Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 237 - 235

Chapter 237 - 235: Third Round

People wondered if this will be the end.

However, Luna, Gracier knew Alex would not be brought down with something like this, and indeed it was as they thought.


In the next moment, the whole stage shook because Alex who should be on the ground tapped his feet hard on the ground, and jumped back, a sharp blade made of lightning passed by. Alex was able to dodge this attack because he had used his skill Envisage. 

After putting some distance between the two, Alex wiped away the blood on the corner of his mouth. Thanks to Loki killing most of the impact of Leon's punch, he had not suffered much damage, still, it hurts like hell. He decided to test something, aiming his guns at Leon and fired. 

Bang! Bang!!!

Leon moved his spear and sliced the bullets into two before they could reach him. 

''As I thought,'' Alex mumbled before his expression abruptly changed. 

Leon got multiplied into three both came attacking him. Alex could feel a powerful pressure locking him into a place. He knew that this must due to Leon using his domain. 



Two domains clashed, Alex didn't hesitate to activate his domain. He was able to see the three Leon sending their attacks toward him from different angles. 

Due to the combination of his eye power and his domain, the three Leons' attacks had been slowed down, even so, because Leon had combined with his Gift (Spirit possession), his reaction was faster than that of Ceros even while being slowed down in Alex's domain. 

The first two attacks were evaded, however, the last one injured Alex on the shoulder. 

Fortunately, at the last moment, Alex shifted his body back thus making it impossible for the spear to penetrate deeply into his shoulder. His regenerative ability kicked in and stopped the bleeding. 

Leon's eyes narrowed, he knew he couldn't overpower Alex like this, therefore he dismissed his two lightning clones. The two clones disappeared into his body doubling his speed. Then he disappeared, he shot toward Alex while riding on a wave of golden lightning. 

Twenty-five consecutive thrusts were sent toward Alex, Leon was sure that his attacks would work. Not only him, outside most of the spectators, thought the same as not only Leon's spear thrusts were faster as lightning itself, but they also come from all sides thus making impossible to dodge them, Leon's attacks seemed to possess the property to lock space, so Alex couldn't use his movement skill. 

For the first time, Luna and Gracier showed a little bit of worry on their beautiful faces, not only them Sakuya who was smiling since the start stopped, her expression turned serious, only Maria's expression remained the same, cold from the start until now, however, if you look closely you can see that she was clutching her hands into fists. They were all worried, wondering how Alex gonna deal with such an attack.

The concerned party wasn't worried as they are, he used Foresight to know from which angles the attacks would come from. 

Closing his eyes for a second, he opened them again, however this time with unprecedented focus, Alex moved. 

Under the astonished eyes of the crowd, the miracle happened. Alex something shifted to the side to let an attack pass him, or he would shot a bullet at the incoming attack to slightly change its trajectory before dodging. 

Clank! Clank! Bang! Bang!!!!!

''No way.'' 

Someone among the crowd shouted this, it was unknown who said it. What is sure was that whoever might be, he/she couldn't believe what happens. However, the unbelievable what happened in front of them. 

Alex dodged all of the attacks. 

Maria and the others heaved a sigh of relief seeing that Alex was fine. Artemia on the other side couldn't help but focus on Alex as what he just did even she can't do it. 

Freya couldn't help but praise Alex in her heart. Elseria had a smug smile on her face. Zero's face stayed impassive, however, her lips twitched for a moment. It seemed she was fighting against a smile. Alpha rubbed her eyes twice before smiling, she wondered how Alex was able to perform such action. 

It was exactly what Leon was thinking, even though he knew his friend had exceptional talent, he was still caught off guard by what just happened. Coming out from his attacks with two or three injuries he would have accepted, however, the other was unscathed, not even the smallest injury could be seen on him, he had dodged all the twenty-five thrusts. 

Leon was so surprised that he was momentarily immobilized. 

Alex flashed next to him and said, ''It's not good to be stunned in a fight.'' 

Alex's voice brought the immobilized Leon back. Then came Alex's attacks. 

Instead of using his guns, Alex attacked using Reaper, using his knife as a spear, he tried to execute ten thrusts, however, he was only able to execute five thrusts. 

Seeing the five silver lights shot toward him at a frightening speed, Leon shortened his spear before spinning to deflect the five thrusts. Everything happened too fast, while Leon had successfully managed to deflect four of the five thrusts, the last one left a deep cut on his left cheek. Blood overflow from the injury, dying Leon's cheek red. 

Gritting his teeth to fight against the intense pain he was feeling, Leon, elongated his spear before he swung. 

