D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1001 - 1001 The Big Chapter 1000 BEACH SPECIAL! Part 2 (Technically chapter 1001)

Chapter 1001 - 1001 The Big Chapter 1000 BEACH SPECIAL! Part 2 (Technically chapter 1001)

1001 The Big Chapter 1000 BEACH SPECIAL! Part 2 (Technically chapter 1001)

Zuhra and Jara were sitting behind the grill chatting. The grill wasn’t on… and they’d dragged over some chairs so Kat wasn’t exactly sure what was going on there… but things were probably fine? Kat wasn’t in charge of the food, so it was definitely not her problem.

In the end, Kat dropped herself down beside Shizuka and Chiharu who were just sort of sitting on the edge of things. “Hey… you guys alright? Everyone else seems to be at least chatting a bit but you guys are just sitting off to the side by yourself,” asked Kat.

Having massive bushy tails did limit their options when it came to outfits a bit. It did make certain styles look a bit awkward. Still, the Queen at least made it work. She had a tiny shawl that hang over her back like a small cape and a similar one-piece to Lily. Though her own covered her legs a fair bit more than Lily’s did.

Shizuka on the other hand had gone really daring, and was wearing a thing swimsuit held up by strings on the side and a breast band that held those in place up top. “I’m just keeping my dear daughter company while she mopes…” said Chiharu.

“I’m not moping,” snapped Shizuka.

“Darling… just because your fiancé can’t be here doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you anymore,” said Chiharu softly.

“I know that!” snapped Shizuka. “I know that…” Shizuka’s voice dropped to a mumble. “I just… I planned to show off to her here. It was going to be our nice get away from everything. Stupid Beast King. Had to go and cause a bunch of problems for me…”

“You know it wasn’t an intentional slight darling… though we can definitely cause him some grief over this when we get back,” said Chiharu with a predatory smile.

Shizuka sighed again, “I don’t want concessions, I want my girlfriend!”


Chiharu rolled her eyes, “I know dear I know,” she said as she patted her daughter’s head. She turned to Lily and Kat and mouthed out ‘leave this one to me for now’ before turning back to her daughter. josei

*Guess we’ll leave them to it. Should we go say hello to whoever is trapped in the tent with Sylvie and Callisto?*

[You say that like they didn’t enter of their own free will. We’ve talked enough about their obsessions with Clash of Gods. We didn’t help when we kept giving them the expansions every year.]

*But it’s like Sylvie’s favourite thing to do these days! How could I NOT get her the expansions when she looks at me with those adorable puppy dog eyes?*

[I’m not going to pretend I’m not partially at fault for this… but we really should’ve seen this coming. We finally provided them with something that wasn’t instantly understandable and they have studied more than I think most PHD students put into their graduation papers.]

*Maybe we should just leave them?*

[No. We’re going to say hello.]

As they approached the tent, they found Kamiko hiding around the corner, and decided a small delay was fine. “Hey Kami. What’re you up to?”

“I’m hiding from Sue, Roxanne and Sylvie. Though Sylvie for different reasons then the other two…” mumbled Kamiko.

“Kamiko… Sue’s certainly got good enough hearing to keep track of your heartbeat if she wants to. The only reason she hasn’t found you is because she’s willing to play along with the fact you don’t want to be found,” pointed out Lily.

“I can dream ok!” retorted Kamiko. “I know perfectly well that this is only because she’s allowing me… but I can sneak back into the tent is she grabs me and I doubt Sylvie would let her get away with her brand of teasing while they were trying to indoctrinate people into their cult,”

“It’s not a cult!” came a shout from inside the tent. It was soundly ignored by the three outside of it.

“Look Kamiko… you just don’t seem to have the greatest taste in men… and Sue is trying her best to help you out with it,” said Kat… with a smug smile.

Kamiko glared at her friend. “Oh like you can talk, little miss perfect relationship. Well not everyone manages to find someone crazy enough to go straight to a permanent mind and soul bond and then have it actually fucking work out. Besides, the first guy I broke up with was nice… we just didn’t see ourselves staying together long term,”

“Kamiko he was gay,” said Kat with a deadpan.

Kamiko winced. “You don’t know that…”

“Kamiko…” said Lily slowly. “Sue warned you he was gay. Kat and I warned you he was gay. Your sisters warned you he was gay… and what happened?”

“We broke up… but not because he was gay!” offered Kamiko.

“The fact you can say that and not be stopped by your demonic blood is honestly amazing,” said Lily. “In fact. No, I have absolutely no idea how you could possibly say that. The fact your mouth was able to form the words is frankly astonishing. How can you say that?”

