D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 752

Chapter 752

Chapter 752: Chapter 752 MORE DEETS!

“Um... I dunno our confession was very personal, and while I don’t mind sharing my part I’m not totally comfortable sharing Lily’s part without her input. I mean, while she’s sleeping right there it just sort of seems... disrespectful?” explained Kat slowly.

Sue huffed, “Fine, we’ll wear you down with other questions first. What about the kiss though Kat? What was the kiss like? I doubt it tasted like cum. Most of mine do but that’s an occupational hazard not something inherent to kissing guys,”

Kat screwed up her face in disgust. She couldn’t help it. The idea seemed exceptionally foreign and unwelcome. Part of her wondered if that meant she was slightly gay despite being asexual before another part of her pointed out she was just as disgusted by the idea of tasting Sue. Clearly it was an intimacy issue. Still, that was a potential existential crisis that could be dealt with later.

The kiss. How to describe it. For Lily it was the greatest thing ever. An unmatched experience despite the participants lacking technique and awkwardness. For Kat though... it felt like acceptance. It didn’t shine as bright but it burned just as warmly. Even if it involved a lot of teeth. “It was... awkward and wonderful I guess?”

“Boo, that’s such a standard answer. Most of my kisses are like that. Give us MORE KAT. Your audience demands more!” said Sue making a show of shouting by giving her voice a slightly throaty lilt but not actually raising her voice at all. josei

Kamiko actually did step in to say, “Um... you don’t really have to share. It was your first kiss and that... seems private maybe? I... I do want to know but don’t let Sue pressure you into it...”

Sue butted in with, “See, she wants to know Kat! Are you just going to let that cute face down?”


Kat sighed and decided to explain further. “I guess it goes without saying that I haven’t kissed anyone before and neither has Lily. At least... not seriously? I think I remember hearing that practicing that sort of thing is somewhat common?” A blushing Kamiko nodded alongside Sue’s much more serious nod, “Right well... not sure if Lily ever tried that. Being gay I imagine would have made that a lot more... charged. Potentially awkward as well I suppose.” *That and she was in love with her best friend. Twice. Not exactly giving her options for testing really.*

“So... we didn’t really know what we were doing. I’d sort of hoped that my Succubus heritage would give me some idea of what to do. I hoped surrendering to my instincts would help me. It did not. Our teeth kept clacking together and I’m pretty sure the only reason it didn’t hurt Lily is that my body was able to absorb the impacts somewhat. We also didn’t really position our faces for it so our noses were squished a bunch, mine more than Lily’s but it didn’t bother me so much.

“Despite all that though, I felt very light. Our confession, not going into details, was a very emotionally driven thing. Lots of ups and downs for both of us. Lily had to give me a decent amount of her dark history and despite being a confession I just wanted to give her the biggest hug and whisper sweet nothings till she felt better. Might have been for the best it was that way though...

“I mean, you both, Sue certainly and Lillian were... clearly trying to get me to realise that I liked Lily. I nearly turned her down actually. Only thing that stopped me was that I wasn’t really thinking about how I was wording things so if I couldn’t actually say it. I wanted to say... ‘I want you to find someone else’ or something along those lines but obviously the fact that I didn’t want that at all prevented me from saying it.”

Kamiko was smiling and love the dash of romance this seemed to add to the story. Sue’s look was mostly that of confusion so Kat kept going. “Right well. Basically, that happened, I failed to let myself talk her out of it and just sort of let her make her own decision as to where we stood with each other. Little minx pounced straight on me and that’s how we started our first kiss. The rest is what I already explained and that’s why it felt so much like acceptance. It was the answer to my question in the most concrete way Lily could show.

“Thinking about it logically now, it maybe should have undercut things. I mean, it’s not like a kiss does anything fancy for me... but... but that one DID. It might not have been sexually satisfying in the slightest but it was... it was SPIRITUALLY satisfying. It was everything I’d ever wanted in a single moment. It felt so very comfortable. Well, that and she was straddling me at the time. My fault entirely and I was giving her the biggest hug I could manage which was also nice,”

Sue grinned, “Oooh, looks like Kat is a bit of a sub. Getting her girlfriend to straddle her straight away. I suppose without desires of her own she’ll be taking a lot of orders in the bedroom,”

Kat just gave a wry smile having expected that sort of answer to her own heartfelt explanation. So, for a little revenge she asked. “Well how was your first kiss then?”

Sue coughed and looked away, burying herself into the pillows nearby. Kat’s eyes doubled in size. She’d never seen Sue looking anything close to awkward. “Oh you have to tell us now!” said Kat with a grin. “I’ve never seen you look like this. What’s the secret behind big bad Sue’s first kiss?”

Sue let out a pained groan burying her face further into the soft surface. That was when Kamiko decided to go in for the finishing shot. “I’m with Kat on this one Sue. You can’t ask for all the details of Kat’s first kiss when you won’t share yours,”

Sue pretended to be in great pain as she groaned again and sat up. “Fine, but don’t say I didn’t try to get out of this. Ok. So... I guess you have to understand that I’m quite close with my mother. So I asked her what I should look for in a first kiss. She went on to list a bunch of things I should go looking for and at the end of it I said, like the foolish fourteen year old I was, ‘So someone like dad basically?’

“Mum paused for a few seconds at that before nodding and responding with, ‘I don’t know if you can find someone as good as your father, but I chose to spend the rest of my life for him. If you’re that confident he’ll be sticking around go for it’ which... was NOT the right answer to give teenage me. Anyway. I spent a couple days looking around the school and comparing people to my dad. Nobody stood out at all.

“None of them were as hot,” Kat coughed slightly as she started to realise where this trainwreck of a story was about to go, “or as cool. Certainly, none of them had the confidence my father have,” Kamiko started to go red when she also caught on. “And none of them seemed like a good enough guy to stick around forever. So I... I started to get this crazy idea but I wanted to check something. I asked my Mum ‘You said, ‘just go for it’ do you mean like ask or just jump ’em?’ and my Mum had this conflicted look on her face for a few seconds between, what I suspect, was the ‘right’ thing to tell me and the one she personally would swear by. I think you can guess what she said.

“So. With full permission to just go for it I waited till my father came home one night and jumped him. Full on the lips kiss as well. Even got my tongue in before he realised something was wrong and hurled my across the room,” Sue was blushing. Sue was actually blushing and Kat couldn’t help but enjoy the situation despite her friends embarrassment. *Guess this is why Sue does this sort of thing.*

Sue sucked in a deep breath. “I got such a chewing out for that until my mother came home and realised what had happened. She couldn’t stop laughing. The cheeky shit. My father is trying to stay angry at me while his life is hyperventilating from all the laughter and I’m just trying to work out what I did that was so wrong and so funny. I really did not enjoy the subsequent ‘Incest is Bad’ talk that followed or the ‘Don’t go after married men... unless the wife is a bitch and he’s worth it’ because Mum couldn’t be normal about that either.”

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