Demon's Diary

Chapter 1099

Chapter 1099: Dong Hao

Chapter 1099: Dong Hao

“Give me a private room and serve some good food.”

The middle-aged man in the gray shirt seemed to inadvertently lift the shirt that was blocking his waist, and a small gray jade tablet flashed. 2 small silver characters “Dong Hao” could be seen on it.

“My honorable guest, please come with me.” The staff’s eyesight was keen. The gray jade tablet only showed for a second, and he had already seen it clearly.

The staff smiled and walked toward the backyard.

The middle-aged man in a gray shirt didn’t say much. He just followed him with his hands on his back.

They came to the courtyard behind the restaurant, turned a corner, and stopped in front of a guest room.

“Customer, the room is ready.” The man cupped his fist to the middle-aged man in a gray shirt and left right away.

The middle-aged man in a gray shirt withdrew his gaze after seeing the man walking away. He released Divine Thought to explore the surroundings, then he turned his gaze to the room in front of him.

This person was Liu Ming.

At this moment, 2 years had passed since he met Qing Ling in the black crystal forest.

In the past 2 years, while training, he inquired about the information about the Tomb of Serene King everywhere, but he had not gained much.

However, just 2 months ago, by chance, he learned about the existence of a very mysterious force in the deepest underworld — Dong Hao.

It was said that “Dong Hao” acted very secretly, and its forces spread all over the major areas of the deepest underworld. They engaged in all illegal trades, including buying and selling all kinds of strange rare items, exchanging information and even providing assassination services.

In a word, as long as one could afford to pay a high price, there was nothing this force couldn’t do and there was no information that couldn’t be obtained.

No one knew how powerful Dong Hao was, but it was said that the city lords of most of the forces in the deepest underworld had contact with them. Even a few Serene Kings were no exception, and they never interfered with their activities within their own jurisdiction.

After Liu Ming knew the existence of this force, he was naturally very happy. However, in order to get in touch with this force and participate in the Dong Hao Conference, he had to get a token.

Liu Ming glanced at the gray jade tablet around his waist, and his eyes twitched slightly. In order to get this thing, he spent a lot of money. Even until now, he felt a little distressed.

He shook his head, calmed his mind, and knocked twice on the door.

“Come in.” A slightly old voice came from the room immediately.

After a dull squeaking sound, the wooden door opened, and Liu Ming stepped into the room.

What appeared in front of him was a very simple room with only a mahogany table. Behind the table sat an old man in a green robe with a kind-hearted face, but his face was bloodless, which looked a little odd.

On the side of the room, there was also a large carved windscreen with a dim light on it. There seemed to be some kind of enchantment.

Liu Ming scanned the old man in a green robe, and he found that he was at the Real Pellet State later stage.

“Is sir here to participate in this Dong Hao Conference?” The old man in a green robe asked indifferently.

“Yes.” Liu Ming took off the jade tablet from his waist and handed it to the other party.

The old man stretched out a thin arm and took the jade tablet. After seeing the faint white light on it, he nodded and returned the jade tablet to Liu Ming.

“No problem, please come in.” The old man looked up at Liu Ming again. He took out a palm-sized token and shook it slightly. A white light shot at the windscreen in the room.

The windscreen shone, revealing a short circular tunnel. In the end was a teleportation array with flickering rays of light.

“This leads to the venue of the Dong Hao Conference.” The old man in a green robe said when he saw Liu Ming seemed hesitant.

After pondering for a while, Liu Ming took out a ghost mask and put it on his face. This was a hell weapon he found in the storage device of the green-faced old man. It had the function of isolating Divine Thought, which was useful on this occasion.

After putting on the mask, he walked straight through the tunnel and stood on the teleportation array inside.

After the teleportation array light flickered for a while, its figure suddenly disappeared.

After Liu Ming regained his sight, he found himself in a 300 meters cave.

“Welcome to the Serene Water Region’s Dong Hao Conference.” A cold female voice came.

A veiled Serene Clan woman in a black and white robe was standing beside the teleportation array.

Liu Ming nodded and looked around.

There were dozens of trapezoidal platforms in the cave, and each platform had a shimmering teleportation array.

A tablet was put next to each teleportation array with the name of each city marked on it. A Serene Clan cultivator in a black and white robe would stand on each array.