Sidestepping to the opposite side Alex dodged Leon's spear because he swung it hastily, it was easy to dodge. Alex slashed the air three times, those who focused their attention would have seen that his attacks were aimed at Leon's wrists. 

Having understood his friend's intention, Leon hastily let go of his spear and spun his body in a half cycle to dodge Alex's slashes. 

Suddenly, the back of Leon's head numbed. His expression changed and he made lightning erupt below his feet to jump back to barely dodged Alex's second knife attack. 

Those who think Alex is only deadly when using his Gift learned today that it was not the case. Because most of the time he uses throwing knives and his Gift, they have forgotten that he could also use a knife. Alex with a knife is deadly like a master swordsman with a sword.

After taking putting some good distance between them, Leon wiped his bloodied cheek before raising his arm to the sky. 

Once again the sky rumbled, a bolt of golden lightning appeared in the sky and formed a gigantic lightning spear. 

Before Alex could attack he found himself being locked, he couldn't help but wonder if Leon's golden lightning had the property to lock space around his enemy. 

Leon swung his arm down. 

The gigantic golden lightning spear rushed down to impale him. There was only one solution Alex could use in this situation and he believed that his friend knew. 

To others, Leon might appear to have used all his strength to summon this golden lightning spear, Alex had the feeling that there was another surprise that awaits him. 

He couldn't help but smile while thinking, ''You are not the only one who has prepared a surprise, my friend.'' 

Raising Silveria toward the sky, the incoming golden lightning spear Alex was ready to use Erase, he had no other choice. His magic bullets wouldn't work against the golden lightning spear as it was too enormous. 


The silver bullet tore through the air and collided against the gigantic golden lightning spear, normally it should have been the small silver bullet that vanished, however, it was the golden lightning spear that vanished as if he had never existed. 

The audience was awestruck and at the same time, they felt chill down their spines when they saw what Alex could do. If previously they were skeptical about Alex's ability to cancel magic, this time, there was no doubt about it. 

While Leonardo's and Damien's eyes were burning with jealousy, something astonishing happened in the arena. 

As Alex predicted, Leon knew Alex could deal with his attack, it was what he wanted to prepare for his next attack. Having recently awakened this element, Leon did not have perfect control over it. He needed a diversion to use it.

A crimson flame appeared around Leon making him look like a human torch, kicking the ground he shot forward at alarming speed armed with his golden spear. At his current speed, Alex couldn't hope to dodge his attack after he just executed a rather taxing move. 

''What? Since when the Lionheart's crown prince awakened a second ability?" Freya asked surprised.

Elseria shrugged her shoulders as if to say I'm perplexed as you are. Her focus was entirely on Alex, wondering how the latter was going to deal with Leon.josei

Back on the arena.

Like a missile Leon was shot toward Alex, the latter didn't show any signs of panic facing the human comet. 

It was then Leon knew that Alex was waiting for him. Before Leon could open his mouth, he heard Alex says,

''Shadow Shift''

Then the world turned, Leon found himself in Alex's place. His brain paused, followed by his body. 

Alex who appeared in Leon's place had his gun pointed toward the latter. 

''Ice Bullet.'' 


Leon was blasted outside of the arena and got embedded in the wall on the opposite side, he vomited a mouthful of blood before passing out. His last thought was that it was a wonderful fight, Alex had used everything, even his new skill.

On the other side, Alex let go of Silveria and kneeled on the ground gasping for breath, he was out of MP. His eyelids felt heavy, he just wants to lay down and take a nap. 

Silence descended upon the whole stadium, they couldn't believe that the match just ended like that. 

It took some time before someone clapped.


Then two clapped

Claps! Claps! 


The whole stadium started clapping. 

''It was a wonderful match.'' Freya who rarely praises couldn't help but said. 

Elseria nodded her head, however, she was curious about the last move Alex used. Shaking her head she looked at Artemia to see the frown on the latter face. Elseria could guess what she was thinking. Alex was not going to be an easy opponent with so many unusual skills. 

Even though Leonardo and Damien were displeased with Alex, they couldn't help but acknowledge that he was stronger than them. Both looked at each other before leaving the stadium. 

Gracier, Luna, and the others joined Alex in the arena after Chris announced his victory. They helped Alex bring Leon to the cleric before passing out.

Tomorrow, the final will be held. After giving Alex one last glance, Artemia left with Lilith. As she had predicted, the final will be between her and Alex.


A/N: Some of you may be wondering why Alex didn't use Shadow Shift on the gigantic golden lightning spear instead of using his trump card: Erase. Well, it is simply because he couldn't, the golden lightning spear lock space, so impossible to use certain skills such as Accel and Shadow Shift. To put it simply these skills have some limitations or else they will too OP.

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