D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 764

Chapter 764

Chapter 764: Chapter 764 Heading to Bed

That yawn was apparently the signal to start winding things down. Kamiko finished off the jelly she’d already claimed before sticking it on the cart, Sue tried one of the small cups quickly, and Kat got to work making herself a pillow fort with blankets helping the structural support. “You know,” said Sue between bites, “this is good jelly. Like, it’s still jelly and I’m not sure I’d rate it in like my top ten for foods or whatever but it is definitely the best jelly I’ve ever had so I can see why your family likes it.”

Kamiko felt her eye twitch and a slight bit of anger rise up at Sue’s dismissal attitude but she pushed it down. Sue was correct after all. Even if it was a bit of an issue her family had, that was no reason to lash out. It’d certainly confirm for everyone that things were weird. Not that it wasn’t obvious already. “I think that’s a shame if you cannot truly appreciate the majesty that is jelly. Still, being able to recognise that we choose one of the best as our default is a good consolation prize.”

Sue slid the empty cup onto the cart and Kamiko quickly dropped it outside. “How much is it by the way?” asked Sue. “On the one had it’s a specialty thing, but on the other... you guys quite clearly by a lot of it...”

“We get a family discount actually,” said Kamiko. “I’m not quite sure if that’s because someone from my extended family makes all the jelly for us, or works with the team that does. Not quite sure how much we by as a group, just my parents and sisters. So that, or perhaps someone in my family came up with the recipe? So we pretty much get it at cost, labour included.”

“I’m not sure if that makes it better because you aren’t overpaying for what is clearly a major vice or worse because you’ve been doing this so long you have a family discount making it easier to indulge...” said Sue sagely.

“Sue. Your vice is getting fucked in the weirdest way possible. I don’t want to hear from you that I have a problem with jelly,” said Kamiko.

Sue’s eyes flew wide open at Kamiko’s response. “Oh my, little Kami is breaking out some dirty language. I’ve never been so proud,” said Sue wiping away some fake tears.


Kamiko pouted, “Sorry, I’m tired. It just sort of slipped out...”

“Well, as long as you’re still awake enough to notice anything going in we should be good,” said Sue with a cheeky smile.

“Sue. I did not need that kind of joke when we’re about to sleep in the same bed,” said Kamiko as she closed the door behind her and flopped down on that very bed in question.

Sue waved Kamiko off as she flopped down on the bed next to her. “It’ll be fine Kami, you know I don’t swing that way. Besides, the lesbian couple are taking up residence on the floor. You won’t have to worry about your chastity at all,”

“First off,” said Kamiko as she sat up, “I’m not super worried, but considering you admitted just a bit earlier that you’ve slept with women before, I’m not really sure it matters how straight you are. Second off,” Kamiko shuffled to the side of the bed, “What the heck are you doing on the floor Kat?!” josei

Kat looked up from her spot surrounded by pillows, Lily comfortably nestled into her neck. “Um... well currently I’m relaxing.”

“Yes I can see that Kat,” said Kamiko with a bit of bite to her words. “But I want to know why you’re sleeping on the floor when we have a perfectly good bed. We’re not exactly large, all of us can sleep on it just fine Kat. The bed will manage our wings as well, but mine are small enough it probably wouldn’t matter anyway,”

“Counterpoint,” offered Kat, “I’m choosing to sleep here. It won’t be the first time I sleep on the floor,” *because apparently 13 is considered adult enough for a young kid to ‘not be in the room alone’ but other seven year olds aren’t.* “and this time I have plenty of pillows as well. If I wanted the bed, I’d have said something,”

“Sue back me up here,” said Kamiko

“Look, as much as I find this new feistier Kamiko fascinating, Kat’s right. If she wants to sleep on the floor, I say we let her. That way she can snuggle with her girlfriend without us interfering. Plus, she does have a lot of pillows,”

Kat’s pillow fort was a lot more like a pillow cocoon at this point. She had a layer of pillows surrounded the length of her body, with a build-up of pillows around where her head was. Her horns were poking into one, but luckily they were designed with demons in mind so it was just phased inside and no damage was being done. All in all, it looked very snug, and Sue couldn’t see anything wrong with it. “Wait... Kamiko...”

