D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 829

Chapter 829

Chapter 829: Chapter 829 A Moonlight Flight

“I see. I thank you both for all the advice,” said Apep with a strange sense of finality. After his words the silence stretched on for a little bit until he tilted his head and asked, “Um... so I guess this is goodbye then? I sort of assumed you’d just vanish once your job was done?”

*Is that what we want to do? Just... go?*

[Probably? I mean... probably.]

*Right. How about we leave Apep here and talk about it outside?* “More or less yes. I get some control over when exactly I leave but yes,” said Kat.

“Well... by I guess?” said Apep somewhat awkwardly.

Kat wanted to frown but held it in. She’d thought that there was a bit of friendliness between herself and Apep at this point but apparently he either wanted or expected them to just leave straight away. So, despite that particular fact being a bit annoy... she didn’t dissuade him, “Indeed. Goodbye Apep. Perhaps we will meet again,” said Kat before bursting into smoke.

Lily transformed back and quickly left threw the window, letting darkening sky hide her black form as she headed for a nearby area. It wasn’t that close, as she’d climbed rather high and then glided down steadily once at height, but it didn’t take all that long either. Kat and Lily were silent for the journey. Not really knowing what to say, and thinking it best to properly speak face to face for this. josei


Eventually Lily found herself touching down on the edge of the forested section at the top of the mountain. It made for a nicer place to have this conversation than an alleyway. Kat quickly found the nearest tree to lean on and Lily pouted, wanting to sprawl herself across Kat but it didn’t seem appropriate. “So...” started Kat without finishing.

“So,” said Lily with a smile.

Kat sighed at the response. “I... I guess I don’t really know what to do now. I guess we head off... but it doesn’t feel great,”

“Perhaps not Kat... and maybe this is just because I have a bit of a skewed perspective only being around for two of these... but perhaps it really is best we leave. We’ve provided a long term solution for Belle that should improve things for her in the short term. We’ve helped Jara recognise just how not-ok Zuhra has been. We helped Zuhra realise that same thing and gave her the knowledge that she still has people interested in her for herself,

“For Apep we gave him a chance. We found out everything we could about Gaston, probably more than he wanted. As well as a good deal of information about Zuhra’s past and gave what I consider to be good advice for his future. Considering the pressure from his parents it might not go so smoothly, but that’s something we never got a lot of details on and with Jara’s help shouldn’t be too bad. Honestly Kat it looks like a job well done from where I’m sitting,” explained Lily.

Kat waved a hand in circles, “I guess but I feel sort of... listless, or despondent. I feel like we didn’t make all that much progress. I mean... when you lay it out it seems like we did do quite a bit... but it doesn’t quite FEEL like it. Hmm...” Kat’s mind went through the last few days and then paused on an idea, “Say... Lily you want to fly around and have a bit of a date?”

Lily gave a shaky smile, “Despite arguing that we did in fact do things... I agree with you it doesn’t FEEL great and... I mean... I don’t know. I do WANT to go on a date and flying around with you, just for the fun of it... sounds quite nice but... I also don’t know that the mood is the best right now,”

“Perhaps that’s why we should do this?” suggested Kat, “Maybe we can make this our high moment to end on. There’s no tournament to win or damsel to be saved... but I can finish off my night with some lovely company and a good view,”

Lily nodded, her mood already starting to take a turn for the better, “You know what? I think you’re right Kat. That does sound lovely. I’d ask you to lead the way... but flying behind you would probably be distracting for me. So I’ll take the lead,” finished Lily with a grin.

Kat nodded and they both took to the skies. Lily in Memphis form with Kat right behind her. As they rose up. The city looked wonderful like this. The sharp lines of the aqueduct contrasted with the smoother lines of the buildings. Thousands of little off ramps for the water, travelling to nearly every house and garden. A smattering of lights. Not like a modern city, but candles were common enough it seemed and the obvious march of guard platoons, lamp in front and lamp behind on raised poles lighting the way.

It was a very different look to the one shown during the day. It looked like a sea of stars, much like the night sky. Pinpricks of light mixed in amongst islands that were in fact houses, with the strange edging of the aqueduct to give it a truly unique look. The pair could already feel their mood improving further. It was a peaceful night by all appearances, and it helped ease the worries they had been feeling.

Eventually, Kat opted for a bit of conversation. Divorced from recent events of course. *So what is your new plan for the future? No university any time soon I imagine.* Thought Kat over the link. She was genuinely curious as to what Lily had thought up... though she didn’t expect any concrete answers just yet.

[That’s really the question isn’t it?] Thought Lily as she flapped her wings slowly in front of Kat just to maintain their current height, taking a slightly winding path through the air. [I haven’t thought on it tooo much... but what I have thought about obviously involves joining you on Contracts. I think that makes a lot of other potential options a bit more of an issue. Hard to keep a steady schedule when you aren’t always in the same dimension]

Lily mentally sighed, [Not that that’s even the real issue. No, I want to go on Contracts, mostly just to be more deeply involved in magic and give me ideas for where I can take my craft... but I don’t really know how I can convince my parents to allow me to do this. Sure it’s somewhat forced on them... but I can’t see pointing that fact out will do me any favours. I think I’ll try and ease them into things by showing myself off... and then making the excuse that I need to stay near you. It’s true enough... even if two adjacent houses is in fact more than close enough to not cause issues.]

*I see. That means you have no plans at all to do anything more normal now?*

Lily gave a mental shrug, [Research has always been my passion and the chance to research real magic is too tempting to pass up Kat. I... I can’t see myself doing anything else anymore. As much as I hope it won’t come to it... I’d easily chose to alienate my parents for the chance to explore magic more. Oh and... despite the fact I might want to keep my paper magic book on me... it’s best you keep it. I don’t want my parents restricting my access to it. I wouldn’t listen anyway but if they managed to successfully hide it somewhere, which I imagine they could with a bit of work, I would be most displeased.]

[What about you Kat? What are your glorious plans going forward and for when you get bored of Contracts? Or just to do in your off time?]

*I think I’ll get more into practicing with my fire and fans. I haven’t really incorporated my fire into my fighting style. Not properly anyway. It’s mostly just very basic stuff. Punch enemy with flaming fists or throw all the fire at the problem.*

*On the other hand with my fans, I have a fan style and a surprising amount of real world experience thanks to Mai... but it still isn’t that much. I need to keep up with my Katas properly so that the movements become ingrained. Currently I abuse the fact I can move faster than most people and think even faster than that with my demonic energy. I’m not actually that good, I’m just good enough that I can abuse my speed and strength to seem much better than I am in truth.*

[Well that’s all well and good... but it’s not much of a hobby is it?]

Kat shrugged, physically and mentally. *I don’t really know what else to say Lily. I’ll probably use some time to go visit the orphanage, check on Gramps and make sure the kids he put in charge after me haven’t burnt the place down. Cooking might be something to look into... but Callisto is happy to do that and I don’t exactly eat much anymore. Maybe looking into the demon form of enchanting? Could be interesting but I don’t know where I’d start with that...*

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