D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 942 - 942 Chapter 942 Roxanne Goes Hard

Chapter 942 - 942 Chapter 942 Roxanne Goes Hard

942 Chapter 942 Roxanne Goes Hard

In the kitchen, Roxy started to boil some water as soon as the washing up was done. Callisto didn’t say a word, simply ducking to the storage room under the stairs and removing a bunch of small collapsible tables she set next to the couches. Vivian was sitting down on the couch with Sylvie on her lap like some kind of shield, Bruce still wasn’t saying anything…

The silence was cut by the shrieking of the kettle. Kat didn’t flinch, but only because she was able to hear the pressure boiling and had been watching out for it. Sylvie was fine as well, but Vivian jumped slightly, making Sylvie’s indifference somewhat irrelevant. Callisto, Bruce and Roxy were able to ignore the sound.

Callisto grabbed a serving tray and a number of teacups that she filled with the pot before distributing them around the room for everyone to enjoy. Once the serving tray was put away, Callisto walked past and Vivian grabbed onto the edge of Callisto’s skirt, shivering slightly like a frightened child. Kat had never seen Callisto move so fast. Between one blink and the next, Callisto managed to seat herself beside Vivian, blocking the view Roxy would have of Viviani if she took the final available chair.

*Hmm… I wonder who planned that. Callisto was obviously waiting for an excuse to sit with Vivian and… perhaps defend her from Roxy. At the same time, Callisto was trying to be all proper. I’d be willing to bet if Vivian hadn’t grabbed her she’d have taken the other spot. So… who is responsible for the planning? Maybe they just know each other well enough.*

The silence continued for a few minutes before Roxy shattered it with her statement, “You know Vivian, I never minded the fact that you’re obviously sleeping with your roommate. You never did like going to church. I just feel like adopting a demon is a step too far you know? There’s being contrarian then there’s… well this,” Roxy’s words were said in a weirdly polite tone that seemed to indicate she was doing this out of pure concern for her daughter.

Kat didn’t really know how to take it, so she just kept her face as impassive as possible. Sylvie doing the same. Kat didn’t know what Roxy actually thought of her, and Callisto’s words earlier muddied the waters further. *Does Roxy think I am a demon? Or is she simply messing around with Vivian thinking that I’m wearing this as a costume for Sylvie’s party?*

While Vivian was still trying to hide behind Sylvie, flinching at every word, Callisto was ready to respond. It was an easy answer for Callisto to give, and it kept the conversation focused squarely in her direction, “I am sorry to inform you that I am not in fact sleeping with your daughter,”

Roxy glared heavily at that response and fired back with her own, “Well that’s hardly acceptable. You’ve been living together for years and the fact that you run around in a maid outfit… well that implied to me you were a bit more open with your fetishes then that. Really? More than five years in a house together and still not sleeping with my daughter? I’d ask if you think yourself too good for her but you ARE in a maid outfit. Is she shy? Do you not want to go any further without a collar and leash?”

“I do believe it has been mentioned before but I simply don’t sleep. Ever,” stated Callisto plainly. Vivian was letting out minor squeaks of protest, but trying to burry them with Sylvie’s back so that the sounds didn’t alert anyone to her inner turmoil. Everyone noticed.


Roxy gave out a long sigh and looked at Callisto with pity. “That is an acceptable explanation for not giving my daughter proper nightly attention I suppose,” Vivian was of course bright red at this point, “but it is awfully depressing to hear. No sleep? Surely that cannot be healthy, either mentally of physically. Are you taking steps to correct the insomnia?”

