Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 243 - 239

Chapter 243 - 239: An Unexpected Meeting

Late in the night in the First Prince's villa.

In one of the bedrooms, Adler could be seen sitting around a table while tapping repeatedly on it. Kneeling not far from him was a man dressed in black.

The man in black hand over something to Adler, it was paper.

After reading it Adler threw it away, there was a frown on his face. 

Tap! Tap! Tap! 

''So this all information you found on Alexander?" Adler asked. 

''Yes, your highness.'' the man in black answered, his head lowered as he didn't dare to look at the angered Prince. 

''Sigh! There is nothing to use against him. While it pains me how well guarded he is. I can't help but postpone my plan. He can't be used as he had already offended me. Putting his hands on something he shouldn't have.'' 

When Adler was talking he couldn't help but grimace as he recalled that his angel was taken. 'How dare he that lowly scum to put his hands on his property.' He shouted inside his mind.

The man in black couldn't help but shiver when he sensed an overwhelming amount of hatred coming from the prince. He knew the reason for this hatred. The prince had tried courting both Maria and Luna, not only for their beauty but also because they will help him win the crown, he had seen further than that, one them would control the Imperial academy while the other would become the empire angel guardian due to her class.

However, he never succeeds in his courtship until he was sent on a diplomatic mission. Eager to return as he had found a new way of approaching the girls on his travel, to his dismay he learned that one of them got engaged while the other girl seemed close to the same guy. If his self-control wasn't strong he would have ordered the death of the guy. However, he didn't do such a thing as he understood the consequence of acting rashly, not even his father will protect him if he were to make a mistake. Openly touching or foolishly moving against Alex in the shadow may result in a bloodbath as angering Elseria is like angering the whole world. She possesses the strongest army, (Adventurers), while not every one of them will move, the strongest ones will respond to her call. 

Thus Adler's dilemma, he ought to carefully plan. No, the truth is that he didn't know what to do. Not only Alex has strong backing he seemed to be surrounded by powerful individuals from all over the world. 

''How can one be this lucky? Friend with the crown prince of the Lionheart Empire. The others Princes and Princesses seemed to favor his as well. If he was a prince with so many strong characters surrounding him he will become the next emperor. Even that self-centered blondie isn't it this popular.'' Adler sighed again and again. 

Alex was like his worst nightmare, he had no way of dealing with him. At least for now. 

''How my foolish sister doing?" Adler switched to another subject. 

''Her highness hasn't made any move lately. She seemed to be focusing on how to make Alexander works for her.'' The man in black explained after remembering what their spy told him. 

''I see, what foolish move. I doubt she would ever succeed. How about my troublesome little sister?" Adler asked about Artemia. 

''Well sh-" The man in black hesitated to continue as he knew what he was going to say wouldn't please the first prince. 

''What? Talk it's an order.'' Adler shouted. 

Sighing the man explained what happened, what they knew. It was because of Alex that his sister came of her reclusive life. She even invited him to her mansion. 

Adler's face kept twitching nonstop when he heard what happened. His forehead was throbbing, he could feel a terrible headache that was about to assault him. As he was out of the empire and just came back today, he wasn't aware of everything that happened. His men didn't inform him about information related to his dear sister. If not he would have known.

''That fucker even want to add my sister? What a gal. I finally understood why they got that reward, it must be Artemia's doing. I can't let her fall into his claws. I must see father, he would be able to do something about it.'' 

''Yeah, he will be able to do something. Dungeons are dangerous nowadays, we should postpone their exploration for an extended period.'' 

Adler mumbled while pacing back and forth. 

'What a lame excuse.'

The man in black was dumbfounded by Adler's reaction. He knew he loved his sister, the Third princess more than his other siblings, however, he never thought it was to this extent. While others were afraid of the Third princess if she ever decided to compete for the throne, it was not Adler's case as he knew Artemia is not interested in such a thing.

''Treize, go back and keep an eye on my sister. I will go see my father.'' Adler ordered before dismissing Treize (13). 

After bowing, Treize disappeared. 

When Adler imagined his cute little sister falling into Alex's claws, his face twisted into an unrecognizable shape. 

