D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 786

Chapter 786

Chapter 786: Chapter 786 Meeting Jara

Lily quickly transformed back into her humanoid form just long enough to open the door before changing back and letting it close behind her. It had taken longer than Lily liked to find how to get to the house, but not as long as she feared it might. The fact she couldn’t fly probably made things easier as it wasn’t anywhere near as draining.

Lily was looking around for evidence of Jara when she heard the crunch of gravel behind her. Lily froze up for a moment, evidently a mistake, because she found a hand around her neck a moment later. Letting herself get picked up by her scruff she found herself face to face with a girl, or perhaps more accurately a young woman that was probably Jara.

She had long blacked hair that had been done up in a braid and then further wound around itself to keep it up and out of the way. She had long hemp overalls reaching up her all the way to her arms. That didn’t stop her wearing heavy duty gloves, though the one that should’ve been on the hand that reached for Lily was tucked under an arm.

Large browns eyes met slitted amber. “Now, despite how cute you look little cat, I don’t think you’re supposed to be here,”

Lily struggled slightly in Jara’s grip, not wanting to do so too forcefully. Just enough to get away and transform. “I’m afraid I can’t keep you around. Wait... did you understand what I was saying?” Lily stopped and nodded, “In that case you really shouldn’t be here then,” Lily hissed in response, “Well it’s just the rules. I don’t really know how an animal as smart as you clearly are got passed the wards but I’ll have to take you out now. If you’re good I might not even tell the guards,”

Lily raised a paw and slowly extended her claws. Jara gave an amused smirk back, “What you think you can hurt me with those? I mean look at me!” Jara was correct. She was wearing thick gardening clothes, Lily’s small claws were not likely to cut through, at least not fully. Lily nodded but raised a second paw and repeated the motion before motioning her head towards the ground.

“Well... that’s interesting... you seem smart enough to be possessed... but that definitely shouldn’t work with the wards... so you’re not trained, not possessed... what are you exactly?” asked Jara not really expecting an answer. [Kat get ready to come out. I found Jara. Or more accurately Jara found me. I’m probably going to transform, hand the letter over and transform back. I’ll give you the signal] Lily motioned to the ground once again.


Jara pursed her olive lips as she thought. “Ok little cat. Here’s the deal. I have a panic button in my pocket, and no I’m not telling you which one,” she was lying it was actually holding her braid together, “but I’ll let you down as long as you explain things. Deal?”

Lily nodded and Jara let the cat fall. Not terribly concerned about the small drop. Lily righted herself and took a few careful steps away, making sure it didn’t seem like she was running away. [Now Kat.] Lily transformed as the pink smoke covered the area. Lily quickly pulled the note out of her shirt and threw it towards Jara before transforming back into her Memphis form just as Kat become completely solid. Lily waited one more moment and jumped into Kat’s arms.

“Oh dear,” said Jara with a sigh. “Well, who is it that paid a demon to kidnap me?”

“Actually, Apep summoned a demon, hoping for a knowledge demon, to help with his romantic issues,” answered Kat as she stroked Lily’s fur.

“Imma kill him,” hissed Jara. “I cannot believe that idiot. I leave him alone for a day and this is what happened? May he drown in the sacred waters for his incompetence,” Jara turned and kicked the nearby tree with a force that rattled it. Considering the large size of the tree, it was quite impressive for what the pair had thought was a baseline human.

Then in a blink, as if there was never a problem Jara suddenly righted herself and gained a regal air to her. “Well, in that case. I am Jara, heir of the 6th of the 10 and I request further detailings regarding the bargain struck between you and Apep so that I may act in the appropriate capacity as his long time friend,”

Kat rolled her eyes. *Even I didn’t miss that she said ‘act appropriately’ not that she’d help us at all.* “The note is there for a reason,” answered Kat.

Jara scoffed, “It is certainly not beyond a demons capabilities to force him to write such a thing, either through various charms, force or even just seducing him normally,”

Lily hissed in Kat’s arms, attempting to move around so that she could leap at Jara and just... claw her a little bit. [Come on. Let me at her. I didn’t claw her when she grabbed me. Maybe I can rectify that] Venom leaking from Lily’s thoughts, “Apparently you can’t control your cat. Bit surprising? Resisting your control?” asked Jara ‘innocently’ josei

Kat let out a long sigh as she pulled Lily closer to her chest. *On the one hand, I like the justified suspicion. I might know demons aren’t something to be scared of, and Lily might be happy to stand by and Kamiko is adorable... but demons like that DO exist. On the other hand. The temptation to let Lily claw Jara’s eyes out is surprisingly strong.*

“Well Jara, considering WHO you’re calling ‘the cat’ is in fact my girlfriend I don’t really think I need to control her at all. Only the fact that she’s apparently much less ok with your insults than I am means that I have to stop her from trying to claw at you for them,” said Kat.

“Really? Surely you can do better than a cat?” said Jara dismissively.

Instantly Jara knew she’d pushed to far when it felt like the air in the room was made of cotton. Never before had Kat’s comforting aura become hostile in any way but Jara managed to push and reveal a little bit of insight. Being wrapped up in a blanket was soothing, being surrounded by pillows was soothing. Being wrapped in tight blankets while being smothered by a pillow not so much. Kat’s eyes burned with purple fire and she took a single, large step forward, looking down on Jara with her extra height, making the human feel as if she was half her height.

“Apparently you’ve chosen to piss us both of. While I am willing to stop Lily from acting against insults to MY person, she is not capable of stopping ME from acting on insults against HER. So would you like to retract your previous statement? I will ask once,” boomed Kat, making full use of her demonic energy to distort her voice beyond recognition.

Jara gulped and took a step back, “Um... sure... she is a very... um... adorable cat thing... I um...”

Kat stepped back reigning in her aura and the terrified look Jara was giving her. *Where did that come from. I’ve never been so protective of Lily before... then again, I was much weaker, trapped in school with teachers that may or may not have listened to me, constantly trying to avoid giving Gramps issues, and of course she wasn’t my girlfriend. Hmm... might need to remember to tone that back... maybe.*

“She can transform. She just currently lacks appropriate attire. We were called somewhat unexpectedly,” said Kat keeping her voice even, “Now. We are here because it seemed like the best course of action,” Kat let out a long breath the fire in her eyes extinguishing though the purple colour and the glow remained, “I was even wanting to discuss exactly how you thought of Apep, see if you really didn’t have an interest in him or not considering my own feelings about my girlfriend despite my asexuality. As it stands though... I’m not entirely sure I can bring myself to CARE anymore...”

*Then again...* Kat reigned her temper back even further. *If I lost the chance at Lily due to someone else’s meddling I would likely carry such a grudge. Letting someone who loved her have chance is one thing. Having a third party push her into someone else’s arms would be another.*

Suddenly Kat was distracted by the lust coming from Lily. She sent her own confusion back down the link. [What? It’s stupid but seeing you ready to defend me from... a pretty tame insult all things consider is really hot Kat. It’s one thing to believe you love me, another to feel it... but it’s another thing entirely for someone else to essentially call you out on it and respond. It shows a depth of love... and possessiveness that is VERY attractive to me.]

Jara glanced over Kat once more, trying to measure just how calm the demon was before frowning and performing a light bow. “I am sorry for... acting offensively... it was... not well thought out or even particularly heartfelt... I was... treating you like I would treat Apep’s more... fanatic suitors... trying to get under your skin and show your true colours... I just... didn’t expect to have opened the floodgates...”

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