D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 830

Chapter 830

Chapter 830: Chapter 830 Home but not Quite Free

Kat and Lily had a great time flying around and discussing whatever came to mind. It was nearly midnight by the time they finished up. They returned home in much better spirits, and as the time of day was basically the same, they quickly found their way to Kat’s comfortable bed and slept. Kat was up early, but decided to stay in bed cuddling with Lily till she was awoken by the smell of breakfast being cooked.

Lily had slept in her Memphis form despite the bed being large enough. It seemed that Lily wasn’t quite ready to sleep together when they were both humanoid despite it happening once already. Now the option of sleeping in a slightly more innocent way was available Lily was taking it and running. With a more sensitive nose, and the fact she hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast yesterday Lily was perfectly happy to answer the call downstairs.

Callisto had somehow worked out everyone was home and prepared enough food. It was a rather impressive feast actually. She had a number of plates lade out on the table with one filled with bacon, another poached eggs, a third with scrambled, a fourth plate for pancakes and a final plate filled with apple slices. It was a bit much actually. There would certainly be leftovers.

After everyone sat down and said their greetings Lily couldn’t help but dig into the bacon and eggs. She found that even in her human form her tastes had changed. It wasn’t that she couldn’t eat other things, but her body did seem to crave protein in ways it hadn’t before. The grease on the bacon didn’t even bother her as it once did. It still wasn’t ideal in her mind, but it wasn’t a problem. Kat on the other hand was picking at a pancake and a few slices of apple.

Once everyone was settled in though, Vivian fixed Lily with a hard stare and said, “Now, I’m sure you want to go over your recent adventure... but I’m afraid you need to go visit your parents first,”

“Um...” Lily looked to Kat for support before glancing back at Vivian, “Not that I’m against your suggestion... and I was planning to see them... but why?”

Vivian frowned at the question, “Lily, it’s nearly been a month since your parents have seen you. Perhaps it doesn’t seem so bad to you because you were unconscious for much of it and then off on adventures but they are somewhat concerned. To the point they came and asked ME for further information.


“Well, in truth I wasn’t here at the time. Callisto was, but she directed them to me because god forbid she actually have to deal with someone’s parents. So I came home from work, somewhat tired to find your parents questioning me about where you had gone. Now perhaps, I could have told them the truth, but as I said, I was tired. My client was an ass quite frankly and just pulled out on their contract so now I need to get legal involved because the work is basically done and they’re trying to get out of paying...

“So when they asked me why you hadn’t visited, I told them that you were still under monitoring. Technically true, but I implied they were monitoring you at the demon hospital or whatever it is technically called. Which, while it did stop them worrying AT ME it didn’t seem to dispel their worries at all. I did leave them with a ‘so far it was all normal and good on your end’ to help soothe them but this is as far as I go.

“You need to speak with them regardless of your misgivings. I understand that you’ll surely have some and I don’t like to be the cranky parent, or I guess in-law in this case, but I will not be covering for you a second time if you aren’t here. If you ARE then I don’t want whatever issues come about to be here at my house. This is a family issue, and while arguments could be made that you’re already family because I adopted Kat...

“This is not a combined family problem, this is a Furos family problem. If you choose to let them believe the white lie I told them, that’s fine. If you tell them it was to get them off my back that’s fine to. It WAS to get them off my back. I do not mind. I’ll even let you take Kat if you want... but you will deal with it today and it will be dealt with before we speak of your most recent adventures. Understood?”

“Yes Vivian,” said Lily automatically before going back to her plate, now more playing with her food than truly consuming anything just to have something to do with her hands. [Vivian is scary when she’s angry. She’s not even that angry but... intense maybe. I wasn’t ready for it...]

*I think it’s the contrast. Both to how she normally is and how most people are when they’re angry. I think in truth she’s probably just trying to be serious about this. I’m not sure that’s she’s truly angry... but more that she can empathise with their, apparently quite clear worry and that means she wants to ensure you sort this whole thing out. Though... do you want me to come with?*

[That’s something I’m not quite sure of. I do want you there... but what I most want is to spend the maximum amount of time with you. I’m not sure if you being there would help or hinder with that. Having you around would show that you’re around and clearly supporting me. I’m just not sure if my parents WANT to know you support me so much. Sure we sort of dealt with my mother’s whole... thing with you and my dad promised it wouldn’t be an issue with him anymore... but talk is cheap frankly and...]

[Well I suppose the best way to put it is that I’ve gone through a rather drastic change in a short amount of time. I think my parents were still coming to terms with the fact I’m dating you and now I’ll show up as a Kat girl. Magic will be most definitely real and I just can’t work out how much they’ll freak out about that. I really wish I could do a spell or two already. That would help so much... but I can’t and we’ll need to leave soon if we want to catch my dad before he goes to work.]

*Ok. What’s the plan then? Do we just go with the misdirection or tell the truth?* josei

[I don’t know. I’d really like to just... let that lie continue... but I don’t know what’s better for my long term prospects. Admit that I went on adventures and that I was fine but Vivian sort of lied about it and I went without getting permission... or pretending that I was in the hospital for weeks under watch and only just now got out. Both seem equally annoying to admit to.]

*Probably best to go with the truth. Not just because it’s arguably the right thing to do but also because I can’t lie remember? If I can’t find a way to word things so they don’t sound strange they might catch on anyway.*

[Woops. I overlooked that. Probably should have planned around that particular limitation. I guess... full disclosure then? Well maybe not about quite how permanently connected we are. Perhaps... phrasing it as ‘I could choose who to connect to but now I need to stay near you while it stabilises’ or something. Focus on that I got to pick and that staying so close is more a limited time thing.]

*I suppose it’s true enough that I can say it directly. Hopefully they don’t press too hard. Is there anything else to keep in mind?*

[Hmm... just the one main thing I think... and that’s to let me do most of the talking. Even if a questions directed somewhat vaguely towards you... best not answer I think. Stella was always the talkative one between the two of us unless I was rambling... so for something like this, trying to weasel our way out of trouble, it’s best not to invoke any imagery reminiscent of that if we can help it. Answer in my head even. I’ll just pass that on. Of course if they do specifically call you out don’t back down if you’ve done nothing wrong. We’re trying to play this... softly but if I have to draw a thick line in the sand instead... I’ll live with that.]

*Well. Even if I’m not talking do know that I’m here for you. If not speaking is what’s best I’ll say nary a word. These are your parents and I’ll follow your lead, wherever that will take us.*

Lily couldn’t help but grin even as she mentally chastised Kat. [This isn’t some dangerous quest. We’re just talking with my parents.]

*Ah but the stakes are higher than any quest.*

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