D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 761

Chapter 761

Chapter 761: Chapter 761 Sue’s Family Deets Part

Sue pouted, feigning immense disappointment at Kamiko’s choice of literature, before turning her gaze on the other two. “Well? What about you both?”

“For me personally not really? I mean, I was out doing stuff and didn’t care for romance,” answered Kat.

[God. I don’t want to answer the question but she deserves the full answer...]

“On the other hand,” said ‘Lily’ “I... I did. Not a lot, because it’s really hard to find good lesbian smut on our world. It’s not... super accepted? I mean it’s been getting better sure, but a lot of it isn’t great. So I mostly had to settle for straight stuff from the guys perspective if I really wanted something new... but that tended to make me uncomfortable during those sex scenes. Not what I wanted to read about. So I mostly just stick to romance without all that. I can deal with male main characters, just not if they’re sleeping with the female lead. Or a male lead. Or anyone at all really.”

“I mean, it’s not like I read lesbian stuff so I suppose I can’t say you’re wrong to think that,” said Sue. “Still, I read plenty of smut from the guys perspective. I find it interesting sometime. Then again, I also like to imagine that it’s ME he’s railing on so maybe that’d count as another negative.”

Sue let that hang in the air for a few minutes, before “Right back to our regularly schedule family drama. So, Mum. She’s an only kid and my Grandparents are obsessed with this wholesome image they like to have of themselves. Very prim and proper. Part of the ‘new wave’ of Succubi that didn’t need sex to feel good about themselves. Not that Lust tries to pretend otherwise, but some people still believe it’s just for sex even after such a long period of time.

“Now they suddenly find out they have a slut for a daughter. Don’t pale over the word either, Mum was quite proud of her accomplishments when she was younger. She doesn’t like to brag so much now, but that’s exactly what she did in her younger years. It wasn’t just about sleeping around, it was about ‘Miriam, Elizabeth and Laurence’s little girl’ who was sleeping with everyone in town that she could get her hands on. She’s straight but back then she would happily go for literally anyone that asked. That was the point really.


“The way she talks about it now is with a bit of shame though. It’s one of the reasons I didn’t go completely nuts in my teen years. She says ‘the one thing I don’t regret is that I didn’t go around breaking hearts. Some people were sad yes, or thought ‘we’ had something special, but I made it very clear I was sleeping with anyone who asked, and I helped spread the rumours about it so nobody could say they didn’t know what they were getting into’.

“Apparently the reason she regrets that sort of attitude is that she was pretty aggressive chasing people down for sex if she thought she had a chance. She also faked a lot of her reactions, especially with her female partners because she just wasn’t interested. Things only escalated with her parents during this time.

“They wanted their proper girl back, but they also knew that a ‘proper’ family would support each other no matter what. They wanted to support Miriam as much as they hated what she was doing and they just didn’t know what to do at all. They tried subtly trying to get her to stop but it never really went past passive aggressive stuff.

“That all stopped when one of the teachers, a lesbian, offered to sleep with Mum. Now, before you freak out no they didn’t sleep together. The teacher pretended to be very into bdsm, the dom role specifically. Not true, Mum is good friends with them now and she’s the biggest sub who ever lived in the bedroom. She was there to teach Mum a lesson though.

“She set Mum up in restraints so she couldn’t leave. Then she started to escalate and Mum never once said no despite how uncomfortable she clearly was being the sub to a woman. Before anything too serious happened, though by ‘serious’ I just mean ‘requires healing’ or ‘actual sex’ because Mum was chained to a rack, spread eagle, had hot wax covering everywhere that wasn’t sensitive, blindfolded, and with rope around her neck just slightly limiting airflow.

“Well the teacher took of the rope and then said, ‘Miriam, or Miri, whichever you actually prefer. I am beyond disappointed in you,’ and Mum shot back ‘Oh so just like a kinky version of my parents then?’ and the teacher responded with ‘No. I am disappointed because you clearly aren’t enjoying this. You are selling yourself to anyone and everyone not because you actually like what you’re doing, but because you want to spite your parents. You agreed to everything I asked, not because you wanted it, but because I ASKED and it was vaguely sexual.’

“Mum insists that’s the first time she felt shame for her actions. The teacher then went on to properly talk to Miri, while she was still tied up of course, and berated her for just sleeping with everyone. For getting lesbian girls hopes up. For faking orgasms with male partners who just wanted to learn how to please someone properly, for thinking it was actually acceptable to sleep with a teacher despite the school rules against it. josei

“Mum tried to fight against that last one, but it turned out that the teacher had permission for that little lesson from the principle, Elizabeth, Laurence, and her wife. The only person not in on the whole thing was Mum. When she found out her parents knew her eyes nearly fell out of her head they were so wide.

“That’s how my Mum started to patch up her relationship with my Grandparents. I’m... still not the most fond of them because it was clear they really hoped I wouldn’t turn out like their own daughter... but they’ve been through it once now, so they can be disapproving while making it clear they love me as well. They were actually really pleased with the fact I waited till I was older to get started.

“I’ll never forget the day Grandma hugged me and said ‘I know I’ll never approve of what you’re doing. I’ll never be happy with your choice in life. But just like your mother before you, I love you, and I want you to be happy more than I want you to make ME happy’, and then handed me a very racy set of underwear. I must have stared at her for five minutes before believing it was real. She just gave me a pat on the head and said ‘A good girl deserves rewards’.

“You know... a second revelation. Is my prudish Grandmother actually a dominatrix?” Kamiko couldn’t help it, she started to laugh. Kat and Lily though, narrowed their eyes. “Yeah, you laugh now Kamiko but... how did she know the teacher? How did the teacher get permission from my prudish Grandparents? The setup was explained to them. Clearly. So why where the prudes so ok with my Mum basically confessing her sins in a bdsm dungeon? Maybe I need to ask a few questions next time I visit my Grandparents,”

Kamiko’s eye bogged out. And Sue nodded, “Yes that’s the face me Mum made. Exactly those eyes. The ‘wait what the fuck is going on here’ look,”

“So what about your Dad’s side of the family?” asked Kat.

“Eh, Dad didn’t go as nuts as Mum did, but like my Grandparents, they bonded over their own shitty parentage. Once Mum calmed down a bit and wasn’t trying to go after everything that moved to spite her family she started looking for one guy that could fulfill all her needs. She dated a couple people before she met my father though. Apparently, sex all the time sounds great to most people, but they just can’t keep up with it. My Mum has an insane libido, possibly naturally, possible because of her actions as a teen, and as such she wants to be railed all hours of the day more or less. For the first few guys it was too much sex, something she didn’t think anyone would ever say.

“After that she was more specific with what she meant, and went through a few more people before she met my father. He was the second person to last longer than six months, and the one she married. Apparently, what sold her was when he changed his diet completely to improve the taste,” finished Sue with a salacious smile.

[My natural reaction to that is, ‘ew gross’ but my intellectual reaction is ‘how much of a difference’ and I’m not sure if I really want to know or not. I am at war with myself Kat.]

Kat rolled her eyes, and just asked the question, “Lily wants to know how much of a difference it made to the taste,” because there was no way her girlfriend would ever actually give up a chance to learn more things.

“You know what Lily?” said Sue slowly, “I’ve never asked, and now... now I want to know too.”

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