Sue took a second look at her friend. She was tired yes, but some other things were standing out now she was looking. Kamiko’s face was still flushed even now that she was no longer embarrassed. She was swaying slightly as she looked over the edge, her pupils looked normal but that might just be because she had non-standard eyes anyway. “Kamiko are you drunk?” asked Sue.

Kamiko rolled her head around to face Sue. “No? Why would I be drunk? I haven’t had anything to drink you know?”

This answer, despite being ‘the truth’ did not persuade Sue in the slightest. She glanced out at the doorway and then back to Kamiko. “Ok, while that is a factual statement, I’d like you to reconsider something. Firstly, is it possible that you are drunk on jelly. You and your family have a strange relationship with it and I don’t want to rule that out by itself. Secondly, consider the chance that your dad gave you jelly with alcohol in it and you’re either a lightweight, it was strong, or your dad thought there was a chance we’d eat some of it as well.”

Kamiko seemed to think on that. The fact it was taking her active thought to think on that was also setting off some alarm bells. Letting out a slight giggle, Kamiko said, “Yup. That sounds like dad. Probably thought he was being helpful,”

“Right. Ok. Hmm... let me just.. Kat can you...?” Sue started only to look over at how comfortable Kat looked and decide against it. Hopping up herself Sue grabbed one of the blankets nearby and proceeded to wrap Kamiko up with it before setting her carefully down on her pillow and pulling up the rest of the blankets. “Right. Looks good,”

“weeeee, hehehehe” Kamiko was getting more and more out of it by the moment.

“Um... why did you wrap her up?” asked Kat.

“Because I have learnt from my mistakes. Drunk demons aren’t quite as good at avoiding damage to their bed partners. As Succubi, we are naturally quite aware of our horns even while asleep because otherwise we’d be a bit too deadly even when we didn’t want to be. Doesn’t work so well when we’re drunk. I don’t want to wake up to being stabbed with one of her horns.”

“Right... is there anything else we should keep in mind? Like will she be ok?” asked Kat with some concern.

“Probably?” said Sue looking Kamiko over again. “I mean, we figured out how to make alcohol without as many side effects as what you can find on most worlds. It’s just a question of if Kami’s father used it or not. See... it’s a little more expensive, basically nothing, but some people think it doesn’t give you the ‘true drinking experience’ if you aren’t at least a bit hungover in the morning, so we do still sell alcohol with side effects and I don’t know what kind of person her father is.”

“Well, it was put into jelly. What is more likely?” pressed Kat.

“I really don’t know, remember, family discount. I wouldn’t be too worried because I didn’t even taste the alcohol when I had one, and Kami really only started to slip once she got tired. My guess is that there was only a little bit and Kami’s a lightweight but they could have just hid it well with all the sugar that... that isn’t in those. Hmm... not sure how that effects things.

“Lovely,” said Kat. “Would it have worked on me?”

Sue shrugged, and Kamiko giggled rolling to the side and already nodding off. “It depends really. I said we made alcohol without side effects, which is true, but what I meant was we made it safe for everyone else as well. Demons don’t really have issues with alcohol because our stomachs just burn it like anything else. The problem is, the ones WITH side effects are made to be that way, demons included. So depending on how they force the side effects on you, your regen may or may not counter it. Then again... if it’s a perception filter your eyes might counter that as well. Chances are you ain’t getting drunk.”

“Good to know,” said Kat as she rolled over and started to get comfortable. “Goodnight Sue.” *Night Lily.*

“Goodnight you two,” said Sue.

Lily of course, was already asleep, but purred slightly in response to the attention.

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