D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 763

Chapter 763

Chapter 763: Chapter 763 Boys?!?!

“So there you go I guess. I’m actually super boring because I’m not afraid to just say I want a shapeshifter, and not one of those minor shapeshifters that can mess with their appearance a bit, but the ones who could go full tentacle monster if they wanted to,” finished Sue.

“I regret asking,” said Kamiko, face no less red than when she’d started.

“Well, as I said. No tackbacksies!” said Sue,

“Don’t... don’t you have like... clothing styles or hair styles or something?” asked Kamiko hoping to prolong the moment she was forced to answer Sue’s questions.

“Eh, I don’t really care for hair at all. Might be a bit weird in that but I don’t find bald people any less or more attractive than someone with hair down to their ass. It’s just hair really. Hmm... maybe that’s another reason I don’t care for fur...” mumbled Sue before snapping her eyes back to Kamiko. “Now. No more escaping! CONFESS!”

Kamiko looked over to Kat for help only to be a met with a ‘you started this’ look. Finding no help there she looked to Lily, but the little Memphis’ eyes were burning with curiosity. She didn’t have any clue what a demon might find attractive and didn’t pay that much attention when the other girls were talking about boys at school. Mostly because it happened in locker rooms if it meant she was close enough to hear and she had... other interests than what they were saying.

“F-fine...” stammered Kamiko. “I... I guess I sort of agree with Sue in that muscles don’t do much for me. I mean, yeah. I’ve seen too many of my cousins without shirts and because we’re a family of Succubi they all have at least a bit of muscle. I agree as well that I don’t care for fat people. While unlike Sue I understand it can be more complicated than that...


“I grew up with a doctor for a mother and I know way too much about what that means and the potential side effects if it isn’t a default for their race. So, it just sort of grosses me out now because I can’t help but think on the medical issues. I... hmm... I don’t think I’d really like a shapeshifter. I mean, it sounds nice in theory, or for people like Sue but I...

“I want to KNOW what my husband looks like. I want to be able to picture their face in an instant. I don’t want there to ever be any confusion. I want to know each and every detail on their body so that I could trace it from memory. The idea of having a shapeshifter as a husband... is actually kind of a turn off for me. If... and this is a big IF. If they only really stuck to one form when we were together or they got it after we’d already started dating I could probably deal but like... any shapeshifting when we were... you know... I’d... I think I’d just feel really awkward,”

“It seems like somebody likes the taste of vanilla, not adventurous enough for you?” asked Sue, only to see Kamiko cough and look away. Sue’s eyes narrowed the way a sharks would when it smelled blood in the water. “No? Vanilla isn’t right... what sort of strange things do you like Kamiko?”

“N-” Kamiko chocked on the words, and swapped to “I-It’s not that strange?”

Even Kat could hear the question mark at the end of Kamiko’s sentence. “Oh hoho?” said Sue once again, puffing up and grinning, “Not that strange you say. Well, please share it Kamiko, oh I can’t wait! It can’t be that weird, but then again... you’re afraid of telling me, someone who is more than ok with diving into a mass of tentacles and just letting go. Are you saying it’s strange than that?”

“NO!” shouted Kamiko, going so far as to put her jelly down to hide her face with a pillow.

“Well, I mean, if you aren’t going to talk about it I can only start to think of weirder and weirder things Kamiko. Come on, share. We’re all girls here. Even if we can’t all appreciate a good slab of meat, we will at least not judge you for your taste. Unless it’s zombies. That’s kinda rotten...” offered Sue.

Kamiko gagged, “GROSS. Ew... yuck. Why? Why would you put that imagine in my head Sue!”

“Is it necrophilia if the corpse is still walking around?” asked Sue to ‘nobody’ “What about vampires? They have blood in their bodies. It just isn’t their blood. Do they count? What about ghosts? They don’t have bodies anymore but they tend to be dead... hmm. What if a ghost is possessing someone who’s alive? Is it necrophilia because the ghost is dead or just normal sex because the body is alive?”

