Debuff Master

Chapter 213

Chapter 213

Chapter 213

Siegfried had multiple targets, so he had no choice but to move around busily.

“I wish to make a request.”

Before anything else, he decided to go to the Church of the Sun God and requested an exorcism.

“We cannot perform an exorcism without the approval of our headquarters. I apologize, but…”

“This is a letter of recommendation written by Daode Tianzun Elder-nim,” Siegfried handed over a letter to the priest.

I, Daode Tianzun, acknowledge the bearer of this letter. Go ahead and help him without any reservations. He is on a mission to hunt the Vampire Lord, so your church will benefit greatly as well.


Daode Tianzun

Of course, the priest could have suspected that the letter of recommendation was forged, but he was sure that the letter was indeed written by Daode Tianzun himself.

The hologram magic cast on the letter was more than enough proof, and the fact that the mark was shining like the twilight was concrete evidence that it was written by Daode Tianzun himself.

“I have no idea who you are, but it doesn’t matter when you have a letter of recommendation from the elder-nim. I will immediately write a report to our headquarters and request for priests to perform the exorcism.”

“Thank you.”

“But may you please identify yourself so that I have something to write on the report?”

“My name is Siegfried van Proa, and I am the king of the Proatine Kingdom.”

Oh! So you are the king of the Proatine Kingdom?”

“You have heard of our kingdom?!” Siegfried exclaimed in delight.

He was happy to finally meet someone who had heard of his kingdom.

Most of the people he had met until now were completely ignorant of the existence of the kingdom, and they simply brushed it off as a backwater, no-name weak kingdom in some rural province.

“How did you hear about us? Most people—”

“I haven’t heard of it...”


“It was just a knee-jerk reaction since you said you were a king, but I have never heard of that kingdom before.”

It was an unintended feint followed up by an uppercut.

In the end, Siegfried could only lament inwardly.


A tear fell from the corner of his eyes.


The Church of the Sun God agreed to help Siegfried thanks to Daode Tianzun’s letter of recommendation. Now, he had to create the Mirroring Field?to trap the Vampire Lord and obtain the holy water from the Church of Thanatos, the God of Death.

However, he hit a wall as both of these things were extremely difficult to obtain.

The Mirroring Field required the entire area to be completely surrounded by mirrors, but there was no way that ordinary mirrors could withstand the physical might of the Vampire Lord.

[The best way to create the Mirroring Field?is for a powerful water-attribute magician to erect a wall of ice. The ice will then be coated with silver.]

Siegfried immediately went to look for a powerful water-attribute magician.


[No recent activity (49 days)]

The Intervention Hotel told him that the only water-attribute magician he knew—Gosran—had been inactive for forty-nine days now. He couldn’t really contact her because BNW didn’t have a whisper system.

In addition, he also wasn’t familiar with her in real life.

Why did she leave like that last time…’?he clicked his tongue after remembering how she died from Deus’ death glare at Mount Kunlun. In the end, he couldn’t really expect her to come back soon, so he decided to look for another powerful water-attribute magician.

He put a request to the Mercenary Guild and even posted on the BNW community forum—The World—to hire a powerful water-attribute magician. In fact, he even went as far as to ask for help from Cheon Woo-Jin.

“Hey, do you know any powerful water-attribute magicians around you?”

— I know one, but they’re extremely busy these days. Why?

“I’m going to hunt the Vampire Lord.”

— You’re going to hunt a Level 400 named monster…?

“Then, should I sacrifice those innocent NPCs instead?”

— Nope. I understand, I’ll ask that magician for you, so just give me a minute.

Five minutes later…

— Unfortunately, they’re busy.

“Will money convince that magician?”

— No, they probably have more money than you.


— I’ll ask one more time but don’t get your hopes up.

“All right, thanks.”

Unfortunately, the magician still said no despite Siegfried’s pleas.

I should give this job to my own magicians, then…’?he decided to ask the kingdom’s magicians. Decimato was currently channeling a powerful spell, so he was out of commission, so the task of erecting the ice walls was given to the other magicians.

Now, he just had to retrieve holy water from the Church of Thanatos, the God of Death.

Ah… busy, busy, busy… I’m like a busy bee…’?Siegfried grumbled.

However, he still had more things to do aside from obtaining Thanatos’ holy water.


Three days later.

The promised time for Siegfried to deliver the offerings to the Vampire Lord has come. josei

“That crazy bastard…”

“That fucking asshole seems to have gotten a bit too brave these days.”

“Let’s fuck him up!”

A massive group of Adventurers gathered at a plain around fifty kilometers from the Proatine Kingdom’s borders. There were more than one thousand Adventurers gathered here, and they all belonged to the same guild—the Genesis Guild.

The Genesis Guild members grumbled one by one while waiting for someone.

They were waiting for none other than Siegfried.

The incident started last night, and it all began when an ID by the name SiegfriedTV suddenly started spamming on the Genesis Guild’s Vice Guild Master, Min-Woo’s livestream channel.

「SiegfriedTV: Is it true that Chae Hyung-Seok has become a vegetable?」

「SiegfriedTV: Kekekekekekekeke! Huehuehuehue!

「SiegfriedTV: Fucking morons! Keke!

「SiegfriedTV: These morons are completely lost without Chae Hyung-Seok! Kekeke!

Min-Woo initially thought it was a troll, so he was about to ban the troll, but he checked the troll’s information just in case and found out that the troll was the uploader of the Genesis Guild members’ assassinations, which garnered a total of eight million views.

