Debuff Master

Chapter 212

Chapter 212

Chapter 212

Five minutes later, the small squabble between Siegfriend and Quandt ended.

“That’s why you have to make it a habit to let someone finish before speaking up. And you should have at least asked me why I was making such a request. Now let me ask—did I feel bad when you interrupted me and raised your voice? Yes or no?” Siegfried said.

The two of them weren’t sitting across from each other.

He did not get straight to the point and decided to emphasize Quandt’s mistake first.

Of course, it was difficult to say that Siegfried was totally blameless…

“I’m sure you felt bad! I’m sure you felt very bad!” Quandt replied while vigorously nodding his head. He then slammed his head on the table and exclaimed, “I was wrong! Forgive me!”

“Why would you do that if you knew you were wrong?”

“I-I apologize. I was foolish, and I failed to understand the depth of your wisdom…”

“We will have three out of the seven materials required to complete Herbert’s legacy if we do things right this time. We can say we’re already halfway there, right?”


Ah…?Maybe I should just stop here…”

“N-No! You can’t…! Why are you doing this? I already apologized so many times! Please calm down!”

“So… Are you going to do it for me or not?” Siegfried asked. He nonchalantly added, “I’ll go to the Autonika Workshop if you won’t—”

“I will do it! No questions asked!” Quandt jumped from his chair and shouted at the top of his lungs before continuing. “I asked all of our branches on the continent and found that we have seventy-eight in stock! We just need to craft twenty-two more. We can definitely do that in forty-eight hours!”

“Really? Can I leave it to you, then?”

“Of course! Has our workshop ever disappointed you? Don’t worry and leave it to us!”

And that was how Siegfried obtained one hundred of the extremely expensive Spear of the Hell’s Leech for free. Meanwhile, the price of the Spear of the Hell’s Leech suddenly shot up all over the continent.

“Huh? Why did this item suddenly become so expensive?”

“Is someone hoarding it?”

“What the hell? It went up four folds!”

The reason was that the Bavarian Workshop didn’t really craft a lot of these spears in the first place. They were able to make twenty-two of them in forty-eight hours since it was quite easy to craft, but the main problem was that the materials required to craft it were quite rare.

Siegfried’s sudden hoarding, coupled with the Bavarian Workshop no longer selling it for the meantime, sent its price skyrocketing.

It was the same situation at the Mercedes Workshop and Autonika Workshop. Their items that had the same function as the Spear of the Hell’s Leech had already gone up by twofold.

This should be more than enough to stop the Vampire Lord from regenerating,’?Siegfried thought.

He ticked off the Spear of the Hell’s Leech and Magic Sword of Vengeance: Avenger from the list, and all that was left now was to go to the Church of Thanatos, the God of Death, and obtain their holy water.


Meanwhile, at the Bloody Castle located within the Proatine Kingdom’s territory…

“Luciro.” Magnus summoned one of his most loyal servants.

“Have you called, my lord?”

“Go and check what the livestock are doing…”

“The livestock, my lord?”

“Humans have the habit of trying their luck and trying to do the impossible.”

“I do not understand my lord… my meager intellect cannot fathom the depths of my lord’s wisdom.”

“I’m just curious,” Magnus said with a smirk before continuing. “If the new king of my livestock truly submitted to me or not.”

“But my lord… you do not need to concern yourself with the thoughts of a meager human. Nothing will change whether their king has truly submitted to you or not.”

Luciro wasn’t lying.

Vampire Lord Magnus was also known as the Demon Lord of the Night, and there was no way that a mere human king could do anything against him. In fact, it was even arguable if the current emperor could do anything to the Vampire Lord.

The outcome would end up being the same, so it didn’t really matter whether the human king had truly surrendered or not.

“I’m not asking you to check because I want to know what he’s thinking.”


“I just want to know if the new king is worthy to be my plaything or not.”


“I should be more familiar with him if I want to turn him into my plaything, right?”

Magnus seemed to have already made up his mind to thoroughly turn Siegfried into his plaything. He knew that was the only way the livestock were going to fear him. He knew that they wouldn’t even dream of retaliating by then.

Magnus’ true aim was to put the livestock in their place, and Siegfried’s submission wasn’t really important.


It was all because Luciro was right—Siegfried’s submission or rebellion wouldn’t change anything.

“I thank you for imparting your precious wisdom to me, your insignificant servant,” Luciro said. He bowed and added, “I shall go and see what the livestock are up to.”

He immediately vanished and made his way toward the livestock farm—the Proatine Kingdom. What he witnessed upon arriving at the capital of the Proatine Kingdom Preussen was chaos itself…

“P-Please! Don’t take my child away, sir knight…!” a woman cried out.

“Shut it, you wench! Your daughter should be honored to be sacrificed to the Vampire Lord, so why are you resisting?!” the knight retorted and kicked the woman away.

“Sir knight…! P-Please…!”

“His Majesty will pay you for your daughter! Be glad that you’re getting paid for the honor of having your daughter offered to the Vampire Lord!”

“No! No, you cannot do that! Please, sir knight…! PLEASE!”

However, the knight ignored the woman and dragged the little girl away. The little girl didn’t even look like she was ten years of age.

Ah!?Mommy! Help me! Mama! Papa!”

The child cried out at the top of her lungs, but nobody came to help her. The soldiers had already beaten her father to a pulp while the soldiers forced her mother to the ground.

“Let’s go!”

“Yes, captain!”

