D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 746

Chapter 746

Chapter 746: Chapter 746 SLEEPOVER!

Kat gave Sylvie a kiss on the forehead, Vivian a hug, and Callisto a salute. Lily just sat in Kat’s arms. Then the fire engulfed them, taking them to the waiting room at the hospital. Nira was there and waiting to take them straight to the exam room. What followed was a quick and visually mundane serious of tests with the final conclusion being ‘nothing wrong yet, but we didn’t expect there to be’.

Lily and Kat weren’t terribly surprised to hear that. Even though it was a somewhat experimental procedure demons were so far technologically and magically advanced that they were both sure there was some way to limit or completely mitigate any issues that arose. Lily was a little annoyed they didn’t have an estimated time for her return to human form. She was apparently closer to it but they could tell her nothing else which was more than a little disappointing. Apparently the reason for this was they weren’t sure if Lily’s soul needed to be completely integrated with the body for the change, or if just ‘close enough’ would be ok. Normally it would, but the presence of both demonic energy and mana made things involving the soul more questionable.

Once that was done though, Nira escorted them to a part of the building accessible by teleportation and dragged them both back to her house. As Lily looked up at the structure she couldn’t help but think, [I was expecting it to be... more... just more something I guess? It just looks like a normal house. Sure the it looks a bit rustic for earth... which may or may not be REALLY rustic for the demons, but I guess even with your descriptions I was expecting it to be made out of obsidian or for there to be fire or rivers or lava.]

*Huh... I see what you’re saying but I never got that impression about the Hub. I mean, my first experience with it was a perfectly normal hospital room or the accountants office if you count those things. Then when I was let out into the wider world, I saw Wrath and it was styled like some sort of carnival. Really, an old English looking cottage isn’t a surprise at all.*

Before anything else could be pondered Kamiko threw open the door. She’d replaced her normal Miko outfit with a fluffy robe over a shirt that was at least two sizes too large that was the same pink as her hair and had little copies of herself wielding various weapons in chibi form printed on it. Her pants were a darkish red and looked had very slight vertical lines on them. “Hi Kat! And is that Lily I see? Come in come in! Sue’s already downstairs but... yeah she really shouldn’t come to the door...” said Kamiko.

Nira smiled and gave everyone a light wave before disappearing, likely to return to work. Kat followed Kamiko into the house, the pathway to her bedroom familiar after the week she’d stayed. When the bedroom door opened, Kat was in for another surprise. The floor had been covered in all sorts of blankets of various types. Pillows were piled high against the walls and Sue was sprawled out across a few of them at the foot of the bed.

It seemed Kat was the only one not in ‘pyjamas’ though it was questionable as to if what Sue was wearing could really be called pyjamas. She was wearing lacy lingerie complete with stockings and a garter belt. The sad truth of the matter though... was that it actually covered more of Sue’s body then the first outfit Kat had seen her in. Sue’s normally neatly done hair was spilled out EVERYWHERE. When it was neatly bound it was hard to really tell just how much hair Sue had. Now without it wrapped on her arms it covered a massive area in a corona around her head.


Sue’s eyes immediately sprung to Lily, and apparently she’d already been informed as to who exactly the Memphis was because she said, “Kat! So nice to see you. Though... I thought you were asexual. Considering your clear fondness for pussy I’m starting to doubt that claim!”


Kat gracefully sat down stealing a bunch of wall pillows to make herself a little fort. Kat wanted to stay somewhat upright so she piled a few in front of her before stretching out and looking over the rest of the room on her belly. Lily had hopped up to rest of the pillows next to Kat’s head and looked at Sue as well. Kamiko, not wanting to sit on her bed while her friends were on the floor grabbed a couple of blankets and took the space on the wall that still had pillows so that she was in the middle of Kat and Sue.

“Your jokes are getting old Sue. I made a bet with my girlfriend that you’d say exactly that. I’m both smug and disappointed. No new material?” asked Kat.

Kat was clearly forgetting the first rule of lewd jokes though. Never go up against an expert. “I’ve swallowed plenty of new material since we’ve last spoke. It’s even gone in a few other holes as well. Then again, same stuff usually so I guess I could branch out, maybe look for a kitty of my own, see if it scratches any itches for me.”

Kamiko was already bright red and Kat could feel the embarrassment radiating off of Lily. For Kat’s part, she was able to adapt fairly well to the onslaught of innuendo. Mostly by taking it very literally and just not considering other options. It required only a small amount of mental gymnastics on her part to treat Sue like a normal person instead of what she was. Sue was of course going to try and correct that.

[How do you even react to something like that?]

*Practice. She gave me plenty of practice when we were on a mission together to take out some rats remember? I guess I didn’t cover exactly how bad she could be but honestly... it phases me less and less every time.*

“Well I’m afraid I’m unavailable for such services and my girlfriend is off limits. If you want to look for others though... don’t report back. I don’t think I’d really like to know,” said Kat.

Sue pouted theatrically moving her chin down and pushing her chest up to emphasise her massive breasts, “Are you sure I can’t tempt her? A little spice for two likely prudes is probably a good thing for both of you?” said Sue, clearly not all that serious about the attempt.

Kat could feel Lily’s slight arousal from the site before it was quickly replaced with a deluge of Kat in similar positions, increasing the response but completely shifting Sue from the equation. *You know you are allowed to admit she’s hot Lily. Just because I don’t get it doesn’t mean I don’t understand the fact you like women. We’ve been over this. She’s a hot naked demon girl right in front of you. I’m not going to get mad about you finding her attractive. This is literally what Sue does.*

[Sorry. Sorry. I mean, I’m not sorry? Wait... no I’ll. I’ll try not to let it bother me. Wait. No, what I should say is, ‘I’m a leg girl I’m afraid. Take your balloon tits elsewhere’ or something. Would that be appropriate as a response? I don’t really... have experience interacting with this kind of person...]

*Not sure. I mean, maybe? Sue’s definitely straight and has no true interest in seducing us both. It should be fine either way. Just... just keep in mind that while she is straight, very much so, I’m also pretty sure if you expressed genuine interest in sleeping with her or with both of us she’d give it a go just because a friend asked. She seems to really like sex and is adventurous in her pursuit of it. So just... yeah. Keep those things in mind and you should be good.*

[Ok. Feel free to tell her that then]

“Back with us Kat? Enough colluding with your snuggle buddy?” asked Sue.

“Yes, I have. She wants me to inform you that she’s a leg woman and that your balloon tits have minimal effect on her” replied Kat in the driest voice possible.

Sue burst into laughter, she struggle to come up with reply for a few moments as her laughter continued to ring out. This caught Kamiko a bit as well, who started to giggle, looking away as if she was being inappropriate.

Eventually Sue recovered enough, not to stop laughing, but to make a show out of it. So, when she breathed she made sure her chest heaved up in down, her bra barely keeping the motion constrained. She also, knowing now where Lily’s interest Lay posed with her legs out at various angles. Lily had to admit they were nice legs. Not as good as Kats, but Sue WAS a Succubus after all.

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