Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 94 - ???

Chapter 94 - ???

Chapter 94 -???

??? POV:

I have watched over you when you were still Gabriel lightbringer. After the death of Gabriel I have tied my soul to yours. I who have cursed the Gods, reincarnate with you.

Gabriel Lightbringer, Leonard Tranor, Rei krimen, Shun Midgar, Edge Regius, and now Rei Kuraki. I have witnessed all of these reincarnations of yours.

Gabriel lightbringer, he was a reincarnation, who truly deserved the title "true hero". He fought for the world and his beloved.

Leonard Tranor, he was a reincarnation, who truly loved to battle. He journeyed through numerous worlds, numerous battlefields, searching for a worthy opponent. He was one who walks toward the beginnings end. Even though he had no intention, he was named a "war hero."

Rei Krimen, a reincarnation that inherited Chaos and Serenity. He was someone who never wanted to battle, yet was greatly skilled at killing. He was searching for a place to die. In his search for a place to die, he instead had found many to save, he was called a "hero."

Shun Midgar, this was a reincarnation that sought vengeance. He was caught up between the war of humans and demons. Due to his anger he killed many demons and in the end killed the demon lord. He was forever loved as the "hero of the humans."

Edge Regius, a reincarnation that kept his previous reincarnation Shun Midgar's memories. Deeply regretting his decision of killing the demon lord and living only for revenge, he promised to live a more fufilling life by becoming the strongest. During the so called purge of non-humans. Edge led a group of heroes, and defeated the enemy leader. He was hailed as "the greatest hero."

And then there was, Rei Kuraki. Even among the past reincarnations I have seen. He was the most abnormal. All previous reincarnations, were indeed geniuses, but they needed to train their body, to keep up with what they wanted to do. Rei kuraki never needed to train, from the start he was born with a body stronger than all of his previous reincarnations, that I have seen. He even has the memories and, abilities of two reincarnations. One from the strongest weapon master, the battle freak, nicknamed ,"the God of battle, death, and victory." Leonard Tranor. The other the strongest magic knight, the one above all reincarnations in terms of magic ability Edge Regius.

All of his reincarnations were one of the strongest in their respective timelines... Yet even among those, Edge Regius, and Leonard Tranor, stand on a different field. He possesses both their abilities and some of their memories. The new reincarnation, fearing the memories, that are not his own, had sealed them along with his strength. He feared that he would lose his sense of self...

I have been with him for the longest time.

When he was Gabriel lightbringer, I was the one he loved the most Eva. I traveled around the world with him, having many great adventures. On our last adventure, the one adventure where he died, I only felt rage and sorrow. Rage at the Gods' who have allowed such a tragedy to occur, and sorrow of losing the one I love.

I researched and researched of ways for him to return to me. That was when I found a way to bind my soul to his. So that no matter where or when he reincarnates, I will be there for him.

As I bound my soul to his, I came across something I shouldn't have seen. I finally knew the true purpose of my beloved.

His soul has already undergone a thousand reincarnations, and he has always died as a "hero." He was chained by an existence greater than all. He who possessed the most powerful human soul, was chained to calamity. He would reincarnate to a time when he is most needed, when the people would need a "hero."

No matter the reincarnation, no matter what he chooses, my love is always chained down by the name "hero" and he dies with the name. How cruel is his fate... Something greater than the Gods themselves has him following this path.

I wanted to save him, I wanted to free him. So that was the time I choose to be his enemy in order to save him. I needed to remove either his link to the term "strongest" or "hero."

That proved difficult to do with his next reincarnation, Leonard Tranor. This reincarnation was literally the embodiment of victory itself. I opposed him as the master of the Giants and wild dragons, but to him it was nothing more than a warm up. So I needed to try again.

The next reincarnation, was Rei Krimen. He truly was finding a place to die. I tried to oppose him as an evil sorceress trying to take over the land. Yet every time I saw him struggle, every time I did evil my heart would feel like it was breaking. So I kept on telling myself that, this was an evil, I was willing to do for the sake of my love. For him I will become something he hated the most, for him I will become an enemy to oppose. I couldn't think of any other way to save his soul. Still in the end I have failed in this reincarnation.

The next reincarnation Shun Midgar, at first I couldn't locate his soul. This was the first time I couldn't locate his soul. So I wasn't sure if I reincarnated properly.

So as I was reincarnated as the strongest demon, I became the demon lord. At first I told all my people not to harm the humans, so that we may live in harmony. That was when the humans reacted violently. Seeing that we demons looked like we have weaken, they started attacking us. At first I tried to negotiate with the human king, but he called all demons evil. He even dared to say that we are the cause of all calamity in the world.

I didn't want to do this but, I needed to protect my people. So we answered violence, with our own violence.

As the war raged on, I heard of a human, who was treated as a hero. Curious I looked for him, I then met the boy and journeyed with him. During the journey he reminded me of Gabriel. Though Gabriel fought for justice and this boy fought for vengeance they felt similar.

I then asked why the boy started his journey. Once I heard his story, I felt it... This boy was Gabriel's reincarnation.

I went back to my castle. Shun was another of Gabriel's reincarnations, and unlike the others, his heart was weaker.

That was when I thought of a plan. If he kills me, then he will gain the resentment of the demons. Though he will be hailed as a hero of the humans, he will still be the most hated enemy of the demons.

So when he came, to attack me. I let myself be killed. My heart felt relieved as I was dying thinking that this time, I might have saved him...

Due to the link of my soul to his, I found out that wasn't enough. The demons did resent him but they were the minority. I needed more people to resent him, so that his cycle will end, and he may be freed and begin anew.

So on his new reincarnation, Edge Regius. I tried to make him into an enemy, of the human race, the most numerous race. josei

I thought I succeeded but in the end, the humans didn't really resent him. He was branded a traitor but only by name.

So I needed to begin the cycle anew. So with my own hands I killed him. I don't know why I did it. Maybe it was because I was jealous. This reincarnation of his was surrounded by many women that love him...

This time I moved into a new body, and found the new Gabriel. Still I wonder what calamity will come this time? All of his reincarnations had the appropriate strength for the calamity at hand. Will I be the one to bring this calamity? No it can't be, I already had difficulty with Leonard, but this reincarnation is stronger than that.


Rei Kuraki, has fought the origin and in the end still lost, but he was able to damage the will of the origin.

My beloved has finally broken a chain of his from the hands of the origin, but he was still far from being free. Though he was now able to to free himself from the name 'hero'. He was now only attached to the anomaly as the strongest, a balancer for the world.

He became a demon lord in his next reincarnation. He was still unable to stop himself from being the balancer, even in that situation. I could not think of a way to free him a this point. The only way I know, is for him to defeat the origin, but the consequences for doing that are unknown.

I hope in this reincarnation you can finally find your peace. I hope your soul will be saved from this cycle of yours.

I will wait and observe for now. My goal will never change, I promise, no matter how long it takes. I will save you my love. My dear Gabriel.

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