The soldiers returned to the castle with the child in tow, and the place instantly became a ghost town. It seemed that everyone had run away in fear of their children being the next offering.

Hmm… Maybe I should observe a bit longer…’?Luciro decided to look around the city a bit more just to make sure that he would deliver accurate news to the Vampire Lord.

“Take me instead! I said take me instead, you bastards!”

“Shut up!” josei


The livestock seemed to be busily moving about collecting the Vampire Lord’s offerings.

Hoo~ The new king of the livestock is doing quite well. The lord will find it a bit boring, but he surely won’t be disappointed by this,’?Luciro thought before leaving for the Bloody Castle.

“My lord, it seems that the king of the livestock is busy gathering the offerings to be presented to you,” Luciro said.


“Yes, my lord. There is a huge commotion in their city as their soldiers are going around collecting your offerings. I have also confirmed that the quality of the offering is quite impressive. They’re boys and girls under the age of thirteen, and none of them seem to have any defects on their bodies.”

“No defects…”

“They say that a scrumptious-looking cookie will taste good, too, right? My insignificant eyes have gauged that it would not be an overstatement to say that the offerings this time will be the best ones we have ever had. I’m sure that my lord’s hunger will be satiated this time!”

The best food that a vampire could ever ask for was the blood of innocent and pure human beings. Their blood would taste better the younger, more beautiful, purer, and more innocent they were.

The blood and flesh of such humans were the ultimate delicacies for vampires, and it would surely satisfy not only their taste buds but it would also boost their sex drive as well.

The blood and flesh of the innocent were an aphrodisiac for vampires because the vampires in this world weren’t really hungry for sex. They attained sexual gratification by sucking the blood of their prey.

Hmm… the best one we ever had... I’m looking forward to it,” Magnus said with a smile filled with anticipation. He was still a vampire at the end of the day, so it was only natural for him to be excited at the thought of sucking the blood out of those young children.

“It seems that the new king of my livestock knows how to prioritize his survival. Still, I’m quite surprised that he wasn’t putting on an act. It seemed that he had sincerely submitted to me. It’s a shame that I won’t get to play with him, but I should spare him since he’s trying so hard on my behalf,” Magnus said.

“Yes, my lord! How could a mere livestock even think of going up against you?! It is a shame that my lord will not get the chance to enjoy playing after a long time, but it is truly commendable for mere livestock to work so hard for my lord’s sake!” Luciro exclaimed.

“You’re right, Luciro. I should’ve given him a week instead. The quality of the offerings would have been much better…”

“I am certain that the offering’s quality will greatly increase for the next one if you stress on that part when they come to deliver the first batch!”

“I can only hope that your words will come true,” Magnus said as he licked his lips.

His appetite and sex drive slowly welled up from inside of him.


Meanwhile, at the Proatine Kingdom’s basement dungeon.

“Great work, everybody! We didn’t have enough time to practice the script, but you put on a splendid performance,” Gringore commended the hundreds of people gathered in the dungeon.

The hundreds of people in front of him replied at the same time.

“That was a piece of cake!”

Haha! It was nothing!”

“It was quite easy to act out since the scenario was explained very clearly!”

“But don’t you think you hit me a bit too hard? I’m hurting…!”

“M-My bad… I tried to make it look as real as possible so…”

“I was so into it that I really thought my daughter was getting offered to that bastard! Hahaha!

Gringore chimed in as well, “It was awesome! I can proudly say that your acting skills are simply flawless, and the future of our kingdom’s drama and poetry looks bright as well, thanks to our talented child performers! Hahaha!

The child performers—no, the children that the soldiers had dragged as offerings a while ago smiled brightly.


“Really? Can I really become an excellent actor like Gringore-nim?”

“Yey! Scribe Gringore-nim praised me!”

The children were naturally happy.

Gringore was renowned as a genius artist. He not only excelled in singing, but he also possessed tremendous skills in acting, dancing, and painting. He was truly what one would call a cheat character in the art world.

In fact, he was so talented that nobles from many powerful kingdoms traveled all the way to the small and weak kingdom that most people had never even heard of before just to see his performance.

The fact that they were praised by someone as renowned as Gringore was more than enough to put these child performers on cloud nine.

‘They only had a few hours to practice, but I’m certain that the vampires were fooled by the show we put up. I must say that I’m quite impressed with all of them,’?Gringore smiled.

However, he suddenly clicked his tongue and smirked. ‘His Majesty is truly an astounding tactician. It’s to the point that he scares me sometimes…’

A few hours ago, Siegfried called Gringore aside and instructed him on a few things.

“The vampires might come and check up on us, so we will need to put on a show for them.”

“Pardon me, Your Majesty?”

“I want you to round up all of the performers in our kingdom and put on a show with them. Make sure that the vampires will be fooled completely if they ever decide to come spy on us.”

“I shall do as you command, Your Majesty.”

“And you should use your ability to move around without being noticed by anyone.”

“You mean Dance of Ghost?”

“Yeah, whatever that’s called. That thing can trick a vampire’s eyes, too, right? Use that to keep an eye out whether vampires are around to check up on us or not.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Siegfried’s plan ended up being super effective to the extent that it fooled Luciro into making a false report to Magnus. However, that was not the end of Siegfried’s hair-chilling tactics.


Gringore felt goosebumps all over his body after thinking of the plans that his king had prepared for the vampires.

Who could have known that he would attempt to catch three birds with one stone? His majesty is truly a scary person…’

Three birds.


Yes, Siegfried had multiple targets.

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