D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 700

Chapter 700

Chapter 700: Chapter 700 A Green Lookin Blue

“It all started when I decided I wanted to protect her. She was so timid and alone. Growing up in the orphanage made it easy to recognise and I’d helped a lot of kids come into their own, so I saw her as another person in need of a lot of help. I know now why she looked so... fragile... back then. I won’t speak too much on it but it was pretty bad. For her, it was world shattering. Nothing of her old life could help her except for a bit of an escape into her research of inane topics.”

Kat paused and was about to fashion her face into the clearest expression of love she could before realising she’d somehow forgotten she was bound head to toe in metal with her face hidden. *Blue isn’t even looking in my direction for crying out loud.* Kat shook her head to dismiss those thoughts, instead trying to inject the emotions into her voice. “I say inane with as much love as possible. It’s one of the things I would have gotten to later, but I love how she can put her all into anything. Research anything. Let her mind be caught by anything. The passion she can just put into anything at the drop of a hat... it’s so inspiring and lovely...

“Anyway, I doubt you want to hear me gush too much... then again you did ask...” Kat had already forgotten Blue asked because she was struggling with getting both hands to the front at once. She’d stopped that and was making progress and even got both arms to the front. Now she just had to wiggle them out of the ropes. Blue wanted to drag them both up but her sleeves were staying caught even after the hands moved up a bit and it was causing new issues. Not that Kat was noticing at all, “back to where I was.

“I felt this desire to protect her, and when she finally let her in I realised she wasn’t just someone who needed confidence. She needed someone who would be by her side forever. Now, I didn’t think of that in a romantic way, but I did want to be her friend forever. I wanted to stand by her all through school and beyond. I also wanted a friend. One that would stick by me as well. The way Lily looked at me the first time I saved her from her bullies...

“Well for a moment it looked like I was the only person in the world. I know now she was already crushing on me HARD but it still really touched me at the time. We didn’t start hanging out straight away after that, there was a bit of wheedling but once we became friends, we were inseparable. She’s also very huggable and that was before the cat form.

“Hmm... so that’s how we started and I talked about her research... I also really admire her intelligence. She doesn’t just absorb information; she really does look at it all properly. She makes her own conclusions and sometimes figures out really unique things,” Kat let out a sigh as Blue gave up on the sleeves and managed to get one of her hands out through the neck whole of her robes. “The final nail in the proverbial coffin...”

Kat thought back to the moment Lily found out Kat was a demon. Most of the panic was about magic being real, and what the wider implications were. There was no hatred or dislike towards Kat for being different. When they found out what kind of demon she was, Lily only pondered what that meant FOR KAT. Sure Lily wasn’t the most unbiased individuals when it came to Kat, but that faith was something Kat adored. How she was going to explain that without mentioning she wasn’t always a demon... was not something she knew how to do. “Well, I think I’ll leave that last one out actually,” josei


Blue nodded, “That’s fine,” she said bending over, arm pressed against her face, bending over awkwardly because she was till tied to the chair and forced to remain mostly sitting as she picked up the fan. Blue moved her arm awkwardly, extending the fan so the bladed edge was accessible and taking a poor swipe at the ropes. Luckily, the fans were sharp and the rope was fairly standard. “BECAUE I’M FREE”

Blue hopped up kicking the chair away as she spun around, ignoring the awkward angle of her hand for a few moments just to dance around and appreciate not being bound by that awful rope anymore. She also realised once her family heard about this they were going to run her through some escape drills and sobered up rather quickly before fixing her outfit.

Blue gave a light cough and turned to Kat, finally seeing how tightly bound the demon was. “Hoo boy you really pissed someone off. I can’t believe I was even internally complaining about my restraints. What the heck Kat?”

Kat gave a shrug which really just looked like slight shifting to Blue because of the layers of metal. “I... I don’t really know how to get started on breaking you out of that... um... is it alright if I try your fans?” asked Blue awkwardly.

“Go for it,” said Kat.

Blue hopped over, spreading the fan edge out completely and looked around for a good place to start. The hands perhaps. Blue paused and started to bit her lip. “Should I like... bring this down on a knot or something and hope to cut through? Should I try and saw a way through? That’ll dull these pretty badly though...”

“Nah they’ll be fixed when I resummon them,” insisted Kat, “I’d go for a big strike first. I’m not worried about you hurting me too much. In fact, if you can’t get through the metal... I have another idea.”

Blue frowned but didn’t let it bother her, even as she had a sneaking suspicion regarding what Kat’s idea was likely to be. Blue slammed the fan down, her wrist and arms taking the brunt of the impact as they bounced back having barely made a score in the metal. “Shit,” said Blue glaring at the small cut.

“Hmm, shame. Ok, do you have any other ideas?” *Or shall I tell you to cut off my hands so I can slide the stumps out and reattach them?* Asked Kat with a self deprecating grin.

“Hmm... maybe I could make some fast moving water to slice through it... but my control for something like that wouldn’t be the best... and I dunno. This seems pretty sturdy.”

“Ok, go with the water idea... but cut off my hands instead,” said Kat.

“WHAT!” screamed Blue.

“No, you’re right that’s dumb. Do them one at a time so I can use the other one to help me a bit,” corrected Kat.

“You’re insane,” said Blue, eyes wide and hands shaking.

“No, I’m Kat. I thought that was pretty clear,” joked the demon in question.

“This isn’t the time for jokes,” snipped Blue, “I am not cutting off your hands.”

“Well no, you’re just cutting the ONE hand for starters. We can re-negotiate after that one is free,” replied Kat.

“No Kat. Not hand. Not handS. Neither. I am not cutting into you,” retorted Blue.

“Well not with that attitude clearly,” said Kat. “Don’t be such a downer. It’s a very temporary injury and you wouldn’t want me trapped here forever,” Kat wiggled a bit causing the metal binding her to clink against each other a bit.

Blue felt the bile rising in her throat. “Oh lords forgive me for this...” Blue swallowed and started to manipulate her water, summoning a small amount with spell before claiming it and getting it to spin. She focused on increasing the speed. The amount of water was tiny, pitiful, barely enough for a hand. But it was enough and as much as Blue wanted to look away... she didn’t want to risk failing and seeing the aftermath.

Kat felt the water cut into her, clenching her teeth and refusing to scream. It was painful sure, pretty high up there as well, but she was expecting it and Blue didn’t deserve that. The squelching of water and flesh continued as Blue tried to hold in her most recent meal. It wouldn’t taste as nice coming out as it did going in...

Yet when Kat’s hand dropped off Blue couldn’t help it she stumbled away, and vomited. Letting the refuse fall into a corner in the floor. On Kat’s end, it was actually somewhat difficult. Her regeneration was already trying to fix things, even while she was being slice up and she had to forcefully supress that for a bit.

With a yank Kat managed to slide her handless arm from the bindings. As soon as that happened her hand had enough and she could feel a pull from the object in question. Blue seeing the twitching hand, got a hold of herself long enough to pick up Kat’s hand and return it. The flesh and bone knitted together perfectly and Kat summoned her fan. She brought all the power she could in her bound state down on her other hand. That made two free, and Blue was looking a lot more green.

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