D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 747

Chapter 747

Chapter 747: Chapter 747 Pushing that Teen Rating

Warning, Sue gets to talk a LOT in this chapter about her past ‘escapades’. If that makes you uncomfortable or you’re at work or school or something feel free to skip this chapter. Nothing majorly plot relevant happens but I think it was fun.

Edit. This chapter now includes minor info about Gods. Just start from (“Wait gods are real?” asked Kat.) or wait till tomorrow and scroll UP to that. It won’t be super relevant for a long while but it fit in somehow.


Once the laughter finally calmed down Kamiko got a strange look on her face before asking, “Well Sue... I know I’m going to regret asking this... but what have you been up to recently?”

Sue’s eyes lit up before dimming slightly then lighting up once again, sly smile on her face. “Well, seeing as you did ask... I got her pretty much right after I finished up enjoying my victory orgy. It was pretty good but honestly, more work then you’d think. It’s hard managing multiple guys at once all sticking it in me at the same time and apparently I’M the one whose hands start to wonder I’m ‘killing the mood’ doesn’t matter I’m taking three dicks at once no. MY wandering hands are the real issue!” josei

Sue took a slight glance around, “Actually... I don’t know if I want to dump this on the pair of you but is it alright if I complain a bit?” Kat and Kamiko shared a look that said ‘we’re going to regret this aren’t we?’ while Lily answered Kat with [We are probably going to regret this... but I really want to know WHY. The horror and embarrassment pales compared to the idea this is the only way I can find out WHY and it eats at me!] After the glance all three girls, one Memphis and two demons, nodded at Sue.

“Oh thank god. My other acquaintances, not really friends, and I’ll complain about them in a bit, they wouldn’t really understand. They’d be all like ‘why are you whining, you got an orgy in your honour, be grateful slut’ which considering they’re just as bad as me, is a bit like golem shouting at the rock monster. ANYWAY. The issue is that unlike them I have a bit of pride. I actually like to engage my partners regardless of how many there are. Oh, and K’s my particular Succubus trait is that I’ve got a lovely set of extra muscles in a few places,” Sue brushed her fingers along her throat then just above her genitals “which does help...


“But it’s a fucking pain to manage them all the time. They don’t DO much unless I’m controlling them manually. So dealing with multiple partners is fucking exhausting. Trying not to just dead fish on one or two of them is difficult and I get basically no pleasure from it because the whole thing is exhausting. It’s a fun novelty for a bit but it’s just not worth it. That’s the problem with most orgies. Too many guys and not enough girls.

“Like, I don’t mind being roughed up a bit, that’s half the fun, but when you NEED to be servicing at max capacity and then kicking them to the curb once they’ve planted their seed so that next in line can do it... it’s just a never ending stream of exhaustion. Then when people notice you’re the only woman actually trying and...” Sue rolled her hand around and around. “It’s just... so not worth it.

“That’s not even getting into how... how vanilla a lot of these guys are. That’s something you don’t really notice right away actually but a lot of guys are happy to do crazy stuff to YOU or watch you do crazy stuff as long as it doesn’t really affect them. Like, watching an orgy? No problem. My hands wandering a little bit towards their caboose? Instant turn off. I got told of fucking TWICE for that shit yesterday.

“Fucking amateur hour I tell you. The other girls were a mixed bag as well. Sure some of them could take a few customers but except for this one redhead, not like your red Kat, more like redish blonde, she was the only one actually going quality work like me. Fuck, if she wasn’t clearly an elf I’d swear she was a Succubus as well. She missed her calling in life I’m telling you. Anyway! They’re just... whiny. Don’t do this, don’t do that, oh that hurts, stop bending that way. It’s like MATE. I’m doing the best I can with three of you. Maybe coordinate or go for someone who isn’t trying if you didn’t want me to do anything but suck ya dick.”

Sue let out a big sigh. The others in the room were sort of checking out of the conversation but Sue didn’t notice. They didn’t say anything either though because it was clear she wanted to get this off her chest. “You know. There was one guy, second Contract I ever did. Wonderful man. I wish I’d given him a beacon to summon me ANY time. He was willing to try some crazy shit... which... I guess I won’t go into details with ya poor innocent souls. Probably stepped over the line already. He had a GREAT personality.” Sue paused, “Wait... that makes it sound like I’m calling him ugly or something...

“Which he WAS. I mean, absolutely horrific. I just kinda doubt I’m the first person he fucked. He was willing to go all out and even had a few crazy suggestions for me. He wasn’t a wuss about it though. No, ‘sure if you want to’ it was, ‘Yes, No, That could hurt’ and yes I did not that, I wasn’t an idiot. Sometimes I wanted it to hurt a bit. ANYWAY. My point is, because he was me second Contract, I didn’t realise just how rare someone with that sort of attitude was. He was an elf but I swear he must have had some orc or something in him. We went for TWO DAYS. Breaks for food and water only.

“Hell, I would probably KILL for a meeting with him or someone close enough. You just don’t get it apparently. Adventurous, willing to give and take, and the sexual stamina of a proper capital G-God. Aw well. It is what it is,” said Sue with a sigh.

“Wait gods are real?” asked Kat.

Sue gave a ‘so-so’ gesture, “Sort of? When you say it the words have a few extra meanings. Gods are... essentially the culmination of a species belief in a higher power actualised with Mana or Qi. They’re... fucking weird actually. They have nearly unlimited power in their dimension IF and ONLY IF it involves their domains and doesn’t contradict any myths about them. Like... hmm... what’s an example...

“There was this one God who was in charge of all the rivers. That meant he could control every single bit of water in the rivers... until it reached the sea. Then he couldn’t do anything more than stare at the waves. That’s the sort of weird shit Gods do,”

“Huh...” said Kat. That’s interesting. “So they can’t move between dimensions at all?”

Sue shrugged and glanced at Kamiko who gave a similar shrug and said, “I don’t really know. I mean that’s what we were told but it’s not like gods are actually super common. They don’t tend to get all that much power until you wander into a world that can support them. Not every world actually can. Plenty worship gods that don’t exist... and a lot of worlds where the gods DO exist they also don’t DO much because people believe they don’t intervene in mortal lives except in extreme circumstances so they... well they don’t?

“Gods aren’t really people and its actually an assignment I had in school to take a stance on the debate if they are sentient or not. Personally I didn’t think so but there was this one boy in my class, a beholder, who argued for BOTH sides. He had a really compelling presentation as well, that... and I’m oversimplifying here...

“That the more power a god had, the more free they were to act outside of their domain. The broader their domain the more decision making they needed to do and the more higher energy made up their body. The more higher energy they had, meant the more worshipers, and more worshipers meant a less unified mythos eventually reaching the point where the god themself was able to choose one action over another and reaching sentience.

“Of course, the argument another student presented was that Gods are essentially just magically capable artificial intelligences that liked to pretend to be sentient. The argument was that they were just slightly more complicated speech bots that could fake being a real person poorly but well enough people didn’t question it because ‘we mortals were not meant to know the minds of god’ even if they say or do something stupid.”

*Gods are weird.*

[Sure you’re saying that now. I’m more concerned about the fact that they’re REAL. I wonder if the Christian God is real? That’s a lot of belief but probably not all that much magic to go around... but we do have a lot of people maybe?]

*Yeah but our whole universe is weird, even supressing Demonic Energy. Is that necessarily natural?*


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