D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 787

Chapter 787

Chapter 787: Chapter 787 Marry Apep? Eh, It’s Complicated

Jara shook her head, “Never mind. Just... follow me I suppose. We can head to my private garden, nobody will just come through my area and nobody will be looking for me for quite some time,”

Kat fell in step behind Jara as they cut through the bushes and undergrowth. Jara was fairly careful with some of the more delicate plants but others she just strode straight through. One odd bush she even stepped on. The fact it popped back up as soon as she stepped off only making it weirder. “So... where is Zuhra?”

“Elsewhere. Why? Is it important?” asked Jara.

Kat rolled her eyes at the dismissive tone. Apparently learning the one big red button and how to avoid it she was trying to play coy again. Kat was in half a mind to scare the girl before thinking back to Apep. They were the same age, and while Jara certainly seemed more mature and in control, there was a decent chance she was just putting on a brave face. “While her location itself isn’t really important how long she’ll be gone IS. We’re trying to avoid her for the moment in case you’d forgotten,”

Jara opened her mouth to speak, though Kat couldn’t see it. That was the only reason she was able to shut it afterwards and not look like a fool. She let her gaze drop to the letter she was holding. The temptation to open it as she walked was strong but instead, she slipped a hand into her overalls and placed it in one of the many hidden pockets it had on the inside. The cleaner ones of course, “Currently Zuhra is taking her afternoon off. josei

“I was meant to be with my tutor today. Normally when I have a full day inside with the tutors Zuhra gets time off because the other maids can attend me if truly necessary, and normally it is not. However, said did not turn up at the assign time. When a guard went to check they were in bed passed out with a fever. With such little notice we could not call up a replacement either.

“Zuhra protested getting a day off in light of this, as she’d stuck around a few extra hours this morning, only for me to brush her off. I suppose it is good I did so. She deserves the break and it’s clear you do not wish to meet her yet. As to when she’ll return... I cannot be certain. She will certainly be back for the dinner bell. The question is just if she’ll turn up before that, and if she does turn up early, if she’ll attempt to resume her duties.


“I think the second is more likely honestly. She’s a bit of a workaholic and always doing extra that she does not need to. As my personal maid it is mostly her job to stand behind me, occasionally fetch things, and look pretty while doing it. Instead she is regularly cleaning whatever room I am occupying and even prepared lunch some times when I do not wish to sit down for a full meal. Normally she’s back early on her break days and comes to find me before four... but she did leave late today because of the missing tutor. So if she’ll still be back by then is truly anyone’s guess,”

*Hmm... a little annoying I suppose. Still that gives us plenty of time to spend with Jara alone before we’re forced to head off. While it might not be ideal, it is hardly a poor state of affair.* “I see. Well, now that we’ve established we have some time, we can discuss how you feel about Apep. I already mentioned my own asexuality, so this hits somewhat close to home. I know I would likely inflict considerable damage on a meddling third party if it involved Lily’s love life. Maybe break a few legs,”

Jara bit back with, “I don’t really see how that is an appropriate reaction,”

Kat shrugged as she saw... ANOTHER GREENHOUSE. Because apparently going two layers deep wasn’t considered good enough, “Look Jara. When you’ve been stabbed through the heart and gotten up a couple minutes later after your body just sort of... deals with that... you start to get a wonky perspective on appropriate response and reasonable harm. If someone broke my legs I’d be up in less then a minute. With strong enough healers I’d also consider it fine because they might only be out of commission a day or two,”

Jara frowned, “We don’t have many healers so skilled. Certainly not any so skilled and actively on call. It would be quite an expensive to heal such an injury,”

Once again Kat shrugged. Just because she had a reasonable excuse for excessive force didn’t mean she absolutely required it. She’d probably avoid it back on Earth more due to issues with the law and not wanting the government involved in her life then any real reluctance to break bones in Lily’s defence. [Kat. Don’t take it too far...]

“Right well now I feel like you’re avoiding the question,” and Kat was changing the subject but who was really keeping track, “how do you feel about Apep?”

Jara sighed as she pushed the door to her personal greenhouse open. It was the only one that was actually green. Blocking quite a bit of the light coming in from outside. The inside had artificial lighting, likely tightly controlled, but there was a few seats off to the side near a control panel. They weren’t in the best condition, stuck inside a hot, for some creatures, damp environment for extended periods of time.

Kat took one of the chairs for herself while Jara sat down at the console. “It’s complicated I suppose. Do you want the long version or the short version?”

“Long version please. We’ve got time. Hopefully,” said Kat.

“Right well... I do need to get this off my chest I suppose... and... hmm... as long as I have your word you will not share it with anyone else from this dimension. Except Apep, but only tell him if you feel it is truly necessary. Most of this shouldn’t really matter to him,” requested Jara.

“That’s fine. I promise not to speak of whatever it is you’re about to say to others from this dimension,” answered Kat easily.

“Right... well. I suppose the first thing that won’t really be a surprise to Zuhra at least is that I don’t particularly WANT to head my family. I’d much rather spend my time as a researcher. Unfortunately, I’m my parents only child. I have a few cousins that could technically take the role, but realistically my parents would never go for it. Now, I don’t want to sound ungrateful. I’ve read plenty of stories of princesses wishing for more than an arranged marriage...

“But I understand duty. I understand that I was quite fortunate growing up and, in the event I do not in fact inherit the house, I will continue to have my family’s support. I have had a good life and I understand the idea of paying that back. If I must I will take up the mantel as Lady of the family and do my utmost to keep it prospering.

“The issue then is... I’d be expected to have a child. Even if I later hand the reigns over to a cousin, assuming my parents don’t block it after their abdication, it would be a massive scandal to have not even tried for a child of my own. This is where things start to get complicated. I am asexual, as you know, and I have no interest in romance at all. Give me a greenhouse at the edge of the city and lifetimes supply of funds and I could die a happy old lady when my times comes.

“The problem then, of course, is that I’d be expected to have a child, and if I have a child, I am expected to have a spouse, even if that spouse is the same gender as I am. Truth be told, if I am forced to go through with becoming the lady of my house I would like to marry Apep. I know him. I trust him. I would bear him two children, one for my line and one for his, and while it wouldn’t be... pleasant to lay with him it would be something I could stomach. It would not disgust me overly much, and my parents would certainly be happy. So would his...

“If we did marry I would not begrudge him any whores or mistresses he may desire, as long as they know their children shall not inherit. I would be willing to live separately from him if he truly desired after we had children, though I dislike the idea. I do believe children require two parents to grow properly. Yet in truth. Had I complete freedom for my choices. I would not marry Apep. For I do not want to. It is merely one of my better options on the path my parents wish for me,”

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