Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 230 - 228

Chapter 230 - 228: Against The Shadow Lord

While being unaware of the meeting that took place in the God Realm and his other classmates' progress in the other world, Alex slept like a log not bothered by anything as he needs rest, a lot of rest.

The next morning, after freshening up, Alex did his usual morning exercise. Having slept for more than 8 hours, he felt rejuvenated. 

He didn't see Silveria appear as she used to, he wasn't bothered by this. She must have her reasons for not showing, at least she was sensible enough to put a blanket on him while he fell asleep, for this he was grateful.

Silveria who was watching her master couldn't help but sigh, it was not like she doesn't wish to visit him, it's just that, that thing seemed to monitor Alex's every action. He may have concluded that nobody was protecting Alex but he was not sure, not until he checked to the last minute. So, Silveria decided not to show up, at least for now.

''Before going over there, I should check my status. I haven't after killing the shadow generals.'' Alex said before calling out his status.

『[Alexander Kael Touch]

Class: Magic Gunslinger

Age: 17


Race: High Human

「 Rank 7」

Level 65

Experience Value (XP): 200/18800

Magic Power: 5020/5020

Magic: None

Attack: 1400 (+100) ✒ 1500

Defense: 1300 (+ 100) ✒ 1400

Agility: 1430 (+100) ✒ 1530

Intelligence: 1300 (+100) ✒ 1400

Luck: 1080 (+100) ✒ 1180

BP: 0

SP: 0

Gift: Two Guns * Semi-sealed*

Skills: [Advanced Appraisal Level 1] [Item box Level 2] [Swift Fingers Max] [Divine Sense Level 4] [Throwing knife Level 5] [Dark Vision Level 2] [Dual Wielding Level 2] [Accel Level 3] [Knife Art Level 4] [Link Level 3] [Gun Art Level Level 10] [Normal Regeneration Level 5] [Mana Recovery Level 5] [Synthesize Level 3]

Special Abilities: [Language Comprehension][Danger Sense] [Overdrive] [Death's Eye] [Envisage] {Erase} {Magic Bullet} {Snatch} [Hellsing] [Xerox] 

Titles: [Otherworlder] [The one who can't use Magic] [The one whose fingers are faster than Flash] [Goblin Slayer] [The Reborn] [Shadow Nemesis] [The Slaughterer]』

''Another increase of 100 stats points,'' Alex muttered pleased with this increase. His level may have not increased but his current status surpasses that of a Level 70 or even more, he believes that. 

Shaking his head Alex did the last necessary check-up before departing toward the final boss. 


One hour later Alex finally set foot in the deepest part of the black forest. 

In front of him stood a hut, however, Alex's attention was not drawn toward the hut but what standing in front of the hut. 

It was a bulky figure quite tall as well, height towering around 3 meters (9.82 ft), pitch-black skin, three eyes, and two curved horns on top of its head. 

''Welcome, Young man, I was waiting for your arrival. I hope you will not disappoint me.'' Said the black skin monster. 

Saying he was not surprised to find a humanoid monster with pitch-black skin, eyes, and horns like that of a devil would be an understatement. Alex couldn't help but swallow down his saliva. This thing was giving him enormous pressure just by standing there alone.

Fortunately or unfortunately Alex was able to see the other party's status, albeit some part of it. Seeing the monster status whose name goes by Ceros, Alex sucked a mouthful of air.

『[Ceros [Shadow Lord]

Class: ????josei

Age: ????


Race: Shadow/Abyss Creature

「 Rank 8」

Level 90

Magic Power: 6000/6000

Magic: Dark, Shadow

Attack: 2500

Defense: 2000

Agility: 2000

Intelligence: 1500

Luck: ????

Skills: [???] [???] [???] [???] [???]

Special Abilities: [???] [???]  [???] 

Titles: [The Slave] [The Clown]』

'Almost Rank 9. What shitty luck. If I'm careless I'll die.' Alex while vigilantly looking at the monster in front of him. Not even in his wildest dream he would have thought the monster he would be facing would be a Rank 9, the disparity between them was too huge, however, it wasn't that there's no hope. He believes in himself.

''Let's begin shall we?" Alex said while he readied his weapons. 

Ceros nodded, up this close Alex is handsome, the most handsome man he had ever seen. Thinking that he would soon become his, this face, this young man everything. Ceros couldn't help but grin evilly before extending his right arm, a pitch-black sword appeared inside it.

