Demon's Diary

Chapter 1100

Chapter 1100: Yin Liu

Chapter 1100: Yin Liu

Entering the pavilion, a burly man in a black and white robe stood facing him. His arms folded. He looked Liu Ming up and down, then he stepped aside and said,

“Go up the middle stairs, don’t go wrong.”

The sound was extremely dull.

When Liu Ming heard the words, he could see that in the small space in front of him, 3 narrow wooden stairs were ***juxtaposed, each leading to the second floor.

He walked to the second floor, only to find that it was extremely dark. He couldn’t see anything clearly. There should be an enchantment to limit sight and Divine Thought’s senses.

Just when he was about to speak, the space brightened. The stairs he came up with disappeared instead.

“Hehe, don’t be surprised, sir. It’s just an enchantment. You don’t want people to hear what we talk right?” The voice was a little hoarse, but it came from a skinny old man sitting cross-legged on a futon in the innermost of the room.

“I see.”

Hearing this, Liu Ming calmly looked at the old man and scanned the room with his peripheral vision.

This was a long secret room only 15 meters in size. There was no one else except the skinny old man.

The old man sat with his eyes closed. A 1-meter tall ancient bronze lamp was lit with a flickering blue flame. On the small table in front, there were a dozen jade slips stacked up like a mountain.

“Ahem, what do sir want to know? Different information has different prices.” The skinny old man said politely when Liu Ming didn’t speak.

“Do you know about the Tomb of Serene King in Serene Water Region?” Liu Ming stopped before the skinny old man and asked lightly.

“Tomb of Serene King? Tsk tsk, sir shouldn’t be just asking this question only right? Why don’t you tell me all so that I can quote you the price first.” The skinny old man raised his drooping eyes. His had a hint of surprise.

“I want to know everything about the Tomb of Serene King.” Liu Ming still looked calm.

“Hehe, I haven’t seen anyone asking about this for some years. But you are asking the right person. Except for this All Knowing Pavilion, you can’t get too detailed information in other places. 150,000 hell stones or the equivalent hell treasure.” The skinny old man said loudly.

Hearing this, Liu Ming raised his brows slightly, then fell silent.

Although he had been inquiring about the Tomb of Serene King for the past 2 years, he only knew about the existence of a tidal cold current in the outermost periphery of the Tomb of Serene King. He did not get any other valuable information.

Now that 2 years had passed, he couldn’t wait any longer. Although 150,000 hell stone was a huge sum of money, if he could know more specific information, he would be able to enter the Tomb of Serene King with a little more confidence.

After he made up his mind, he raised his sleeve, and a pile of hell stones of various qualities was piled up in front of him.

“Sir is really decisive person.” The skinny old man glanced across the hell stones, and he couldn’t help but smile.

Immediately afterward, he whispered a few words, then he turned his dry arm. A jade slip with white light flew toward Liu Ming.

Seeing this, Liu Ming caught the jade slip and stuck it on his forehead.

In this jade slip, the location of the Tomb of Serene King was pointed out in detail, which was exactly the same as what Qing Ling said. The perimeter description of the Tomb of Serene King in the jade slip was not much different from what he inquired about, then there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

In addition, there were also some maps and descriptions of dangerous places inside the Tomb of Serene King, but these were a bit fragmented and not very complete. These should be the experiences of those who return alive from this dangerous place.

“Here’s the hell stones, the trade between us is done. I will leave now.” Liu Ming took away the jade slip and bade goodbye.

“Walk yourself out!” The skinny old man didn’t bother to retain him either. He launched a green light to get the hell stones while he launched a symbol behind Liu Ming.

The stairs that had disappeared before reappeared.

When Liu Ming left All Knowing Pavilion, the number of people in the Dong Hao Conference underground square became more and more crowded.

Now that the main purpose of this trip had been completed, he didn’t intend to stay any longer. Although he still had a few magic weapons that had not been exchanged, he didn’t need a lot of hell stones now, so there was no need to attract others’ attention.

He was walking slowly towards the entrance of the cave where the teleportation array was located. Suddenly, he turned to look behind him.

There was a Serene Clan cultivator wearing a bone mask less than 30 meters away. Seeing Liu Ming stopped, he stopped as well.

“Sir, do you have anything to say to me after following for so long?” Liu Ming said coldly.

“Sir, please don’t misunderstand, I have no ill intent here. I just want to take the liberty to ask if you want to go to the Tomb of Serene King?”

The Serene Clan cultivator with a bone mask seemed to be at the Real Pellet State early stage. He was wearing a robe that covered his burly body, but his voice sounded very young. When he mentioned the words “Tomb of Serene King”, he instantly sent a voice transmission.