'There is no way I will let that happen. My innocent sister will not be tainted.' Adler swore while walking to his father's study. 

If only he knew that his so-called innocent sister wasn't that innocent. 


At the same time, elsewhere an unexpected meeting was taking place.

Leonardo was looking at the unexpected visitor in front of him. 

''So, Damien, the Holy son what brings you to my humble abode tonight?" He asked. 

While leisurely sipping his black tea, Damien answered. 

''You and I have one common enemy,'' Damien said. 

''And so?" Leonardo did not bother to play the fool card. It was too boring and it's a waste of time.

''Smart as you are, you have already understood what I meant,'' Damien said before adding. josei

''Alexander is our common enemy. We ought to deal with him or not he would take everything from us.'' 

'Hehehe! Sure he has already taken everything from you. I bet he had already tasted the sweet fruit. She isn't pure any longer.'

Leonardo inwardly thought this while outwardly his expression remained impassive as he questioned Damien. 

''It's good that you want to deal with him but you know he is stronger than us by a large margin. Even though it hurts to admit this, he is stronger than us, not even the third princess hailed as the strongest of the new generation was his match, she got bested. So, I'm curious about how you plan to deal with him. Let's not forget that he possesses a frightening backing as well.'' 

Even though Leonardo's words were painful, it was the truth. Shaking his head to discard any hesitation, Damien started to explain. 

''Everything you said it's true. However, I'm not planning to attack him head-on, it will be a foolish thing.-" 

''Then send some assassins?" Leonardo asked. 

Damien's expression turned unnatural, ''That wouldn't work either.'' 

''Oh?! From your expression, it seems that you have tried and it ended up in failure.'' Leonardo mocked. 

Ignoring Leonardo's mockery, Damien continued. 

''Alexander has something he cares about more than anything. W-" 

Once again Leonardo interrupted Damien and asked. 

''You can't be seriously saying what I'm thinking right?'' 

Damien stayed silent. Leonardo clicked his tongue and continued. 

''While it's true that the guild master said she was backing Alex, this doesn't mean it was only him. Did you forget about her race?'' 

Once again a silence. 

Unbothered Leonardo continued. ''She is an Elf. While Alex's sister is a half-Elf, she is still elve nevertheless. So imagine what gonna happen if she learned that we made a move against one of them? Straight guillotine. I don't know if you are dumb or not.'' 

''Sigh! You should have let me finish what I was planning to say. I wouldn't have proposed an alliance, a solution for dealing with Alex without a proper background check. What you said held some truth, however, I never said we will be directly involved. We just have to act as if we have not seen anything while others did the job.'' Damien explained after Leonardo finished.

''Oh? I'm interested. Please do share your plan.'' Leonardo whose curiosity got picked demanded.

Damien stood up and went to whispers something into Leonardo's ears, the latter smiled at the start before his smile transformed into a mad laugh. 

''Good, we shall follow your advice. I know what you are after I promise that I will not touch her you may have her, however, Maria is mine. I'm not interested in Sakuya as that one is too dangerous, you may have her.''

Leonardo started talking as if he was already seeing Alex's miserable end and his women becoming his. 

''Sorry, I'm not interested in her either. I shall take my leave. See you on the day of the dungeon's exploration.'' Damien said before leaving.

Leonardo didn't even accompany him outside.

Leaning against his chair, he was laughing like a third-rate villain. 

Camilla who just entered couldn't help but frown. 

''Is it worth it? Why not let it go? They will no turning back if you proceed with that plan. You will become an irreconcilable enemy. Is that really what you want? You don't need to do that to surpass him. Y-" 

''Shut up Camilla. I don't want to hear any more words coming from you.'' Leonardo bellowed. 

Camilla sighed heavily. Sometimes she wondered if she was not blind to have fallen for this guy. Well, Love is blind after all. 

Without saying any more words, she left the room even while Leonardo asked her not to. 

She knew if she stayed she couldn't be able to reason him as the current Leonardo seemed to have become mad as if he had lost his sanity because of what? Some worthless pride. 

'Men are more unreasonable than women.' The leaving Camilla thought. She must prepare some backup plans just in case. 

''Ah! A woman in love certainly struggles.'' Camilla mumbled.

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