The moment Ceros held the black sword, his presence changed. Alex knew that it has started.


Ceros disappeared and reappeared behind Alex, his sword slashing toward Alex's neck. 

Alex disappeared in turn, he didn't forget to launch some knives at Ceros to distract him as he prepares his next attack. Unfortunately, his plan failed as Alex suddenly found himself in the place his launched knives should be while the knives appeared where he was.

''Dafuk?" Alex exclaimed aloud. He didn't have time to dodge as a dreadful feeling assaulted him, around him numerous Ceros appeared before attacking. Alex knew it was an illusion, however, before he could remove his eye patch he received an attack.

With a shrill shriek, the black sword tore through the air and heavily slammed into Alex's protected chest, giving her no time to dodge. Fortunately, Alex had crossed his knives in front of him at the last minute.


The impact sent him crashing against the hut. The hut got destroyed, exploding into pieces.


Alex coughed up a mouthful of blood. His chest hurts and his hands felt numb. He hastily rolled on the ground to dodge Ceros' next attack. 


Even so, he was still flung into the air like a ragdoll because Ceros stomped his foot hard on the ground as if he knew Alex could avoid his attack. 



Ceros head-butted Alex who was still in the air, the latter couldn't dodge as he was not expecting this kind of attack and to top it Ceros was too fast. 

Once again Alex was blasted back, he crashed against several trees breaking them. He vomited a mouthful of blood. Alex lay weakly on the ground, his vision was blurry. He knew that this fight wasn't going to be easy, however, he hadn't thought he would be thrashed to this extent.

Ceros walked toward Alex with slow steps, he wore an evil grin on his face. The first part of his plan worked, now it's time to start the second part.

Alex could hear the sound of Ceros' footsteps. He tried to stand up but to no avail as his body was screaming, saying he must rest. His mind was whispering to him that the difference between them was too huge, he stood no chance against the black-skinned monster. 

'Shut up.' Alex roared as he tried his best to crouch first. 


He coughed another mouthful of blood,  his face was pale. 

Silveria was pained when she saw her master's current state. She almost stopped him, however, for Alex good, she decided not to. Alex must suffer few setbacks, to learn from them. Besides if she were to intervene, she was sure that Alex would hate her. Therefore, Silveria decided to watch how things would unfold.

''Pathetic,'' Ceros said and kicked Alex, sending him flying.


''Cough! Cough!" 

Alex coughed a mouthful of blood while trying to get on his feet, he started to feel dizzier. Somehow, along the way, his eye patch was lost. His right eye was tightly shut. 

With his remaining eye, Alex glared at Ceros. He was not dumb, he noticed that something was amiss, Ceros's strikes were not to kill him but to weakened his morale, to put more bluntly, to break him.

Knowing this fact Alex was starting to get furious as he didn't like to be played. 

''You're so pathetic. Didn't you say you'd cut my head off? Where is that person now? Cat got your tongue?" 

Alex didn't reply to Ceros's provocative words, he tried to open his right to no avail. The latter refused to open. Frustrated, Alex aimed his gun at the incoming Ceros to only see a blur and he was sent spiraling into the air. 

Bang! Bang! Boom! 

Ceros multiplied into three and attacked Alex, sending spiraling into the air again and again before knocking him toward the ground creating a huge crater. 

It was as Alex thought, Ceros's strikes weren't aimed to kill Alex but to break him physically while he would provoke him with words. The feeling of frustration, helplessness will keep growing until Alex will break mentally as he couldn't fight back. With his strength, Ceros would have ended the match but that would go against his goal, against his plans. He had waited for so long that failure must not be tolerated, this is for his fallen brethren, to get revenge after successfully fleeing, so failure was not an option. 

Ceros walked slowly toward Alex, there was a smile on his face. He could see that Alex's spirit was slowly being broken, it just needs a little bit of push to break and he would help him. 

Stepping on Alex's hand while watching him struggle, Ceros mocked.

''Weren't you cocky yesterday? Now, look at yourself, you pathetic bug.''

Alex didn't respond, he was still trying to stand up, his head lowered.

Pleased with himself, Ceros continued.

''Stand up and fight. Come take my head, it's right here.'' 

He continued to provoke Alex unaware of a brewing storm. If only Ceros had seen the current look on Alex's face, he wouldn't dare to continue what he was doing. Unfortunately, he was too focused on what he was doing, unaware that the beast was about to wake up.

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