D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1002 - 1002 Chapter 1002 Back to Cultivation Stuff

Chapter 1002 - 1002 Chapter 1002 Back to Cultivation Stuff

1002 Chapter 1002 Back to Cultivation Stuff

Back to Sue.


Sue’s head was spinning. She now knew more about how to make ice cream then basically every other bit of cooking knowledge she possessed combined. Now, how long it’d remain in her head was another matter but she was feeling pretty educated right now. She still didn’t really understand why Bodeir took such great offense to the dishes being served but at least it was all edible. Not like those cupcakes. Sue shivered. Yeah… best not to tell Bodeir about them.

That’s when Sue heard a rustling from nearby, Sue turned and saw a dart shooting straight for Bodeir, she didn’t even have time to properly raise her shield when Kat slammed into the ground in front of them both, catching the dart out of the air in a single moment, before a blink later and she was gone, all Sue could see was an afterimage that seemed to indicate she’d charged after the culprit.

Bodeir had actually started to move into a defensive position in front of Sue, though he was clearly watching all angles. *Naw. That’s sweet. Even if he is an idiot he at least has good instincts. I’m not sure he’s actually tougher than me. Stronger certainly, but with my shield I can probably defend better. Guess I’ll just apply it to Bodeir if I see the attacker.*

That’s when Kat walked back into view frown on her face and a few twigs stuck in her hair and outfit. The nearby bush had been decimated by Kat’s charge. Possibly more than one nearby bush. Kat was carefully brushing everything away but it was clear she wasn’t happy. Kat stopped in front of them and held out the dart, still visibly leaking a sickly green liquid that smelled like swamp water. “Poison dart. I’m afraid it was all setup beforehand though. It was just attached to a one time dart launcher and there’s too many people for my hearing to pick out an attacker if they were watching from afar,”

Bodeir stepped forward and grabbed the dart carefully. Kat made no move to stop him. If he was really that stupid to get hurt after she’d disabled the trap, Kat would just lock him in a closet for the rest of the tournament or something. Bodeir, unaware of Kat’s inner thoughts, moved the dart to underneath his nose and sniffed it. “Hmm… smells like crushed bog apple seeds,” Sue didn’t notice Kat’s eye twitch at the statement, “it’s not deadly but it will make someone sick after about eighteen hours. This might be just a way to reduce the competition tomorrow, not targeting me specifically,”

Kat shrugged, “I don’t know enough to say Bodeir. What would you like to do with the dart?”

“Hmm… I’ll put it in my ring for now. Hromdir will want to take a look when we get back to the hotel. I’ll make sure to give it to him,” said Bodeir.


“Do we want the mechanism as well?” asked Sue from the side.

Bodeir gave her a confused look, though Kat was looking somewhat thoughtful. “What do you mean?” asked Bodeir.

“Well, Kat said that it was a pre-planned trap. All set up before right? That means the rest of the trap is still sitting there? Why don’t we take that from Hromdir as well,” explained Sue.

“Hmm… yes I think Hromdir will be happy to have that… lead the way!” said Bodeir with a grin, apparently quite happy Sue had made the suggestion.

Kat shrugged and turned around ready to lead them to the trap. They moved around the bushes instead of through them this time, until they came to a small but well-trimmed tree. It grew to only slightly above head height and all the branches were carefully pruned in such a way to keep the tree in a round shape. Kat pointed to a branch, and Lily soon jumped down to it from higher up in the tree. Sue hadn’t noticed her before.

With Lily now the centre of attention, the Memphis padded along the branch until they were poking at a… bird’s nest? No. Sue looked closer and she could see a large hole in the side that was clearly where the dart had been launched from. It did have three eggs inside it, and the nest itself was made up of sticks, a few stray bits of fabric and perhaps some packed ice as well. “I see. Bring it down,” said Bodeir firmly.

Kat hopped lightly, plucking the nest, from the branch and examining it herself for a moment before handing it over to Bodeir. Sue leaned over his shoulder and took a look for herself. The main hole was obvious, but as Bodeir turned the nest around, it was clear that it could shoot a number of darts in various directions. None of them seemed to have been launched though.

After Bodeir finished with his inspection, which was really just one full rotation he pulled the nest into his ring and remarked. “The eggs were fake,”

“How do you know?” asked Kat, curious.

“My ring can only handle dead things. The fact that the eggs went in as well means they were all dead, or they were never real in the first place,” responded Bodeir, as if he was just repeating an explanation he’d heard before. josei

Kat narrowed her eyes, “What about the twigs and leaves? I’m pretty sure there was at least one leaf in that nest that was still alive,”

Bodeir answered with a confused shrug, “Because it’s a plant?”

“Why?” asked Kat, still unsure of the exact mechanics.

“I have no idea,” admitted Bodeir. Apparently it wasn’t poor form to admit you didn’t understand that particular detail about the storage rings. It was probably something most people didn’t know.

*I wonder… I know some demon abilities work like that but not all of them. I wonder if it’s something intrinsic to the way the ring works? Or if the ring just forcibly stops living things entering as a safety measure. I doubt there’s air in there for things that still need it, so it might just be to stop idiots using them to kill people. Then again… living beings with qi or some other form of higher energy expelling that energy inside an expanded pocket of space might play havoc with the structure. Perhaps a bit of both?*

“Is there anything else you’d like to check on before I move away again?” asked Kat.

“You don’t have to,” said Sue instantly. *Where did that come from? She’s my friend sure, but it’s clear this party thing isn’t her scene and I’m sure she’s fine talking to Lily. Why did I automatically say that?*

Kat just shrugged, and looked at Bodeir who also shrugged. “I do not mind your lovely presence of course, but it is considered to be a social faux pas to be too obvious with your bodyguard standing over you. Either decision is fine with me,”

Kat shrugged again and dashed away. Not surprising really. With Kat ‘gone’ Sue turned to Bodeir and said, “Is it time to great our hosts now? Hopefully you have calmed after getting your complaints off your chest,”

Bodeir nodded, “Indeed. Disparaging their efforts, even if not to their face was a comforting thing. I should be more willing to express my bad opinions, as it seemed to have help me subdue the burning rage I was experiencing much quicker then meditation,”

*Not sure that’s the best thing to take away from this… but sure. You also seem remarkably unconcerned with the assassination attempt. Apparently that’s not even something to get mad about? I mean, you didn’t mention it… and I was trying to avoid mentioning it well. Hmm… is he just trying not to think about it? Or is it really that small of a concern?*

The pair moved back inside. It didn’t take long to find Bing… but Feng was missing. Bodeir didn’t seem to think it important and made his way over to Bing, who was chatting with a few other women. Before Bodeir could even try to interrupt she turned to face them both. “Bodeir! It’s so great to see you! Feng is actually off looking for you right now. Still, I can’t say I am disappointed to talk to you first!”

*I feel like the false pep is a bit much.* To Sue’s surprise though, Bodeir gave a slight bow and said, “This heir of the Mountain Shaker Sect greats one half of the twin heirs. I have had an interesting evening so far,”

Bing laughed and slapped Bodeir a few times on the back, “Oh, interesting evening he says. Don’t worry, I’m sure you think the food was terrible or something. Don’t even worry about it. I bet our lord father did that specifically just to piss you off. I can’t really say though, I have not spoken to him recently,”

“I would not presume to understand the lord patriarch’s feelings on this matter,” said Bodeir woodenly.

“Now don’t be like that, Dad can be a bit of a butthead when he wants to be, and making great food that also pisses you off? That seems like something he’d do,” said Bing not a shred of familial loyalty.

*What… what is this conversation?*

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