D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 748

Chapter 748

Chapter 748: Chapter 748 Sue’s Backstory!

Sue keeps talking but the topics are safer for the most part. If you skipped last chapter considering scrolling to to (“Wait gods are real?” asked Kat.) and reading from there.


Kamiko looked over to see if Kat had any more questions about the gods and seeing as she didn’t, asked her own question, “Um... could you... um... tell us about your other friends?” asked Kamiko with only some slight stuttering.

“Ah, don’t worry about them Kami” said Sue with a wave, “I call them acquaintances because that’s all they are. See... hmm... guess I’ll have to start a bit further back. You ladies getting sick of me talking yet?” seeing a round of head shakes Sue continued, “Right, glad I can keep speaking. So... to explain I have to go back to the beginning really. My father and mother both work for the mining company that Stone works for. Him and Dad are old drinking buddies at this point. Dad is a foreman as well, just for a different dig though they used to work together once upon a time. josei

“Mum on the other hand is Dad’s secretary. She wears a lot of hats but she also thinks part of her job as Dad’s secretary is to blow him under the desk. So... she does good work but she doesn’t usually get recognised for it. That’s sort of how some of my problems started. See, the mining kids all sort of ended up bundled together during work hours. They have facilities for it and a few demons whose job it is to keep us from doing any serious damage to each other.

“And I was the only Succubus there at the time. So I was the obvious outsider to pick on. I’d get bullied for my looks, which were fabulous by the way, and my hair which was long even back then would get pulled all the time. They’d make fun of me for my ‘weird coloured skin’ which is rich coming from the people mostly made out of ROCKS but whatever. Kids can be assholes. Eventually one of the kids starting talking shit about my mother...

“And that was real confusing let me tell you. They said things like ‘your dad only keeps her around as a cock sleeve’ or ‘she just got the job to sit under his desk all day’ which... I don’t know how the OTHERS learnt that sort of thing but I was just confused. So I go home to my mum and ask about them. She gives me the such a confused look and with a completely straight face says, ‘I sit under your fathers desk because I get a tasty meal and can skip out on my lunch break with a full stomach’ so it was already too late for me at like, age five.


“Mum was perfectly happy to share that sort of thing. So when it came up next time, I just explained it to them like Mum explained it to me... and all of a sudden I was the weird kid in class for it. Even the teachers were weird with me after that. Fucking prudes. So anyway, I wasn’t exactly the popular girl growing up. This followed me for quite a while because my school zone had a bunch of those miner kids in it and even though there were now more Succubus girls around it didn’t help a tonne. I was still kind of an outcast and everyone knew my mother was quite sexual...

“Which in my teen years led me to getting involved with the... I suppose you might call them ‘early bloomers’ who went for sexual encounters really early on. I... I’m a bit of a mummy’s girl so I asked her and... she sat me down and gave me a really long talk about it. She didn’t sugar coat anything but was also quite clear about the fact that she did what most of the other girls were doing. Sleeping around as soon as it was even remotely viable, normally with demons older then herself. Sometimes a bit too old in an attempt to piss of her parents... but my grandparents are as bad as me. They just hid it better from Mum and managed to pretend to be prudes. Must be something in our genetics.

“Anyway, it might surprise you to learn that I didn’t actually jump straight into sex after that. I was like... thirteen maybe? Not that old really... and sure I WANTED to but I mostly just lived vicariously through the others, not realising I’d rapidly become an outcast with them as well because I wasn’t already trying to fuck everything in sight. They’re still sort of my friends now, we keep in touch...

“But consent has always been a big thing for me. Maybe it’s because my tastes are so broad and I love experimenting but your partners consent is CRUCIAL and I just didn’t believe I COULD consent properly until my sixteenth birthday passed and I got fed up of waiting. Probably still a bit young, but my mother, my grandmother, me. We all get into sex at some point and it’s just... it’s great really it is. Still...”

Sue gave a shrug, “It caused issues. Plenty of them. The school didn’t always like hearing about what we did and I got in trouble for stuff I didn’t do a few times. That’s probably the only reason I wasn’t completely ostracised from those girls, at the time, women now. I took the groups punishment without protest despite every single one of them knowing I hadn’t done anything. I got a lot of the respect I’d lost back for that,”

Sue had a smile on her face now. Not the snarky one she normally wore but a genuine full faced smile, reminiscing over simpler times. Eventually Sue seemed to return back to the moment and sighed. “Honestly I probably liked them all more back in school when I couldn’t sleep around. I just don’t get some of the things they do these days. Quite a few of them got pheromones at Rank one and they just... let it all out.

“It’s not quite bad enough to be mind control but I’d argue it’s a lot like asking someone who’s completely drunk if they’re interested. People CAN say no but most of them won’t have the willpower for it. They also don’t appreciate the time and effort I put into getting better at sex. To a lot of them... there is no such thing as ‘better sex’ just ‘not enough’ and they’re just WRONG about it.”

Sue took in a deep breath. “Is it weird I think you three virgins probably understand better then they do what I mean? I’m not saying sex is some magical thing you should only do with the person you love. It’s great fun and should be enjoyed by many, at least I think so. It’s just... why don’t most people understand that there’s nuance to it? You can be better or worse in bed. It takes practice to be good. Do they think I never practice? Test which of my techniques work the best on which kinds of people?”

Sue was clearly expecting an answer despite the question looking someone rhetorical. The issue was, nobody really knew how to answer her. Until Lily proposed, [I think I can actually empathise with her somewhat. I mean, very much not the same and it’ll be embarrassing for you to relay but... remember how I talked about how nobody rated you right at the top of the girl or guy lists despite my opinion that you were far and away the best? Not sure if it’ll help but you can share that if you think it will?]

*As crazy as an idea that is... I think it might. Sue can understand that sort of language.* “Hey Sue?” said Kat softly. Sue’s eyes drifted to meet Kat’s with a raised eyebrow. “Right well... Lily” Kat gestured at her girlfriend, “mentioned that while she doesn’t know exactly what you’re feeling. She has somewhat of a good idea. Back in our school it was pretty common amongst both guys and girls to rate how attractive people are. Based on the fact we’re dating, you might be able to guess Lily thinks quite highly of me.

“In fact, she thinks there was literally no contest at all... before I got all my Succubus bonuses. She couldn’t and still can’t really, understand why nobody else seemed to notice. Though unlike you she was quite happy about that fact. No competition.”

To Kat’s shock, Sue started nodding like that made all the sense in the world. “Yes! Yes exactly. It’s like we’re talking about two completely different things when those friends of mine mention sex and I do. It’s completely different and they’re just so BLIND sometimes that I wonder why I still spend time with them. Of course, I know the answer is because I do still like hanging out with people and sometimes they have great stories. Not usually, but sometimes.”

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