“Just fuck off if you’re here to taunt us. You can’t even fight us face to face, you little rat,” Min-Woo retorted.

SiegfriedTV sneered.

「SiegfriedTV: Who are you calling a rat? I never hid from you guys. Keke」

“Then why don’t you fight us face to face like a man? Never mind, you probably can’t do that because you aren’t a man…” Min-Woo shot back.

However, he got a completely unexpected response.

「SiegfriedTV: Do you really think that something’s going to change if we do that? Fine, why don’t we have a go at it tomorrow? Bring your whole guild tomorrow, and I’ll show you how my royal army will slaughter you like pigs. Or… you can just piss off like the bunch of cowards you are. Kekeke!

Min-Woo wanted to accept the challenge on the spot, but he could not do that because their guild master was currently in a hospital. He immediately called Chae Hyung-Seok to ask if he should accept the challenge or not.

“Hyung, this Han Tae-Sung bastard just challenged our entire guild. What should I do?”

—K-Kill… kill… him… kill that crazy… fucker… that son of a… bitch…

Chae Hyung-Seok was slurring. He still hadn’t fully recovered, but he still managed to convey the rage boiling inside of him directed at Tae-Sung.

Rage, anger, lust for vengeance, and killing intent.

It wasn’t strange that Chae Hyung-Seok harbored such feelings toward Tae-Sung. After all, the cowardly guerilla tactic he had employed—coupled with the video he had uploaded—made the Genesis Guild lose the guild war.

He also suffered a stroke due to Tae-Sung.

“Alright, I’ll definitely fuck that bastard up, so you just rest up and leave it to me.”

—S-Stream… stream it… I want to see…


Min-Woo immediately accepted the challenge after obtaining Chae Hyung-Seok’s approval.

「SiegfriedTV: So, are you up for a fight? What do you think of this place tomorrow morning?」

SiegfriedTV sent a screenshot of a specific spot on the world map. It was a place located forty-five kilometers away from the Proatine Kingdom’s borders. It was a vast plain where everything could be seen by the naked eye.

However, Min-Woo exercised caution and chose another plain located a bit further away from the plain that SiegfriedTV proposed.

“How can I trust you? I’m up for it if we fight here instead.”

However, SiegfriedTV easily accepted Min-Woo’s counter-proposal.

「SiegfriedTV: You better get ready. Kekeke! Kekekeke!

And that was how the battle between the Proatine Kingdom and the Genesis Guild was finalized…

Min-Woo mobilized all one thousand members of the guild to the plains where they were supposed to clash. However, it had already been ten minutes since the promised time, but they still couldn’t see Siegfried.

They waited and waited until ten more minutes passed, but there were still no signs of Siegfried or even a single ant in the area.

Ha! That bastard probably got cold feet!” someone said.

“Why would he act all tough when he can’t follow up with it? Moron…”

Tsk, tsk…”

Ah…?I just wasted my time…”

The Genesis Guild members were about to leave the plains after determining that Siegfried probably got scared and was not going to show up, and it was the same for Min-Woo as well.

“That bastard… he was acting all high and mighty, so I thought he was really going to fight us. Well, there’s no way he can fight us even though he’s a king. His kingdom is a fucking small shithole after all, and we would have long razed his kingdom to the ground if it hadn’t been for the emperor’s protection…”


All of a sudden, a sharp whistle was heard around ten kilometers from where the Genesis Guild members were located.

What is that?’?Min-Woo instinctively looked in the direction of the sound.


And he was immediately stupefied...


Something was falling from the sky.

“What’s that?”

“Is it a meteor?”

“I don’t think it’s a magic spell… It looks like a shooting star judging by how it’s falling.”

The Genesis Guild members took turns guessing the falling object’s identity.

A few seconds later…


The falling object—presumed to be a meteor—crashed a bit far from where the Genesis Guild members were located. There was a deafening explosion that shook the ground.


A mushroom cloud even formed.

H-Huh??Something’s coming our way…? W-What’s that…?”

A powerful shockwave swept the entire Genesis Guild.


Wow… That’s a huge crater…” Siegfried clicked his tongue in amazement while looking around.

The explosion had already subsided.

Wow! That was awesome! What the hell was that, owner punk?! Was that the legendary Meteor spell?”

“Nope,” Siegfried shook his head and said, “It was all because of this...”

He extended his hand, and a long stick flew at incredible speeds into his hand.

The Rod of God.

It was the weapon of mass destruction created by the legendary blacksmith Herbert.

A message popped up in front of his eyes.

[Alert: Scourge of God cooldown: 365 days]

The cooldown was a jaw-dropping one year.

Siegfried hadn’t been using the Scourge of God, but he decided to finally use it because…

The Bloody Castle should have gotten caught up with that explosion. Now, we can fight in the open,’?he thought.

The Proatine Forces had to enter the Bloody Castle to hunt the Vampire Lord, but the problem was that it was impossible for them to enter the castle all at once. They also had no idea what the castle’s interior was going to be like, so their chances of winning against the Vampire Lord in the Bloody Castle were next to none.

Therefore, Siegfried ended up swallowing his tears and cast the Scourge of God.

He consoled himself by annihilating the entire Genesis Guild in the process and making himself feel better by…

Sparkle… Sparkle… Sparkle…

…basking in the sparkling light of the items that his enemies had dropped upon dying.

“Let’s hurry up and pick those up,” he said with a greedy look.

“All righty! Kyu!”?Hamchi exclaimed in response.

The items now belonged to the Vulture of Proatine—Siegfried.

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