Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 227 - 225

Chapter 227 - 225: Against The Shadow Generals

The massacre continued for a moment until all the shadowy creatures were dead. 

After wiping out the enemies, Alex didn't continue his offense immediately. He took a deep breath and scanned his surrounding to check if there was any more enemy nearby. Fortunately, there was none. 

''Status'' Alex called out.

Unlike the others Zones where he must kill the boss before gaining stats points, here it's different. Every time he killed the Abyss shadow creature he sensed that he gained something. It was why he decided to check his status after killing the shadowy creatures.

As he summoned his status, a blue panel appeared right before his eyes showing his new status.

『[Alexander Kael Touch]

Class: Magic Gunslinger

Age: 17


Race: High Human

「 Rank 7」

Level 65

Experience Value (XP): 200/18800

Magic Power: 4520/5020

Magic: None

Attack: 1200 (+50) ✒ 1250

Defense: 1100 (+ 50) ✒ 1150

Agility: 1230 (+50) ✒ 1280

Intelligence: 1100 (+50) ✒ 1150

Luck: 880 (+50) ✒ 930

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Two Guns * Semi-sealed*

Skills: [Advanced Appraisal Level 1] [Item box Level 2] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 4] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Accel Level 3] [Knife Art Level 4] [Link Level 3] [Gun Art Level Level 10] (New) [Normal Regeneration Level 5] [Mana Recovery Level 5] [Synthesize Level 2]

Special Abilities: [Language Comprehension][Danger Sense] [Overdrive] [Death's Eye] [Envisage] {Erase} {Magic Bullet} {Snatch} [Hellsing] [Xerox] 

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] [The Reborn] [Shadow Nemesis] (New)』

Alex was pleasantly surprised to see that he gained fifty points by killing hundred Abyssal shadow creatures.

''Not bad,'' he muttered. Training in the Endless Forest brought him a lot of benefits. Not only he was able to increase his stats, but he was also now able to perfectly use his gun as if it was the extension of his arm. Whenever he moved he would automatically aim for the other party's vitals and his shots were perfect and accurate. 

Before closing his status Alex stopped for a moment as he caught sight of a new title, curious he decided to check what this title is about. 

[Shadow Nemesis: The wielder of this title can deal tremendous damage to Dark creatures.] 

''Wow! What an incredible title. I believe I won't need to fear undead creatures with this title. It must because of this title that I was able to quickly dispatch the Abyssal shadow creatures. Time to seriously farm.'' Alex said before he blurred as he dashed into the black forest at full speed. 

He wanted to clear this core as fast he can because he felt he go crazy if he stayed in this black and white world for too long. 

There were no colors in this underground forest, where everything was divided into black and white. It was as though one was looking at a monochrome television from the Middle Ages. Others may think of this as refreshing. But to Alex it wasn't the case, he hasn't spent an hour here yet, but he was fed up. To him, The most beautiful thing about life was its vibrancy. On the other hand, this Core Zone was a world of black and white, it lacks beauty. Spending too much time here may deal some irreversible damage to one personality. He believes such a thing.

So to not completely lose his sanity, Alex decided to clean up this stage. 

As he kept running in the black forest, he encountered a bunch of Abyss shadow creatures, unlike their predecessors they were stronger, unfortunately, they couldn't last in front of Alex's attacks. 

After dealing with them Alex continued to run deeper inside the black forest. This forest seemed vast and endless. 

One, two, and three days passed in the blink of an eye. It has been four days since Alex entered the Illusionary Battlefield. He spent three in this monochrome killing weak monsters, he hoped that he would encounter the big boss, unfortunately, his wish remains unfulfilled as no matter how much he advanced, he couldn't find the big boss. 

Alex started to lose his sanity, he had the feeling that he has grown older, that he even grew a beard. 

Shaking his head Alex killed his 400th Abyss shadow creatures. By now he has gained more than 100 points. 