“Oh, why do you say that?”

Hearing this, Liu Ming was startled. He hurriedly glanced around, only then he was relieved when he found that no one seemed to notice here.

“Hehe, the tidal cold current in the outside has a weakening period every 10 years, and it should be close now. I just saw sir exchanged for the Warm Sun Jade with a high price, then you also went to the All Knowing Pavilion for a long time, so I made a bold guess. Now it seems that my guess is right.” The Serene Clan cultivator with a bone mask laughed and continued to send voice transmission.

“Sir is really thoughtful. I admire that. I do have this plan! You are so concerned about this matter, do you also want to break into the Tomb of Serene King?” A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, then Liu Ming replied calmly with voice transmission.

“Sir is also a smart person. Yes, since you and I have the same goal, are you interested in joining forces? The Tomb of Serene King is extremely dangerous. Having 1 more companion will naturally make it easier.” The Serene Clan cultivator with a bone mask replied. josei

Liu Ming didn’t speak for a while, seeming to be thinking about something.

Seeing this, the cultivator with a bone mask did not urge him. He just stood far away and looked around casually.

“There are many people here. Let’s leave here first and find a place to talk in detail.” After a while, Liu Ming said with determination.

“Okay, no problem!” The cultivator with a bone mask agreed to it.

Liu Ming took a deep look at him, turned and walked toward the cave where the teleportation array was located. The sound of footsteps came from behind him. The cultivator with a bone mask followed behind him, keeping a distance of about 30 meters.

Liu Ming walked quickly to the teleportation array of Qing Yue City that he used, then he turned slightly to the side. The cultivator with a bone mask understood and walked quickly into the teleportation array.

The woman guarding the teleportation array didn’t say anything. She just launch a symbol into the array. The array shone brightly.

Liu Ming saw the young man disappearing in the teleportation array, and he also followed up.

When the light dissipated, Liu Ming returned to the house in the backyard of the restaurant where he entered. The kind-hearted old man in a green shirt gave Liu Ming and the cultivator with a bone mask a surprised look, but he didn’t say anything. He pointed, and the door opened in response.

The cultivator with a bone mask smiled slightly, walked out immediately, and took off the mask on his face. It was a young man who had a handsome face. His eyebrows were straight, giving people a sense of majesty.

Liu Ming raised his eyebrows when he saw this scene.

For some reason, when he looked at this person, he felt a sense of deja vu, which made him scrutinize the other person a few more times. After finally confirming that he really didn’t know him, he also took off his mask in doubt.

A quarter of an hour later, they came to the private room of another restaurant in Qing Yue City.

After Liu Ming arranged a soundproof enchantment, he looked at the young man with a cold gaze.

“By the way, I haven’t introduced myself yet, I’m Yin Liu.” Before Liu Ming could ask, the young man said with a slight smile.

“Yin Han.” Liu Ming replied without emotion.

“Brother Yin Han, I wonder if you are interested in the proposal I just made? In addition, although the tidal cold current outside the Tomb of Serene King weakens every 10 years, it is still extremely cold. Even if you have a Warm Sun Jade’s protection, the chance of crossing probably won’t be high. I happen to know a tunnel with the weakest tidal cold current. If you go in from there, you can at least increase the success rate by 30 to 40%.” Yin Liu said with a flash of eyes.

“It seems that Brother Yin knows a lot about the Tomb of Serene King. Could it be that you also got the news from Dong Hao?” When Liu Ming heard this, he was face finally moved.

“That’s not true. I got a part of the map of the Tomb of Serene King by chance, which specifically records this special tunnel.” Yin Liu said with a smile.

Liu Ming’s expression changed slightly when he heard this. Most of the information he bought from Dong Hao at a high price was about various enchantments of Tomb of Serene King, and there was not much map information. If the other party’s information was true, it was obviously a great help.

“In this case, I’m fine with teaming up with you. Since you also plan to go to Tomb of Serene King, you shouldn’t be qeak right.” Liu Ming said.

“I’m ashamed to say that my cultivation is not very high, and sir has reached the Real Pellet State intermediate stage. After entering the Tomb of Serene King, I can only pass some enchantments with your help.” As the young man said this, he took a deep look at Liu Ming.

“Hehe, so that’s the case. But I’ll make myself clear that if we encounter any danger that I’m not confident to survive, I will not take the risk.” After hearing the words, Liu Ming replied with a smile.

“Of course. Then it’s settled like this. After 3 months, we will meet in Tai Zhen City, which is the closest city to the Tomb of Serene King.” Yin Liu stood up in joy and cupped his fist.

Liu Ming naturally had no opinion.

Then, they parted away immediately.

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