D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 751

Chapter 751

Chapter 751: Chapter 751 The DEETS Kat. The DEETS

“Right, with that, KAT!” said Sue turning away from Kamiko as her self control started to fray. “What can you tell us about your relationship with Lily? Lily, feel free to give answers as well and relay them. I want all the details!”

“Aren’t we going over our recent Contracts? Why are you asking about Lily?” asked Kat.

Sue stuck out her tongue and made a farting noise. “That’s BORING Kat. I want all the juicy details about you and Lily. It’s so much more interesting than a contract. Lily and I both engage in those already. While it’s interesting enough, it’s not like it’s completely outside of our experience. I might sleep around but I don’t have someone I could see myself binding my soul to let alone marry in future. You’re crazy like that. Kami! Back me up!”

Kat felt her lips twitching slightly at the description and was about to poke Lily for her thoughts when she realised her girlfriend had fallen asleep at some point. Part of her wondered if it was a specially developed instinct to avoid situations like this. Normally Kat wouldn’t suspect such a thing... but Lily did seem to be sleeping when it was most likely to get her out of problems. The only time Kat could think of when that hasn’t been the case was when she went to sleep instead of reading and that was only really because Kat denied her access to the book.

While Kat was pondering on if Lily’s sleeping was in any way mystical Kamiko’s head was drifting between her two friends. A good friend, she thought, would support Kat in this situation. It was clear Kat didn’t really want to discuss all the details of her relationship... but she wasn’t that uncomfortable or she would have said something more direct rather than that pathetic excuse of a deflection. On the other other hand. Was siding with Sue ever really a good idea? Apparently yes.

“Sorry Kat. I... I’m more interested in how you make that work than I am about the Tournament. I mean, you told me the broad strokes already so... eh?” said Kamiko ending off with a slight shrug.

“See, even if I am saddened by not being included in that particular series of messages Kamiko knows where the real gold mine is. It’s right there!” Sue dramatically pointed over to Kamiko. She wasn’t exactly sitting up so while it was clear she was trying to point to Lily, now sleeping on Kamiko’s legs, Sue wasn’t exactly on the mark. “So fess up already. There’s so much we could go over. I’d ask if you’ve had sex yet but I know she turned into a cat pretty much straight away so I doubt it. Well, I doubt you’d have got there anyway but still. DETAILS!”


Kat glanced at a Lily then at the other two before sighing. “Fine I suppose. Just... just ask whatever you want,”

“No that’s not how this works, I don’t want to be pulling teeth here Kat. I mean, I will if I have to, but surely you can just share stuff to get us started?” exclaimed Sue.

Kat huffed slightly. “I really don’t know where to start. It’s not like I experience relationships in any way remotely approaching the norm. I don’t know what would be interesting to you. Can’t you give me a starting point?”

Sue wagged a raised finger from side to side, “No Kat see, you’re not getting it. EVERYTHING, is interesting. Normally we’d want those details anyway to tease you for being horny. It’s like, 95% of all conversations me and the other girls participate in. Now, you don’t really doo that sooooooo I want to know what it is that you do exactly, and then try and figure out how to tease you with that information.”

“I’m suddenly feeling like perhaps it isn’t such a good idea to start anywhere with this...” mumbled Kat.

Of course, everyone currently awake was a demon. It wasn’t exactly hard to catch Kat’s mumbling. Kamiko considering jumping in to add her own thoughts but when taking into consideration Sue’s forceful personality, it was easier to just... let the other girl go for it. “Ah, but Kat you know we, and by we I mean I of course, will just keep nagging you about it.”

“Fine,” sighed Kat, “I guess the first thing is the bond and the fact Lily sleeps a lot more now. I’m not sure if the latter problem will go away at all once she’s more used to the body or she gets older or something but it has caused minor issues. She clearly isn’t used to sleeping the additional time and doesn’t recognise when her body is telling her to sleep properly right now. So she just drops. She’s asleep right now actually.”

“Really?” said Sue with a slight glance at Lily. She couldn’t see much from where she was lying, but it was enough to confirm Lily was still with Kamiko. “How do you feel about the fact she’s already sleeping with other women? Surely that can’t be a good look for something you guys hope to keep up long term.”

“I feel exceedingly unconcerned,” said Kat dryly. “For a more serious answer... I guess I can touch on the bond now. Lily can’t really turn it off but I can. So I hear all of her thoughts and get most of her feelings. I try to leave mine open to her as well, but sometimes, like when we’re using it to have a conversation I do close myself off to think a bit on my answers. It... it takes surprisingly little to get used to it though.

“You can sort off... force your thoughts and feelings down the link and it’d be much more noticeable but for the most part I’ve sort of started to tune it out. I mean, I’m probably hyper aware of Lily’s mood at all times now but it wasn’t like I didn’t pay plenty attention to her before. I mean, clearly not enough to know she was in love with me but it’s not like I understood or really understand the feeling. Her memories of me help a bit but it’s not the same,”

“Yeah, actually... how will that work?” asked Sue, “Do you get to experience things when she’s trying to release the genie? Do you have any interest in trying yourself?”

Kat frowned, faced scrunched up in confusion. “I... I don’t quite follow that one. I mean I KNOW it’s a sex joke somehow but I don’t get it.”

Sue huffed, making sure to fold her arms under her breasts and bounce them as much as she could without her bra coming off. It was only after she did it that she realised her actions were lost on the audience. Kat was asexual, Kamiko was straight, they’d both gotten used to her state of dress and Lily was asleep. “It’s simple,” said Sue glossing over that revelation, “surely you know that a genie’s physical form is normally some kind of ornament? The most common is a genie of the lamp and when you rub it vigorously they are roused from their slumber”

It took Kat a few moments to figure out what Sue had meant even with the explanation and when she did, her face went bright red. Looking over at Kamiko proved her friend was in roughly the same state. “Um... right ugh... well... it um... hasn’t really come up while Lily is still a Memphis? I mean... bother. Ok... yes. It is something we’ll have to figure out in the future... I guess... I’d expect to get that sort of thing sent over the link. It’s a... major emotional and physical response...”

Kat glanced at her two friends. Kamiko, while still very red looked interested and Sue lived for this stuff so Kat sucked up her own embarrassment and continued. “As for MY participation... well... for now at least I don’t think Lily and I are quite ready for that sort of thing...” Sue rolled her eyes, “yes yes I understand that wasn’t really the question. Um... in principle I don’t really have any complaints?

“I’m not sure what it’s like for you but I don’t find the idea of... um... pleasuring... I suppose... I don’t find the idea of doing that sort of thing with Lily repulsive or anything... I just sort of don’t care? Like if it was just up to me I’d rather snuggle up with her on the couch... but I know it’s supposed to be a big deal in relationships and I’m perfectly happy to do something like that if it’d make her happy you know?”

“Oh, I’m sure it’d make your little kitty VERY happy,” purred Sue.

Kat nodded slowly, “Yes... I think so? I mean, it was something we discussed when we sort of blundered into this whole thing. It was nerve racking. I mean, telling the girl you’re in love with that you aren’t sexually attracted to her is a nightmare... it worked out though?”

“Ok Kat. I NEED the details on that!” hissed Sue.josei

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