“STOP OK FINE!” shouted Kamiko. “It’s Lamia and Medusa. I have a thing for smooth scales. Are you HAPPY NOW?”

“Yes inordinately!” said Sue looking like the cat that got the cream, or perhaps the jelly in this case. “Still though, that isn’t much. What about them do you like?”

“I um... well... I mean... I wouldn’t like go for a sentient snake that’s too far but like... it’s the contrast, I guess? Also, the idea of getting wrapped up by a big snake tail, or... or I’ve seen a medusa stretch their snakes to wrapped someone up completely and I think I even prefer that. They get to have a proper body but with nice snake hair that I can spend time petting. Sometimes their snakes are so adorable, and the person they are on can be sexy as well. I like the contrast,”

“Wow. You sub,” said Sue with a grin. “What about Arachne? That do anything for you?”

Kamiko shook her head rapidly, “No I don’t really like bugs. I’m not like... scared of them really but they are kinda gross. I can’t imagine an Arachne would make my feelings change much on the matter.”

“Still, Lamia and Medusa huh. That’s not even that bad. Pretty common in fact, from what I know. So I’m not really all that sure why you were so worried. I mean, Kat’s girlfriend is a cat,” said Sue.

“It’s not like she’s attracted to that form of Lily’s. I mean, it’s the same for her normal one as well so maybe that helps? I... well I wouldn’t mind dragonkin myself. I don’t care too much for their dragon forms, but a lot of them have humanoid ones with a few tasteful placements of scales to help protect organs and look nice. Sometimes they even have tails. Lizardkin... not really my thing. They either go too far, or just have a tail. They also seem kinda shifty to me...”

“They do seem that way yes,” said Sue nodding sagely. Kat and Lily shared a glance, not really comprehending the difference between a lizardkin and a dragonkin in human form. Perhaps it was just one of those things you know about.

After a few seconds of silence where it was clear Kamiko wasn’t going to offer any further answers so Sue prompted with, “So... clothes. You asked me about them, and I mostly just want less of them in general. What about you though?”

“Um... well... I’m a big fan of swimsuits... but not lingerie? I mean... maybe it’d be different if I had boyfriend but I just can’t see a man looking good in them, but a nice pair of swim trunks, body on display? I can get behind that, specially if they’re skin tight. You know the ones?” offered Kamiko.

Sue nodded, “Oh yup, that weird material they use for swim gear? Yup, nice and stretchy and definitely skin tight. You like the bulge in the front?”

Kamiko shrugs, “I mean, not especially? Doesn’t really tell you all that much. I like more of the framing on the legs and ass. Specially the ass,”

[My disappointment is immeasurable.]

*Look just because nobody else here has a thing for legs doesn’t mean you should be disappointed with them.* josei

[I know, but unlike you. I can lie about it. Men’s legs hold 0 appeal anyway so it’s not like I can even think of a reason someone else would like them.]

*Yeah. I guess quips are a lot more fun when you can make them and have people other than me here. It’d be a bit weird to share...*



“Anything involving a bit more material you like?” asked Sue, “I know I said I wasn’t really all that interested by I can appreciate a good set of military attire. It’s something I really don’t see around the Hub because we have Wrath for a military but it’s a good style. Gives me the good warm and fuzzies down below thinking about how hard they could pound me,”

“I mean... my sister has taught me enough about fashion that the fancier stuff I sort of just go into critique mode. I don’t even LIKE critiquing clothes or know anything about them to judge, but I feel like I should because of her. Only really triggers with male clothes though. I’m lucky I don’t judge myself and my other sisters too harshly, and Mum likes to wear a lab coat a lot of the time so she’s whatever...”

“Nothing?” asked Sue.

“Well... a nice casual naagi, that is the base for a kimono, sort of like what Kat’s wearing is pretty nice. You know, let it stay open a bit more than might be called appropriate and have a leg or two out... as long as it doesn’t get too fancy I can appreciate it,” said Kamiko with a slight yawn at the end.

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