『[Alexander Kael Touch]

Class: Magic Gunslinger

Age: 17


Race: High Human

「 Rank 7」

Level 65

Experience Value (XP): 200/18800

Magic Power: 3750/5020

Magic: None

Attack: 1250 (+150) ✒ 1400

Defense: 1150 (+ 150) ✒ 1300

Agility: 1280 (+150) ✒ 1430

Intelligence: 1150 (+150) ✒ 1300

Luck: 930 (+150) ✒ 1080

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Two Guns * Semi-sealed*

Skills: [Advanced Appraisal Level 1] [Item box Level 2] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 4] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Accel Level 3] [Knife Art Level 4] [Link Level 3] [Gun Art Level Level 10] [Normal Regeneration Level 5] [Mana Recovery Level 5] [Synthesize Level 3]

Special Abilities: [Language Comprehension][Danger Sense] [Overdrive] [Death's Eye] [Envisage] {Erase} {Magic Bullet} {Snatch} [Hellsing] [Xerox] 

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] [The Reborn] [Shadow Nemesis] [The Slaughterer] (New)』

Alex gained this new title after slaughtering his 365th monsters. Since then it became harder for him to kill the Abyss shadow creatures as they seemed to instinctively fear him. His Synthesize skill's Level increased as well. He could now merge three bullets into one, this one bullet can kill multiple enemies at once. 

All of this should have made Alex happy, however, it wasn't the case as he spent three days in this monochrome world. 

Suddenly as he was feeling depressed Alex's divine sense caught sight of incoming monsters. They were only two, however, their speed was faster. 

In the blink of an eye, two shadows appeared not too far from him before vanishing. Alex was not able to see their real appearance only their names and level. 

[Shadow General Level 82] josei

Alex felt a chill crawling up his spine and his face turned ashen the moment the monsters disappeared. He immediately lowered his head, 


One of the shadow generals' deadly claws passed above his head. He didn't have time to breathe before the second shadow general breathed a sinister black flame toward him. 

Knowing that he couldn't the incoming black flame as the latter seemed to have the propriety to lock the target in place. Alex's heterochromia eyes turned serious, he moved his two hands. 

He used one to shoot an ice bullet at the black flame, an explosion occurred.


Alex was swept into the explosion, using the recoil produced by the explosion, Alex floated in the air, he slightly shifted his body to dodge the other shadow general's attack before shooting at the monster just as he passed above the latter. Everything happened too fast, so the monster was not able to dodge. 


With a shrill shriek, the white bullet tore through the air and heavily slammed into Shadow general's back. 

The impact sent the monster crashing on the ground, slamming him against the black earth. The earth was caved in creating a deep crater with the shadow general in. Black blood was oozing from the injured back, the monster had trouble standing up and how could Alex let go of such occasion, his eyes turned determined, he didn't mind the small sacrifice because if he didn't make a move to finish the monster the latter would stand up in a matter of seconds as the monster possess a regenerative ability. His injury was recovering. 

Aiming the real gun at the struggling monster Alex shouted, 




A white bullet tore through the air creating a beautiful white light akin to the descent of an angel. The injured Shadow General couldn't move as he could only watch helplessly as the white bullet obliterated not leaving anything behind.


A big explosion occurred that sent Alex tumbling back, unfortunately, his trajectory happened to be in the direction of the last shadow general, the latter had already slashed at Alex, the distance between them was closing at speed, so impossible to dodge. 



Alex coughed up a mouthful of blood. His chest and hands ripped open, and hot blood splashed out. 

Alex ignored the pain as the impact sent him flying again. He put his feet on the ground forcefully and stopped himself from dragging back any further.

"This is so much fun!" Alex grinned as blood trickled down his lips. "But now is the time we bring this to the end! Don't you think?" 

Alex said eyes filled with madness, it was as if he had finally found something interesting after spending a decade in this monochrome world (his misconception). 

Both human and monster charged toward each other, their eyes were filled with the will to destroy the other at any cost. 



Both humans and monster passed each other before stopping at five meters of distance with their backs facing each other. 

Silence hung in the air for a moment before a thud sound was heard followed by Alex's voice.

''It's my win.'' 


Cracking sounds could be heard, it was as if something fragile had broken. 

Alex fell on the ground face, his left arm was gone, sliced off by the frozen Shadow General (Broken in pieces) when they were passing each other, at that time Alex shot an Ice bullet into the monster mouth.

Silveria was surprised at how the match ended, suddenly, her expression changed turning into a smile. 

''It's about to get interesting.''

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