this. So, from the beginning, you didn't have a choice. You can only play on the chessboard as a chess piece until you are strong enough to become a player, strong enough to decide your fate. That's Alex's final goal as he knew that the current him was a chess piece on a big chessboard. 

Taking a deep breath Alex finally said, ''I do understand your point. I'm thankful for it. I will think about it.'' 

Seeing that her master had taken her suggestion seriously Silveria was pleased.

Truth be told apart from suggesting something that would be beneficial to Alex, Silveria had another goal, which was to let some information slip. She couldn't tell him directly, therefore she found another way to do it. From her words, Alex seemed to understand something, he may have not totally grasped it, however, he must have an idea. That was her goal. 

Smiling Silveria said ''That's good.'' 

''Sil, can you tell me at what level I can unseal the second gun?'' Alex suddenly asked Silveria this question. 

If he had not remembered wrong, Silveria had said around level 75. He wants to know if it was still the same. He hoped it was still the same as he couldn't wait to see what kind of abilities the black gun will have considering how OP Silveria is.

Unfortunately, Silveria's answer shattered his hope.

''Huh! Let's see around Level 90.''

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