Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 95 - A hero

Chapter 95 - A hero

Chapter 95 - A hero

Valdel had decided to head out to search for the missing family members of the other students. First he headed to the adventurers guild to see if Ren and the others returned. After asking around he was informed that they haven't returned yet.

Valdel decided to leave a note he handed it to one of the receptionists and asked her if she could give it to Ren when he returns. Once he was done doing that, Valdel headed back to his dorm room and started to prepare for his trip. He didn't bother telling the Principal about his leave of absence since each student in the academy has an allotted six days of free time that you may use any time you wish during the year.

This was incentive was made because most of the students of the academy were nobles and they were allowed that much freedom.


While Valdel was preparing for the trip, Zwei turned into her human form sat behind him and spoke.

"Master you do know that this is a trap? I already told you about the man who was eavesdropping while you were talking to those students. With that in mind I'm pretty sure that you already understand that this is a trap."

Valdel continued to check his equipment and preparing his bag, without even turning around he answered Zwei.

"Unlike what everyone thinks, I do understand what's happening around me, more or less. It's just that, what I see and what other people see, seem to be different. I can guess that this is a trap, there is too much coincidences pilling up one another, that it's obvious someone must be pulling the strings from behind the scenes. I've been with Ren for years now that I can more or less understand that."

Zwei was surprised to hear her master actually say something like that. Since unlike Silika who could sync with her master fully, that she's able to view his soul. Zwei wasn't at that level yet, and it has been proven that something was blocking Zwei for a more deeper synchronization to happen between her and Valdel. So she needed to ask her questions in a more direct way.

"Then why master? Why do you still go knowing that it's a trap? If it's about those nobles, isn't this simply karma for doing what they did?"

"Hey Zwei you do know that I want to be a hero, right?"

"Yes, but even so. Even heroes can't save everyone."

"I understand what you're saying but... Hmmm, Zwei let me tell you the reason as to why I want to be a hero."

Valdel suddenly shifted the topic to something else entirely, but Zwei hearing the seriousness in Valdel's voice listened quietly.

"Some might think, I wanted to be a hero because it sounded cool when I was kid. Of course back then I really did admire the hero lifestyle. Going out in grand adventures, finding some secret ruins, gaining companions that you will cherish, protecting the weak and helpless, defeating evil, and all kinds of things. A hero's life for me was an epic, when I listened to those stories when I was a kid, it made me excited."

Valdel stopped his hands from packing, as nostalgia filled him.

"My best friend Ren might think I want to be a hero, because of strength. Well to Ren strength means everything. He was the one who taught me that my views and ideals would never be heard, never be reached if I don't have the strength to back it up. Of course as per usual he was right."

Valdel smiled a bit as he said this and shook his head.

"Still that wasn't the reason I wanted to be a hero. The reason I wanted to be a hero, was because I wanted to see everyone's smiling faces. I wanted everyone to have a happy ending. Of course now that I grew up, I knew that wasn't possible. I was even proven a hypocrite when I saw Iselv and the others for the first time."

Valdel sighed as he said this.

"Back then I was blinded by rage, and killed most of the slave traders, and even wanted to kill Iselv and the others. I thought at the time, that killing them would have pardoned their sins and they could do better in the next life... I was wrong, I was too hotheaded, every time I see evil something deep within me compels me to do something. It's like I hear voices in my head. Unlike yours these voices sound like me, it's like there's this other me that forces me to think certain things. I might actually be crazy a this point..." josei

Valdel showed a weak smile as he continued to speak.

"Still I was wrong about Iselv and the others. They might look evil on the outside, based on what they had done it would seem that they were evil. Still they had their own circumstances to deal with, and that doesn't necessarily mean that they were evil or good. It made me think that people aren't inherently evil or inherently good, the choices that were made the people that they're with affects the outcome of what they are in the end. It was just like what Ren said, not everything was black and white. The truth is never so simple... I hate it when in the end what Ren said rings true. Of course most of what Ren says sounds logical and right... Still hearing a kid a year younger than you tell you life lessons, feels a bit wrong. Still, no matter the case I was wrong about the people from the underworld."

"So then I decided that I want to give these kind of people a second chance to become better. I understand that not all are willing to change, and I'm not as naive as Ren thinks me to be. If there really isn't much hope, then I would kill without hesitation... Even with all my hypocrisy, and all my faults I still truly wish to fulfill my dream, that naive and childish dream of everyone smiling at the end, everyone being able to get their happy ending... Of course I know that this dream of mine, is almost impossible to achieve, since like Ren said. The happiness of someone could be happiness taken by another. Still I hope, I foolishly hope for a happy end for everyone."

'I understand that everything I said is like a paradox, but still...' Valdel sighed as he continued to talk.

"Well, all in all, I just want to do the best I can. I want to save the people that I can save. I do this so that I can reach the ending of my story without any regrets... Zwei, to me a hero is a symbol, he grants courage to those who have none, he grants hope when everything seems bleak. I want to be the hero I once envisioned when I was kid. So please help me become that hero, Zwei."

Valdel turned around and shone his bright smile at Zwei. Looking at his eyes that seem to be looking at a far distant future, an ideal future, made Valdel who was already good looking look even more handsome. Zwei caught up by Valdel's speech bowed in front of him.

"As you wish my master."

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