“Cold Moon City”

“City of Hunting”

“Cold Water City”

Liu Ming looked around roughly, and he found that several cities he knew were all listed.

Liu Ming walked off the platform indifferently and went to the tunnel ahead. josei

It didn’t take long before he came to a huge underground square.

This underground plaza was circular in size and had a size of dozens of acres. It looked very open. The top was inlaid with a large number of stones that emitted a soft white light, which illuminated the entire underground space.

In the square at the moment, there were about 600 Serene Clan cultivators standing sparsely, looking quite lively.

Except for those Dong Hao members in black and white robes, most of the others were like Liu Ming, wearing masks or cloaks. Some simply covered their faces with mystic arts.

Liu Ming scanned with Divine Thought. He was surprised that half of the people present were above the Real Pellet State.

At the other end of the square, there were several pavilions of different sizes. Serene Clan cultivators entered and exited from time to time. A rectangular plaque was hung at the entrance of each pavilion.

Judging from the names written on the plaques, they should provide services such as information trading, treasure exchange, assassination, etc.

Liu Ming wasn’t surprised by this. In addition to the usual services provided by Dong Hao Conference, there would be a regional event like this every once in a while, but the location was different each time.

The arrival of Liu Ming did not attract the attention of other Serene Clan cultivators. He walked forward without thinking.

When he walked to the center of the square, he found that many simple booths were set up here. People went to browse the items from time to time.

When he saw this, he was moved.

There was plenty of time, so he might as well visit the booths to see if anything useful to him.

This Dong Hao Conference was an excellent place to sell stolen goods. For the techniques, hell weapons and rare materials, no one would inquire about their origin.

So the famous magic weapons of the dead powerhouse or some stolen treasures of the city lord might appear here.

Liu Ming wandered around casually.

As he walked past a booth, his eyes suddenly lit up.

The booth owner was a burly man wearing a baby-face mask. There was a simple wooden table in front of him. It was full of different items, but what caught Liu Ming’s attention was a blood-red jade in the corner.

When Liu Ming was about to speak, the burly man with a baby-face mask made a gesture and shrouded them in a soundproof barrier.

“Sir, are you interested in this Warm Sun Jade? It’s a rare item. It’s most suitable to forge a defensive hell weapon. Even wearing it on you can resist the damage of the yin attribute array. 50,000 hell stones. Non-negotiable.” The muscular man with a baby-face mask said quickly.

“Warm Sun Jade?”

Liu Ming squinted.

The person in front of him was right. This spiritual jade was rare in the deepest underworld. It was worth the price. If it was sold in the Middle Sky Continent, the value might may be even higher.

According to some of his inquiries over the years, the Tomb of Serene King was located between the Serene Water Region and the Seren Qing Region, close to the outermost of the 2 regions. It was shrouded in a layer of extremely powerful tidal cold current.

This tidal cold current was extremely domineering, almost a natural disaster. Besides, due to the special terrain of the Tomb of Serene King, even Celestial State cultivators could hardly break in.

If he could get this Warm Sun Jade, his chance would be much greater.

“I want to exchange it with a pair of magic weapon prototype swords and 10,000 hell stones. You won’t suffer a loss in this, what do you think?” Liu Ming said calmly, then he took out 2 purple long swords.

This was the hell weapon of the young man who died under the hands of Void Spirit.

“Hehe, more than enough, more than enough.” The muscular man with a baby-face mask glanced at the swords in Liu Ming’s hands, and he hurriedly handed over the jade as if he was afraid that Liu Ming would renege.

Liu Ming didn’t say much and accepted the jade. A warm current flowed through his body, giving him a burning sensation.

It’s really Warm Sun Jade. It seems that this trip is worth it.

Liu Ming secretly rejoiced. He threw the 2 swords and a bag of hell stones, then he kept away the jade and left.

Although this pair of swords was not bad, he already had Mother Son Yin Soul Swords and Ku Bitter Wheel Sword that were better than these 2 swords, so he might as well exchange them for another much-needed treasure.

After walking around for a while, Liu Ming didn’t find anything else suitable for him. He immediately glanced at a few pavilions in the distance. After thinking for a while, he strode toward the smallest building among them.

On the plaque of the two-storey building, 3 big characters “All Knowing Pavilion” were written on it.

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