D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 941 - 941 Chapter 941 Unexpected Guests

Chapter 941 - 941 Chapter 941 Unexpected Guests

941 Chapter 941 Unexpected Guests

Kat was surprised when she heard the doorbell ring. It was early in the morning and everyone else was sitting down having breakfast. Sylvie was smiling happily as she munched down on pancakes that seemed to be half syrup. As the only one not eating, Kat thought it was only polite she open the door. *Who is it? Lily would just walk in these days and I didn’t think Sylvie had anyone else coming over…?*

Kat abused her speed a bit to get over to the door, but just as she was about to put her hand on the handle, Callisto said, “Kat, no need to get up I’m more than happy to answer the door,”

Which was of course, rather strange because Kat was already AT the door in question. It was even stranger when Callisto came around the corner and looked Kat dead in the eyes and mouthed ‘say something back’. Um… “It’s really no trouble, I mean… I’ve finished with breakfast?” said Kat unsure.

Callisto nodded, “If you really must get up please head up to my room. There’s something I left on the bed. Start getting it ready and I’ll be there to help you in a moment,”

Kat nodded and headed for the staircase confused. As she passed Callisto whispered “I think I know what’s going on. I’ll explain in a moment when I meet you upstairs,”

Still confused but reassured that at least someone knew what was going on, Kat dashed upstairs. She didn’t hear Callisto opening the door with a calm face and a polite greeting, nor did she see the two visitors faces just yet. If she had, it would’ve answered many questions. They were clearly a married couple, and Callisto wasn’t attempting to stab them, so it could only mean one thing.

They were Vivian’s parents. The resemblance was pretty strong. Long, thick blonde hair tied back. Bright sunny disposition, and great legs. A slight tan that wasn’t present on Vivian and a wide smile that seemed to brighten up the room. They were also quite tall, even taller then Vivian in fact. Though that part wasn’t a surprise considering her father was tall for a man let alone a woman.

Next to him stood Vivian’s mother, who looked like a shorter red-headed version of Vivian. It was all in the face see, and she had a matching attitude with her husband. “Oh Callisto, it’s so wonderful for you to greet us at the door. We’re here for our grandchild’s birthday so I hope we didn’t interrupt any plans!” cheered Vivian’s mother.

“Not at all,” said Callisto, her voice betraying nothing. “Please head inside. There are still some pancakes and syrup available of you want. Vivian and Sylvie are just eating now,”


“I think we might do just that!” cheered the small woman and she practically glided into the house. Her husband followed behind, a smile on his face chest puffed out, proud simply at the mention of grandchildren.

Callisto of course bowed to them as they entered, waiting to make sure they were well clear of the door before closing it herself and then dashing upstairs. Kat was able to hear the various exclamations of ‘hello’ and the scraping of chairs. Callisto managed to make her way upstairs during this and opened the door to her room. “How much have you worked out?”

“Um… I’m guessing that Vivian’s parents are visiting?” said Kat.

Callisto nodded, “Yes indeed. I should have expected it but they’ve never visited without giving due warning before. I suspect they are doing this as a bit of revenge for Vivian adopting two children without so much as talking to them about it first. Vivian’s mother is called Roxane, but prefers Roxy, while Vivian’s father is Bruce. They are… honestly they are both like older version of Vivian in both looks and personality. The only concern I have is that they happen to go to church a lot growing up with Vivian… not to say they would do anything but… well… there is a difference between dismissing the church’s teachings and adopting someone who is actually a demon,”

“Is it likely to be an issue? Should I go hang out at Lily’s for the day?” asked Kat, concern bubbling up her spine.

Callisto bit her lip as she considered it for a moment before shaking her head, “No, I do not know how long Bruce and Roxy intend to stick around and I very much doubt they plan to just be here for the day. You will need to meet them at some point during their stay. I suspect it will not be a problem… but Roxy will likely try to convince you that it IS a problem for a good while to start with,”

“What?” asked Kat confused.

“Roxy… likes messing with people. Bruce is more chill about things and is happy to watch his wife go about causing trouble… but Roxy is perfectly happy, and very skilled, at playing up anger and disappointment. It is the reason I called you up here for this. Roxy will likely say all sorts of things to try and annoy someone, probably Vivian. Just… just know that she means know harm. If she was actually angry Bruce would step in and start bashing heads so… yeah let us hope it does not get close to that point,” explained Callisto.

With that said, Callisto made her way back downstairs and Kat followed. Kat quickly took up a seat on the lounge, ducking down and slouching so that her horns weren’t poking over the back of the chair. Roxy and Bruce were seated facing the kitchen so this wasn’t too hard to accomplish. Kat thought Roxy or Bruce might say something like ‘why no hello’ or ‘hiding something from us’ but nothing was said. In fact, there was barely any sound.

After Roxy and Bruce had given Sylvie and Vivian their own respective hugs they sat down and started eating without a word and Vivian was starting to sweat a bit. Sylvie was managing much better. She had all sorts of questions but clearly some sort of strange silent game was taking place. The adults were being silly and Sylvie was determined to win. Of course, Sylvie had never really encountered the silent technique before. Silence was perfectly acceptable. She got a lot of her best thinking done in silence. So the chance to eat pancakes in silence on her birthday? Well that wasn’t strange at all in her mind.

Eventually, the food was finished and Callisto started to collect plates. Roxy didn’t say anything, she just joined in by grabbing the syrup with one hand a collection of cups in the other. The cups went to the sink, and the syrup the cupboard. “I am perfectly capable of completing the work by myself,” Callisto informed Roxy… who promptly ignored the statement. She didn’t say anything, but she kept working alongside Callisto. The interesting thing for the observers was that they were in almost perfect sync.

While that bit of showboating was going on, Bruce walked over to the couch and sat down, glancing over at Kat. When he caught sight of her, his eyebrows shot into his forehead and he opened his mouth to say something… only to remember Roxy was trying not to say anything. So he clamped his mouth shut and schooled his face. Kat wasn’t even sure what part of everything surprised him.

Was it the fact she was there at all? The outfit? The horns and wings? Did he actually think she was a demon or did he just assume it was all part of Kat’s look for some reason? Whatever the case, he was clearly willing to follow Roxy’s lead, just as Callisto said. That didn’t mean he couldn’t casually stare at Kat the entire time. *Lily. I’m freaking out a little bit. You busy?*

[About what? Also no not really. I was sort of asleep but I was waking up because I felt your agitation.]

*Sorry about waking you up. As for what’s happening… well Vivian’s parents have shown up out of the blue and apparently they might or might not have issues with me being a demon.*

[Why is that?] josei

*Well to hear Callisto tell it, they are Catholic, but the real issue is that Roxanne, that’s Vivian’s mother by the way, well… apparently she likes to mess with people so she’s going to play up the outrage for a while to get back at Vivian for not informing them she was adopting anyone until after the papers were signed.*

[I’m not sure how you expect me to be able to help Kat. I mean, I could come over… but depending on how they want to play it introducing the fact you’re dating a lesbian is only going to stir the pot. Better off waiting for that extra reveal. Hmm… should I stay away from the party later?]

*No way. I want you to be here to see the look on Sylvie’s face! Besides… hopefully this whole thing will just be a minor issue.*

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