“It is a medical issue,” Callisto fired back with a completely professional tone, “it is not that I have insomnia or that I am capable of sleep. It is also not a new issue, I have been like this as long as I can remember. It is also not something I believe needs any fixing. It gives me significant additional time during the day, even if I do require a schedule to ensure mental downtime,”

“Well even with that I can’t think it’s too healthy,” retorted Roxy. “the idea of spending your nights, cold, alone, perhaps a little dry?” Roxy flashed a slight smirk, only for half a second. A normal human might think it was just a trick of the light. Kat of course saw it in perfect clarity and Callisto had an eye for detail. Well, Vivian did as well but she wasn’t even looking. “I hardly think it’s all that comfortable to be up for hours at a time. No rest…”

“You seem to be mixing your metaphors a bit there Roxy, are you loosing your touch?” asked Callisto hoping to get a shot in.

Except she was being bated. “Oh? Might touch? I was under the impression you were more interested in my daughter, but is it perhaps the mother you are after? Small and bouncy your type? Of course Vivian is at least one of those things, and is attempting to make herself the latter considering she is using a small child as a defence mechanism. Well? What do you have to safe for yourself?” Roxy turned to stare at Vivian to make this last point, trying to get the focus of the conversation back on her daughter.

Sadly for her… maybe… who knew what was going on in Roxy’s head? Sylvie was the one who actually responded. “I find it quiet pleasing to be used as a defence mechanism,” Sylvie was mimicking Callisto’s tone shockingly well. Her voice was still a bit childish for obvious reasons, but if you didn’t know about the adoption you’d be hard pressed to guess the two were unrelated. “Currently I am getting to spend time with my mother, and we are both happier for it. I do not know if I can say the same sort of interaction is occurring between you and your own daughter,”

*Holy shit. Sylvie you savage.*

[What did she do?]

*Um… hmm… well if you’re not doing anything maybe try looking through my eyes? I’ll try and push the memories towards you. Sylvie just roasted Vivian’s mother. We’re waiting for a response. *

“Well Vivian is a little large to have on my lap these days,” said Roxy with a thoughtful look on her face, seemingly unconcerned with the retort, though the quick flash of surprise Kat saw it her eyes were delightful to notice. “Perhaps we could stack up? Though Vivian would have to be on the bottom… and I’m just not sure she can appreciate the position. I mean, she does have a maid after all. Unless that’s the dynamic? I suppose I hadn’t really considered it the specifics all that thoroughly…” Roxy was of course insinuating the opposite. That she had considered it. Thoroughly. josei

Vivian’s blush was threatening to set fire to the nearby fabric. She was bright red all the way from her neck to her ears and sounded more like the tea kettle then a person. Roxy took a calm sip of tea, as if indicating she was willing to give Vivian a short reprieve just to recover… for more teasing of course. Bruce still remained silent but the slight smile on his face was enough to convey he was enjoying the whole ordeal.

“Vivian never requested me as a maid service, she simply will not let me pay her rent so I took this up as a way to repay my…” Callisto paused. She knew how to phrase this to give Roxy as little ammunition as possible but… she couldn’t do it. The setup was exceptional. Vivian was embarrassed and it was… it was just too perfect. So instead of doing the ‘right’ thing, she leaned forward and continued in the most sultry voice possible, “deepest gratitude,” Kat didn’t think Callisto had it in her.

Vivian clearly didn’t either because she squawked and then fell to the side, seemingly passing out from the pressure. Roxy was grinning like a shark that smelled blood in the water, Sylvie was wiggling a little to escape now that she’d been dragged ‘down’ with Vivian and wasn’t really able to see everyone properly, Bruce was chuckle quietly and Kat… well Kat didn’t know what to make of that.

[Holy heck. Remember how I said ‘nobody knows what Callisto and Vivian are?’ I take it back. Roxy might, and perhaps she’s trying to get them to figure it out?]

*Perhaps… but I feel like this is more about teasing her daughter and Callisto couldn’t resist the setup properly. Nira does this a lot with her own kids.*

[Oh now there is a horrifying thought. Imagine Roxy and Nira getting the whole family together. Especially considering the fact that they’re all Succubi. The poor kids. They’d be decimated by the end.]

*Poor Lily. You don’t think we could escape either do you?*

[Oh. OH NO. We cannot allow a meeting. Ever!]

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