D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 701

Chapter 701

Chapter 701: Chapter 701 Sharing Tales of Friendship

While Blue was trying to deal with Kat’s seemingly casual self mutilation, Kat was able to work her arms around to the front and then start pushing the wires around her off carefully. Kat was trying to widen them as much as possible. Unlike the one around her neck, which had been removed, the cables didn’t have any burs preventing her from carefully loosening them all around her. With hands free this was a simple, if time consuming task. Kat was making progress, and part of her wondered if focusing on one cable at a time would be better but this was working. “So can I ask you another question now?” asked Kat

Blue moaned as she leant heavily against the wall, “You know what Kat. I don’t remember whose turn it is, but I feel like after that nonsense you just put me through I deserve the next question regardless,”

Kat did in fact know whose turn it was to ask a question. It was in fact her. The last question had been about Lily... but Kat also wasn’t going to complain. She could see how cutting someone’s hands off, even when asked, was a traumatic experience, so she answered with, “Sure.”

Blue nodded against the wall, not quite willing to get up and not really having a question ready either. Blue did feel like she deserved some answers, but she wasn’t sure about the questions. Part of her just wanted to ask ‘what the fuck Kat’ but Blue wasn’t sure she wanted to know what the answer actually was or of this was a normal demon thing. Blue wasn’t sure her mind could survive learning Kat’s behaviour was considered normal or acceptable in any way.

Blue let the possibility of a question hang in the air. The only saw the slight grinding off metal on metal as Kat shifted in place slowly increasing the space she had to work with, making larger movements as time went on though they were still quite contained. Blue was still somewhat stumped for questions and decided to throw something basic out, “So what’s your favourite food?”

Kat couldn’t help but let out a snort at the question. After all the waiting she’d expected something a bit more spectacular. Still, she could answer that, “Probably that Soup of the Sun Thyme served me at dinner just before. Well, that and I’m partial to pears but that’s not a great meal as it is. Nice to snack on and now I’m thinking of it... it’s been a while since I have one. The Soup though is a special treat. I don’t know what the ingredients are or how Thyme prepares it so I enjoy it while I can,”

Blue grimaced at the answer, “That flaming thing? I could feel myself sweating even after the barrier went up. I have no idea how you can even get near that dish let alone swallow it. Doesn’t that like burn your insides?”


*Does this count as asking an extra question?* Especially considering she got an extra question already. Still, whatever, “Fire resistance is very common amongst demons, though that’s mostly because of their demonic flames,” *which now I think about it... I neglected to mention my odd fire and frost resistance. It’s weird I have both,* “so while I enjoy it, it’s not really an odd thing amongst demons for me to be able to eat it,”

“Wait does that mean you were able to just walk through all the fire in the first challenge?” asked Blue with a bitter tone to her voice... though that might have just been the lingering taste souring her tongue still.

“Well, Blue, that’s three questions in a row now,” Blue let out a light cough at that, “but I suppose I can indulge. I will be asking my question next though,” Kat waited a moment and heard no argument, “but the answer is yes. The fire wasn’t even hot. I didn’t feel it at all.”

“I’m feeling somewhat underprepared for this tournament now,” said Blue.

“Well that’s something I can ask you about. What exactly do you want from the Tournament?” asked Kat now most of the way to freeing herself... for the most part. The wire around her head hadn’t really moved, or the ones on her legs but the stuff covering her chest and arms was certainly wide enough to move... but maybe not get around her horns just yet and Kat thought it better to be safe then sorry.

“Same as most people, I guess. I’m looking for a mentor at the end because of the family trials, the ones that got me into adventuring in the first place. I don’t know who exactly I’d want to ask... but I want someone to teach me a lot of things. Magic, estate management, maybe some martial combat or at least a good exercise routine. Nothing fancy,” explained Blue.

Kat nodded and managed to lift up the largest mass of cables that were all settled around her midsection. They got around her horns with room to spare and Kat let out a rather lewd moan of pleasure as she felt her wings being released. She hadn’t realised quite how much their improper confinement had bothered her. Now that the they were free to move again Kat felt so much better. Blue was polite enough not to comment. josei

“So you’ve mentioned your girlfriend already. Do you have any other friends? You seemed to imply the answer to that WAS none but might be at least one more now?” asked Blue tentatively. She certainly didn’t want to know the answer if Kat actually had no more friends.

“I do actually. Well, I have a friend and a good acquaintance, I guess. Or well, a friend, her family, and an acquaintance. Depending on definitions Kamiko, that’s her name, is probably my best friend now I’m dating Lily. She shares both a lot of traits and almost none with Lily. Quite lonely, somewhat shy, but also... stronger then I think Lily was when I met her.

“Kamiko seemed to always be looking for a friend and she had a big family to support her. She’s a surprisingly bubbly girl now that I know her a bit better and just spending a week in her company, she was ready to declare me her best friend even if I couldn’t reciprocate that at the time, I hadn’t been asked out yet.

“Hmm... she’s the second youngest in a family of 6 plus parents. Quite good at fighting with a naginata, and she has adorable little buns that hide her horns for the most part and bright bubble gum pink hair,” Blue smiled at the picture. Kamiko did sound like a sweet girl.

Kat continued on, “On the other hand, while Kamiko and her family are genetically Succubi, it doesn’t seem that way based on how they act all that often. Just the number of kids really. Then there is Sue. Sue is every stereotype, good and bad, you might think of for a Succubus. She’s got boobs and ass for days, wears clothing that might as well be considered lingerie, and spent the whole time teasing Kamiko and I. She can back it up as well, happily talking about people she’s slept with. Her skin is dark purple and her hair is silver. Spent a day cleaning out a mine with her and Kamiko was so excited to have another friend,”

Blue smiled, “Seems nice. It can be tough making friends sometimes,”

Kat thought about taking the obvious question and decided to go with it, somewhat. “Oh yeah? How did you meet your team members?” asked Kat as she started working on pulling the cabling off from around her head. It was pretty easy and it came off with a good tug.

Blue licked her lips reflexively before grimacing and summoning a bit off water to wash her mouth out and wipe her face. After that was done Kat was working on her feet, “Well I already knew Ellenell. His family is are elven trading partners, though he isn’t in line for succession I don’t think he cares. So hearing he was looking for a team got us paired up. Then we sort of got our pick of the best after that. Healers are hard to find. It’s a common enough affinity and in a pinch some others like nature and water can substitute...

“But not so common that every team who wants a healer has one. Two magic users together made us a pretty enticing grab for a lot of teams. So we just looked around a bit and stumbled into the siblings. They actually weren’t one of the teams we were thinking of joining. They just stumbled into the local adventurers guild one day with a massive carcass over their shoulders... I don’t remember what monster it was.

“But we saw that. What they could do with just the three of them... and well, we asked if they’d have us. I was a bit surprised they said yes but I’m glad they did,” Blue finished just as Kat stood up. Granted Kat waited a bit to time things properly but Kat took a step forward away from the chair. They were both free. Now they just had to deal with the rest of the mansion.

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