D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 702

Chapter 702

Chapter 702: Chapter 702 Welcome to the Funhouse

“I’ll go first,” said Kat as she headed for the door. Blue nodded, and shook off the last remnants of disgust she still felt to follow behind Kat to get out of the room. The metal door was locked but the wall beside it was just normal stone so instead of bothering with the door, Kat just kicked through the wall. It gave way easily enough. If there were any guards to speak of when she poked her head through the hole, they’d have been alerted but the corridor seemed deserted at first glance.

The walls in the hallway were the same stone she’d just kicked through. Dotted with various other metal doors that might even have just been basic steel, Kat didn’t bother to check. Kat tried listening in to see if she could hear anyone else but unless there was warding on the cells nobody else was around.

Kat stepped through confidently and walked over to the nearest cell door to peak in. It was a perfect match to the one she’d just left absent the blood, the ropes, though the chairs were in place. Kat bit her lip wondering what exactly that said about things but she wasn’t all too sure. Kat checked another two doors leading to identical results. “Hmmm... I guess we’re on our own for now,” mumbled Kat with a frown. Blue didn’t comment, she just kept her eyes on the surroundings.

*I expected to at least find some evidence of other people here. It seems that won’t be the case though. A little annoying but Blue and I can probably make a decent team. She’s got the backline covered... though how much do I need to watch her? If she misses something coming up behind her I’ve got no way to heal her from that.*

“So, left or right?” asked Kat.

“Might as well continue left,” responded Blue.

Kat nodded and headed down the hallway the way they had been going. “So... you said you knew Ellenell. How well?” asked Kat to make conversation.


Blue let the silence stretch for a good ten seconds, thinking on if she wanted to keep going with the questions, especially considering it was her turn to ask a question. Still, Blue didn’t overly mind and she didn’t want to admit the atmosphere was getting to her a little and she was still rattled. “Not well honestly.

“Slightly better acquaintance then Green, but I probably new less about him when we decided to start adventuring together. It really was just our parents who knew each other and it was all down to the timing. A week either side and I’m certain we wouldn’t have bothered teaming up. Sure I count him as a friend now, but at the time not at all. As for my question... how is it a Succubus can be asexual?” responded Blue.

Kat shrugged and answered simply, “No grand reason as far as I know. I just am,”

“Come on, surely you can give me a bit more then that? That’s a weak answer,” said Blue.

Kat didn’t necessarily agree but didn’t mind sharing a bit more, “Well that really is all there is to it,” Kat could feel the pout Blue was directing her way. Kat rolled her eyes, she was planning to continue anyway no need for that. “I guess if I had anything else to add... it’s that the pheromone ability that’s decently common among Succubi is something I probably won’t get, and if I did get it wouldn’t ever work properly.”

Kat let that answer hang there for a while, as she could feel the ‘Why’ being drilled into her back by Blue’s eyes. Kat let out a small laugh, enjoying the slight song and dance she was engaging in. “Fine fine. The reason is because it’s based on attraction. A gay Succubus would only attract women, a Bi Succubus can do both. If they’re really crazy animals might show up. That sort of thing,”

Blue’s face twisted in disgust. “I know some monsters can be somewhat intelligent... but that’s disgusting,” spat Blue.

Kat nodded confirming Blue’s thoughts. “Yes, yes it is Blue. Then again, some demons look pretty horrific and they’re completely sentient. I never said demons were all right in the head. In case you haven’t noticed, I think we’re all a little crazy. I thought cutting of my hands was an acceptable way to escape a rope in a tournament, not even a life and death situation.”

Blue didn’t really no what to say to that, so they continued in silence for about a minute until Kat noticed a corner. Speeding up to get closer revealed it was not in fact a corner, but actually staircase. Kat looked back and saw Blue was keeping up... but she was breathing a little heavy. Slowing down Kat apologised. “Sorry about that Blue. I can see a staircase nearby,”

Blue just waved Kat off and followed behind. The stairs were a basic set of stone steps that the pair climbed easily. Nothing seemed off about them till they reached the landing which revealed another identical corridor. Kat frowned as she looked around for any sign of difference but the wall they’d made a hole in was too far away to spot. “Hmm... is this a new floor?” asked Kat.

“I mean... I think so right?” said Blue.

Kat frowned and glanced down the staircase but it seemed normal. The exit at the bottom looked fine. Shrugging Kat headed left once again. They walked for a while, making small talk about the weather. It was just to fill the silence, but neither wanted to bring up a real question because the more they walked the more they got the sense that they were on the floor they’d just left. The open door they found after five minutes seemed to confirm this. “That’s my blood,” said Kat pointing to the black stains on the ground surrounded by cables.

Blue nodded, matching frown on her face, “Yes it looks like it. Nobody on my team bleeds black like that... and I don’t know anything else that does either.”

They didn’t say anything else after that, simply continuing down the corridor once again and finding the staircase once again. Kat stopped and tore a chunk from the wall before she headed upstairs. To neither’s surprise they were once again a similar landing, no chunk taken out of the wall. The pair, seeing this headed back downstairs only to come to a similar, but distinctly different hallway. This one was tinted blue and the chunk that should have been missing was restored. “Oh joy. We’re in a funhouse and I have no idea how to leave,” grumbled Kat.

“Don’t you have True Sight? Surely you could see through whatever illusions Thyme is using to keep this all running right?” asked Blue as she looked around.

“I think Thyme’s messing with space. They know about my eyes and probably took that into account. It wouldn’t be much of a challenge if I could just spot the illusion and walk straight out. Hmm... I wonder if my eyes count dreams as illusions?” said Kat with slight annoyance.

*Hmm. If I tried to ‘leave’ a dream, assuming this one isn’t one, would my fog form drop the dumb bracelet? Hmm... I’ve never tried with something that wasn’t part of my attire. Best not to risk trying.* josei

“I feel like that’s too many abilities even for Thyme. Space, Nature, I think Earth and probably Time as well, because why else would they take the name? I doubt dreams or fog or something is also an affinity of Thyme’s.” said Blue.

“You can add Time to the list. They used it to test something out with me nearby in the first round,” answered Kat offhandedly.

“Ok, so I think we can safely say Thyme doesn’t have dream manipulation. Plus, do you think they’d go to the trouble of making a fake version of your partner? We just did that. I think whatever this is, it’s real,” deduced Blue.

*Yeah that makes sense. Thyme wouldn’t want to reuse anything. Considering this round has been so different from the first one.* “Makes sense,” said Kat.

The pair continued walking, occasionally checking the doors but nothing interesting popped up. After a few minutes Kat asked, “Blue want my to carry you?”

“Kat, I’m a mage not unfit,” said Blue with slight venom in her voice.

“I know that Blue but I AM faster and I don’t really tire either. I can carry you with no trouble at all. It’d speed things up,” explained Kat.

“Yeah but what happens if we get caught in a fight? Bet you want me ready then,” said Blue confidently. Kat wasn’t particular convinced but the determination in Blue’s voice was something Kat did recognise. She knew it’d be pointless to try and argue the point on this one. So even if it was slower Kat was willing to put up with it. This was probably another weird teamwork test and if listening to Blue’s request to walk was part of that, well, Kat wasn’t all that bothered. The ceiling was a bit low for Blue to sit on her shoulders anyway.

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