D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 762

Chapter 762

Chapter 762: Chapter 762 Boys?!

“What about your Dad’s side of the family?” asked Kat to try and clear away the mental suggestions that came with their previous questions. The fact Sue was interested in the answer as well was a good indication this was for the best.

“Eh, I don’t know nearly as much about them,” said Sue with a shrug, “I know he met Mum because his family was also super restrictive but unlike Mum, he never made up with them properly. He did make the attempt apparently. It was before they got married. Mum explained how she mended the rift between her and her parents, so he tried to talk it out with them... didn’t work. They were much less accepting of his choices, and even though he was getting married they didn’t even accept an invitation to their own son’s wedding.

“So that sorta killed the rest of my interest in Dad’s side of the family. I mean, my Grandparents are prudes, and I don’t get along with them but they’re still family. Dad’s parents aren’t family. They’ve wanted nothing to do with him for centuries and even trying to extend an honest olive branch amounted to nothing. What about you though Kamiko? We know Kat’s an orphan, but you’ve got plenty of family,”

“Yes, but that’s exactly the problem” said Kamiko, who had at some point grabbed the next jelly cake. Sue had to blink a couple times to be sure it was in Kamiko’s hands. She hadn’t seen the shorter demon move at all for it. “We only really meet up once every ten years for the big family gathering and there are just so many of us. I don’t even remember all of my cousins’ names let alone what they’re like.

“We don’t have some big tumultuous family history to use as a guide to remembering their names and personalities. Heck, I can’t even tell you the exact number of cousins I have. It gets even worse because my Grandparents also have a harem and they all ask to be called ‘Granny’ or ‘Grandpa’ whatever their name is. I don’t even know which of them are my actual Grandparents and it’s too awkward to ask. So... they kinda just blend together?”

Sue pouted, “Fine. I guess you got the opposite problem to me. Too much family to know what to do with instead of too little family that wants nothin’ to do with you. Fine fine. But, you keep squirreling around personal questions so I got one for you. What turns you on? What starts your engine running? When you’re browsing, what do you find to be the tastiest looking on the menu?”

Kamiko blushed but nodded slightly, “I’ll agree but only if everyone else does as well!”


Sue gave a raised eyebrow at that, “Ah yes, the lesbian and the asexual can really contribute to the ‘hottest boys’ conversation,”

Kamiko’s blush started to deepen as she stammered out, “Th-th-that’s not what I meant. I... I mean... L-Lily can talk about women and K-kat well... um... errr... she can... hmm...”

“But Lily already gave her story. She has a thing for redheads with good legs. Maybe a bit sporty as well. We’ve both heard Lily’s heartfelt story, and have a living example of at least half of her fetishes probably,” said Sue gesturing at Kat. josei

Kat wasn’t quite sure how to react to that, Lily was nodding along though as if that all made perfect sense somehow. *You could talk about outfits you find my sexy in if you want to contribute?*

[I mean, sure if they bring it up first but they’re right otherwise. You’re basically perfect appearance wise. You’ve got nice boobs that aren’t too large for my hands, the best legs, red hair, which I admit is maybe a larger fetish of mine than I give it credit for but more importantly you have very nice soft hair. Your ass is nice as well, but I feel like that’s more like dressing for the rest of your legs so it’s whatever. I think it’d be cute if you had dimples when you smile, but you’re not really ‘cute’ in that way. You’re basically sex appeal tailored rather specifically for me and I feel like dimples would drop the sexy factor a tad even if I like them,]

*Well you have cute dimples so I guess it’s fine.*

[Wait what?]

Kat didn’t respond.

[Wait what?!] Kat’s amusement just bounced down the link as Lily tried to remember if she’d noticed herself with dimples or not. Truth be told, it wasn’t really something she paid attention to at all. The chance of Kat being correct was quite high and now she was finding it odd she’d never noticed.

Kamiko’s blush hadn’t gone down at all, and she was pouting now as she stammered out, “F-fine then you can go first,”

Sue grinned, “No take backsies!” Kamiko would have paled at the tone if she wasn’t already beat red. As it was, a slight bit of the light in her eyes dulled as she realised mistakes had been made.

“The first thing,” said Sue, “Is that they have to have a dick. No offence to the pussy,” Lily hissed at the joke without any real malice behind the action, “but I’m not a carpet muncher. I like meat in my dishes and that’s where I start looking. I’ve actually been with a few really feminine guys and two shapeshifters that preferred to be female. Well, I’ve had sex with a few lesbians as well. It’s not like I wasn’t going to test just how straight I am,” Lily rolled her eyes, and Kat barely held herself back from doing the same, “but I just don’t enjoy it without something nice and warm to fill me.

“Then again. I guess we weren’t talking about sex but boyfriend material. Or at least I’m sure you will Kami. As I said before, I guess I want to go for the adventurous ones first. I don’t want them to necessarily be into weird shit, because a lot of people into that kind of stuff are ONLY interested in that stuff, and they’re just as bad as a dude who’s straight vanilla. I want them to have so many fetishes they might as well like everything, or enjoy exploration just as much as I do. In the bedroom as well,”

Sue gave a wink before continuing. “Other than that... I don’t like muscles all that much. They are HARD and not as fun as you think. When you’ve got demons able to get strength and keep themselves nice and squishy there’s just no point. I’m not one of those girls who likes tracing their fingers down a stud’s chest. I want them to have at least a little bit of squish. Same goes for those stick thin lanky guys. Shadows don’t count. Fucked one once and it’s... weird. A good weird actually. They sort of...”

Sue took a glance at her audience and sighed, “Right, sorry. Wrong audience. I guess what I’m trying to say is that Golems and the like are out. I want to be able to comfortably lay on my paramour and sleep there. I’d also probably want someone who either doesn’t mind sleeping around, or enjoys sleeping around as well. As cool as my parent’s marriage is, Mum and I have different priorities. She thinks an hour spent not having sex is an hour wasted but I like adventurous sex and even the most interesting man in the world can’t keep me occupied forever.

“Might need to find myself a bisexual guy. That could certainly be fun. They’d probably be more interested in trying new things. Hmm... what else... species? Maybe shadows? They can do some cool stuff but they don’t exactly make my panties wet with just a look. Succubi are a bit bland. There are enough similar looking races around that they don’t have any special appeal. Same with like, vampires and the like. Hmmm... not that interested in Fiends either. Size difference isn’t really my fetish. I mean, it was a fun experiment but honestly rather painful at the end of it all. Worth it, but certainly not repeat customer material.

“Oh, oh. And I know I said I liked things to be a bit soft but I’m not really in to fat guys. It’s not that hard to keep yourself in shape,” said the Succubus nearly incapable of getting fat, “so I can’t help but think of them as lazy. Also, not a big fan of fur... it just gets everywhere doesn’t ever taste nice, and is so much effort to clean.

“I’ll probably just want to find myself a shapeshifter really. I can’t really think of anything that’s so attractive I’d ever want to give up the versatility a power like that offers. A bit shallow perhaps, and I certainly have other things I’d look out for, maybe in a base form, but if they can shapeshift they can look however they want.

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