Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 456 - 444

Chapter 456 - 444: A Desperate Fight

''Come out; I know you have been waiting for my arrival.'' Lilith calmly stated, her face was cold as a block of ice as she waited for the hidden enemies to show up.

Indeed, Lilith didn't have to wait for long before someone chuckled. 

''As the lord's aid said, you will surely escape. Although I'm more curious about how you were able to escape, I will have to stop my curiosity and obediently ask you to follow me, dear demon's princess.'' 

There was the only person that loved to calm her like that, the same person she beat into a half-dead shape. 

After hearing Leonardo's voice, the corners of Lilith's mouth lifted into a smile. She said with a voice filled with ridicule.

''I was wondering who it was, but it's just only the rat which has turned into cockroaches.'' 

Leonardo's expression behind the white mask sank; he almost gripped his sword and walked out to confront Lilith but managed to control herself. He mustn't play her game, or else there existed a risk of falling into a trap. 

Controlling his emotions, Leonardo said.

''Princess, kindly follow me, if not-" 

''If not what? Will you force me? Just with only you?" Lilith cut off Leonardo and ridiculed him; he was forced to shut up. 

It was then Lilith who stayed silent suddenly smirked; she moved the sword in her hand, she thrust at her back, the person trying to sneak attack on her was shocked, immediately this person switched stance, this person decided to defend instead of injuring Lilith. 

[Lightning Discharge!] 

Lilith declared, and from the tip of her sword, lightning flashed and pounced on the man shrouded in darkness. 

The man almost shouted as the unexpected attack caught him off guard; taking the opportunity of the momentarily stop generated by the sudden surprise, Lilith spun around and grabbed the man's head before,


She thrashed the latter face into the ground, bursting it with pieces of stones and concrete. Before he could release a cry, she pulled him out and tossed her into the air. What followed what a jump in the air and her knee crashing into the man's belly, launching the unfortunate man into the sky; his mouth fell open, and blood sprayed out. His misery didn't end there as Lilith appeared behind him with her finger pointed at his back then, 

Swish! Swish!

One after another, strands of lightning raced out of her fingers and hit the man who was still coughing blood.

The man, one of the Chaos' Eye lowest followers, clamped his mouth tight and tried to ignore the lightning flowing into him. He did his best not to think of how his skin was charred and his flesh cut.

Sadly, his attempts failed as it was no ordinary lightning. The lightning discharging from the girl's fingers didn't stop, and in a matter of minutes, he started screaming.



Lilith slashed at the man's head, sending it into the hidden Leonardo's direction. Everything happened too, from the time it took to block the man's attack to send him into the sky before killing him to kicking his head in Leonardo's direction, not even a minute had passed. 

Shocked by the sudden turn of events as he had thought that everything was under his control, Leonardo, under Cain's codename, still reacted at the incoming head; he knew he must not let this head come closer because as the lightning user himself, he could feel the terrible amount of lightning concealed in that head waiting to explode just after coming near him; Leonardo's figure blurred, his concealment broken as he reappeared five meters away, he wanted to cuss.

''Bloody hell, you-" 

His words were cut off abruptly when his eyes widened. In his pupils was reflected a youthful but extremely beautiful face approaching at such high speeds that he, a person who had entered the Saint Realm after that terrible defeat, couldn't completely follow, it was then he remembered that not only he could progress, the others could do it as well, this left him frustrated to no end he couldn't help but grit his teeth; however, he had no attention of getting thrashed, not anymore. 

Leonardo smirked before his body turned illusionary; all of a sudden; Lilith's sword passed through his body; it was now her turn to be shocked; immediately, she jumped to avoid another person's attack narrowly. 

Since the beginning, she was aware that it was not only Leonardo who was present but never she would have thought that among the person hiding there would be someone this strong, this means that they didn't wish for her to leave from here, somehow, so much attention made Lilith smiled.josei

However, this smile soon vanished to be replaced by nervousness as she stared at the enemy that had just attacked her and missed; she knew it was deliberate; if this person wished to attack her seriously, it was not sure if she could get out unscathed. It was how terrible this person was. 

Small body, even smaller than Gracier, 1.55 cm, spotless white dress, long white hair; if Alex were here, he would have said this person looks exactly like Alice but younger. 



Before Leonardo could say anything, he was sent flying and disappeared from the eighteenth floor. 

Lilith's eyes widened, and an immense feeling of dread assaulted her as the girl with white eyes glanced at her; her body moved on its own and activated her strongest and quickest skill.

[Silent World] 


The world around them hadn't even turned monochrome before the small white-haired girl flashed next to Lilith and stared into her eyes; she was so shocked that she stopped chanting, then with just a casual slap. 

Boom! Crack! Crack! Crack! 

Lilith's body literally passed through three layers to arrive on the fifteenth layer before stopping.


''Gah! Cough! Cough!!'' 

Lilith coughed blood nonstop; her armor was crushed entirely as it was the armor that stopped most of the damage. Most of Lilith's ribs were broken. She couldn't even lift a finger and could only stare at the incoming girl. 

Suddenly, the small girl frowned and stopped moving. She stared at Lilith for a moment as if considering something before her figure suddenly disappeared; Lilith fell to the ground with a sigh, she immediately lost consciousness.. Her last thought was, 'She was still weak.'

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