Kamiko shrugged, “We still talk. We’re still friends even… sort of,”

Kat rolled her eyes. “Fine but what about the next two? The ones that were cheating on you,”

Kamiko growled, “That barely counts. Sue was seducing them and nearly slept with them both. That hardly counts as cheating. I mean, have you seen what she looks like?”

“Kamiko… as a gay woman that does admit Sue is exceptionally attractive, I have never, not once, used that as an excuse to cheat on Kat. In fact, it might be a shock to you to hear this… but I haven’t slept with anyone except Kat. Ever? Strange isn’t it?” grumbled Lily.

Kamiko growled back, “Well maybe if Sue could keep it in her pants…”

Kat rolled her eyes, “You’re not actually mad at Sue. Especially considering she warned you about them both. She told you what she was going to try, and then updated you every step along the way. Up to and including the horrible punishments she came up with alongside her mother when they finally agreed to sleep with her. Admit it Kamiko. You have shit taste in men,”

Kamiko sighed and said, “Ok fine. Apparently I have shit taste in men… but it was hilarious what ended up happening? I mean have you seen the pictures!”

Kat’s eyes narrowed. “Wait a minute… did you even kiss those two guys?”

Kamiko grinned, “Just now catching on?”

“Wait… wait have we been the ones out of the loop on this?” asked Kat with a glare. “Was the whole thing a setup between you and Sue?”

Kamiko shook her head, “No not the whole thing. First one was a genuine shock and I cried for a few days. You were there for that remember?” Kat nodded, “Second one though… well they were actually trying to get with my sister but I’d heard a few things about them. So I stuck my hat in the ring and plotted with Sue in the background. It was great fun. Honestly, it was more amusing then dating the first two guys. Even if I really shouldn’t do it again… so much fun,” Kamiko cackled.

“Where did our sweet innocent Kamiko go,” whined Kat.

“She became best friends with a Succubus that has more energy go to one tit then her entire brain,” said Kamiko with a grin.

“This cannot be entirely Sue’s fault,” retorted Kat.

Kamiko just shrugged. “Wait…” said Lily carefully, “If Sue was in on it the whole time… why are you out here hiding?”

Kamiko coughed, blushed and looked away, “No r-” before choking on the words.

Kat and Lily grinned but Kamiko just manifested her weapon and smacked them both with the pole sending Kat and Lily into the tent. Minor turned to great them with a shy wave after the pair stood up… but everyone else was engaged in a heated argument. Or, more accurately, Nixilei and Enuko were arguing. Sylvie was listening, and Callisto was noting everything down.

Oh and the marquee was bigger on the inside. That was a little strange, but it did mean there was enough for five massive tables all filled with a gameboards. It was too complicated for Kat to properly take in at a glance… but it seemed like there was multiple copies of the game going on. Surely even Sylvie and Callisto weren’t that crazy right?

Kat and Lily sidled up to Minor. She wasn’t wearing a swimsuit at all. Instead, she had a loose white sundress on and only one tail. She was using the clone technique to make herself a body and she seemed to be somewhat concerned with everyone else in the marquee. “Are you ok?” whispered Kat.

“Um… er… not really? I… I wanted to know what was going on in here… but well… um… it seems they got a bit… heated. I… I guess it’s a good board game? I… I don’t really know I got a bit lost…” mumbled Minor.

Kat and Lily drew the poor girl into a hug, squishing her between the two of them. Kat wrapped her tail around the other two, and Lily threaded her tail through Minor’s and rubbed Minor’s ears. “There there, it’s ok,” said Lily and Kat together. “We’re here now to protect you from the big-bad board game freaks,”

Minor giggles and leaned into the hug the best she could when it was coming from two different directions.

Sylvie had aged… barely anything. Even as the years passed, she was still a tiny waifish girl that hadn’t gotten much taller. She was wearing a silver one-piece swimsuit that was technically as indecent as Lily’s… but in practice she still looked a lot like a child in a swimsuit so it was more adorable than anything else. Callisto had a rather thin bikini on… but she was wearing a damned lab coat over the top of everything.

Enuko was… apparently taking a page from Mai’s book and wasn’t wearing anything. Sure her tails were curled around her to prevent certain things from being seen… and she was technically the oldest person here by a long shot. Didn’t look it though. Yeah but why is she naked? Kat’s question would go unanswered.

Nixilei at least looked rather normally in her jet black bikini that rested above her now very visible wings. She had her glasses on though, and was glaring at down at everyone with all the authority of someone who knows that they’re right and you’re not. Well, mostly just at Enuko but the effect carried.

Kat and Lily grinned. It was nice to see everyone again. To have everyone in one place? Even if in their little groups for the moment? Well… it was looking to be a great vacation.

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