D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1000 - 1000 The Big Chapter 1000 BEACH SPECIAL! Part 1

Chapter 1000 - 1000 The Big Chapter 1000 BEACH SPECIAL! Part 1

1000 The Big Chapter 1000 BEACH SPECIAL! Part Due to popular request, chapter 1000 is a beach episode special. It is set some undefined time in the future but it will technically be cannon. I want this as both a cool episode and a snapshot of where I see the characters going for you all to enjoy.


It turned out. Renting a whole beach island was expensive… but remarkably easy. Lust had acquired a number of beach islands across quite a few dimensions and hooked up teleporters to them all. It was as simple as putting in a reservation, supplying the ludicrous amounts of money, and then getting the correct number of tickets from the receptionist.

Kat was required to hand them all out personally, well, that was a lie, Lily handed out some of them as well. It wasn’t Lust’s job though apparently. Kat didn’t regret signing up to Lust as her faction of choice. She still didn’t really have much to do with Envy and Pride but she found Gluttony and Wrath to really not be to her tastes, while Sloth and Greed were alright as they were… but not factions Kat was interested in belonging to.

Her friends clearly agreed with her. Sue joining up as soon as she managed Rank 3 wasn’t a surprise, even if Kamiko’s membership was a small one. Sue didn’t go on Contracts all that much anymore. Lust was perfectly happy to arrange a long string of ‘clients’ for her and were more than willing to send the interesting people Sue’s way.

Kat shook her head. Everyone else had finally stepped through the transporter, even Lily had gone ahead so that they could change separately and surprise each other. Kat even blocked out Lily’s ability to see through her eyes temporarily to make sure it was a surprise. Kat’s outfit was a fairly conservative bikini with a bit of extra cloth wrapped around her bottoms. Kat had managed to snap a set with her own trademark style. Black with silvery flowers and red outlines.

Kat stepped through the teleporter and was instantly hit with the smell of salt and sand. She could already hear laughing in the distance. The end point for the teleporter was a short walk away from the beach, but in a small hidden alcove. Standing there, with a big smile on her face was Lily.

She’d gone for an open back one-piece bit of swimwear that Lily would swear up and down was more modest then Kat’s own attire… but Kat would disagree. Lily’s legs, arms, and back were on full display and the outfit was practically vacuum sealed to Lily’s body. Kat already knew every curve perfectly… but the reminder was right in front of her if she needed it. The outfit didn’t really do anything to hide that. It was interesting to note that Lily had an odd clear plastic thing over her ears to keep them dry. Not something Kat could remember seeing before.

Lily didn’t need to say anything she just jumped forward, letting Kat catch her, and spin them both around. Lily kissed her deeply and Kat couldn’t help but feel pleased with all the training it had taken to get to this point. The point where Lily would happily initiate such things, in public no less. She was a bit harder to tease… but only a bit. Kat thought the trade-off was well worth it.


“Took you long enough Kat. I thought I’d be standing here by myself for hours waiting for you to show up. What took you so long? It shouldn’t have been that hard for you to change. There was changing rooms in the teleporter area!” said Lily with faux annoyance.

Kat grinned and said, “Oh, I’m sure you know all about how quickly my clothes can be removed, you’ve done it often enough after all,” Lily was bright red. I’ve still got it! “I was just a bit lost in thought, I guess. It… weird to think about it but we’ve never had everyone all together like this. I wonder what it’ll be like. Who will get along with who… that sort of thing,”

“It’s a shame not everyone could make it,” pouted Lily. “We tried so hard to get everyone we know an invite,”

“Well that’s hardly fair. Green and Gareth didn’t want to leave the kids by themselves, and you know just as well as I do that Kress still isn’t a big fan of us,” said Kat.

“Green and Gareth could’ve left the kids with Kress. I bet they didn’t want HIM to be lonely. Biggest baby of them all I swear. At least Nixilei was able to come,” returned Lily.

Kat shrugged, “I wonder just how much of that is because she wanted to come, and how much of it is because she was ordered to come spy on us,” said Kat wryly.

Lily groaned and retorted, “Nixilei promised it wasn’t like that. She didn’t even tell Green’s parents why she was asking for a vacation. Granted I won’t promise that she’ll never use the stuff she learns here… but she’s a good friend and she’s not going to air the really private stuff anyway. I’m still annoyed about everyone else that’s skipping out though. At least Green and Gareth had an acceptable reason,”

Kat shrugged, “Not everyone is up for trans-dimensional get togethers. Though I do think we could’ve invited the rest of Kamiko’s family,”

Lily shook her head strongly, “Kamiko specifically asked us not to and we respected her wishes on that front. Just because she still gets along with them great doesn’t mean that she wanted them on vacation with us,”

“I suppose,” said Kat with a shrug.

As the trees parted to make way for the beach Kat took in everyone. Well, everyone she could see at any rate. Callisto and Sylvie had set up a marquee set aside for that damned game. When Kat purchased it for Sylvie, she hadn’t realised just how big of a deal it’d become in their household. Of course, Kat was partially to blame. Continually acquiring the expansions for subsequent birthdays… but it was probably fine.

Of course, Sylve and Callisto had undoubtedly set the tent up solely to convert more people to their cult. The fact that Nixilei was nowhere to be seen and neither was Minor or Enuko. Though it was possible Minor was just hanging out inside of Shizuka’s head at the moment. Though… considering Shizuka’s partner wasn’t around it could go either way.

Chekov was of course, also missing but that crazy carpenter was definitely using this as a chance to make something out of rare wood he’d never seen before so nobody had much hope of finding him anytime soon. Kat took another glance over the groups of people around and noticed Bruce missing as well. Probably with Chekov.

What wasn’t ok was Roxanne and Sue hanging out together. That was a recipe for disaster. Sue was of course, wearing basically nothing. In the strictest sense Sue did indeed have a bikini on… but it covered basically nothing. Kat nearly wanted to scream. *I mean for crying out loud. The only thing you can’t see up top are her nipples and even then I wouldn’t be surprised if those still gets flashed. There’s barely a few centimetres of fabric there! And the only reason I can’t see her asshole at the back is because her ass is big enough to hide it! Honestly Sue.* josei

Sue had gotten better… well not really. Sue had found more harmony in herself. That didn’t mean she had stopped teasing people, or sleeping around though. Hadn’t found anyone to settle down with yet. The fact that Roxanne was nearby and trading stories didn’t bode well though.

Roxanne had a large sunhat on and was wearing a see-through shawl over a tankini in bright red. She was getting on a bit in years, but she apparently wasn’t letting it affect her body much at all. Kat just looked away from the pair, deciding she didn’t want to worry about what shenanigans those two were going to get up to.

*I wish Gramps had been willing to come. But no… he was all ‘you young folks have fun without this old codger’. It’s not like we weren’t also inviting Vivian’s parents, and Lily’s grandparents. Granted Lily’s side of the family was… less enthusiastic about coming and decline as well but COME ON Gramps. Letting the team down.*

Kat glanced over at Vivian and Mai having a very casual game of volleyball against Yang and Xuena while Apep and Xiang watched from the side. Vivian was wearing a similar… wait no, the exact same outfit as her mother. Kat smelled blackmail there. Mai was of course not wearing anything… but as a smile it was probably acceptable. Yang was wearing a fairly daring blue bikini with snowflakes on it that seemed to be a set with Xuena’s own bikini that was yellow with petals. Xiang was wearing a pair of boardshorts split between blue and yellow, while Apep had on an emerald green pair.

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