D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 968 - 968 Chapter 968 Comfort and Concern

Chapter 968 - 968 Chapter 968 Comfort and Concern

968 Chapter 968 Comfort and Concern

Kat was not happy with how long it took her to go back to normal. You see, while she had great control over water in that form… she felt like the conditions to turn back where a little pedantic. Kat didn’t need the water to all be together, she didn’t need it to be in a vaguely person shaped blob, in fact, she didn’t even need it to look roughly like herself. No. Kat had to nearly perfectly match not just her appearance, WITH CLOTHES, but also the pose she was in at the time.

That last one was a big source of her grief. Now, part of Kat was pretty sure that she could connect to more water and just throw large amounts of the stuff at the problem… when she transformed on a dusty mountain? It was pretty damn specific. When Kat finally returned to normal she dropped to her knees panting. *FUCKING FINALLY!*

[Are… are you ok?]

*Honestly? Not really. I just spent over an hour desperately spamming the mental button in my head to transform back, only to fail for that entire hour without a shred of understanding as to WHY it wasn’t working. Only the fact that apparently I can see, and in 3D at that, prevented me from going crazy. I mean, can you imagine what it would be like if I couldn’t see while I was made out of water?*

[Um… yeah… not good…]

*Not good. Try fucking miserable. It’s not even that great being able to see because I see EVERYTHING. It’s too much detail to take in at once. So I’m going to need to practice being in that form until my mind gets used to all the visual inputs. The fact I can’t smell anything… or hear anything? Hmm… not sure about that second one. I was freaking out perhaps a bit much at the time so I can’t be sure.

Point is… turning into water is weird. It clearly has advantages and I’m not going to shy away from it just because it’s a bit scary… but it’s a bit scary. I probably could’ve got myself fixed up in an half an hour if I wasn’t panicking so much. I just… I don’t know. I’m still jittery and a bit scared as well as very frustrated at the moment.*


*Oh, it’s not your fault Lily. I’m the one who really wanted to try out my new skill. It was like it was just sitting their taunting me. I know now I should’ve waited till Sue was around at the very least. She could probably provide some input, and if she couldn’t well… I dunno. It might’ve been something I should’ve waited to test at Kamiko’s house but it’s not like we should be using Kamiko’s house as a testing ground you know?*


Kat stopped her mental complaints to sprint over to Lily, pulling the Memphis out of the bag she’d been resting in and rubbing their faces together. “Ugh… I’m so done with today… at least I’ve got you with me Lily. Pretty sure I’d be doing something dumb… er… something dumber anyway. Thanks for being here with me,” josei

Lily didn’t think she could blush as a Memphis but her body sure was trying. Her face was heating up massively. [It’s ok Kat. I’m happy to journey with you for the rest of time. As long as you’re ok with me weighing you down a bit, I’ll always be by your side.]

Kat took a quick glance around and confirmed there still wasn’t anyone nearby, “Want to transform?” whispered Kat. Lily instantly took the offered chance and suddenly Lily found herself straddling Kat. She had only a moment to panic before Kat just pulled her in tighter and went in for a French kiss. When Kat finally let out, Lily was bright red and panting slightly, even as Kat hugged them closer together.

“Um… hooo… not that I’m complaining but why?” asked Lily in between hot breaths as she tried to calm down and prevent herself from drifting off into bliss. This was not made easy because she could still taste Kat in her mouth, her nose filled with the smell of Kat… and Kat was definitely pressing them closely together. It did not make it easy for Lily to keep her mind sharp… well, sharpish. There was only so much she could do to weather Kat’s assault.

“I… I don’t know? I just felt like it I guess. I… I guess it’s to confirm that things are alright now. As I said… I’m still freaking out about the whole water thing… and I mean… I dunno. I like making you happy, and even if I don’t feel that same lust you do, I can sort of bask in all the positive feelings kissing brings about in you. So… it’s still quite enjoyable for me,” explained Kat, much less red if you weren’t counting her hair. Still had a massive grin on her face though.

They sat there together, tightly bound together by Kat’s tail, even as Lily’s own did its best to contribute to the effort. Lily’s purring soothed Kat’s mind, the frustration and slight bits of fear flowing out of Kat’s mind with every passing minute. Kat’s reassuring presence helped Lily as well. She wasn’t as riled up as Kat but her worries were just as present. Seeing Kat panicking was not a pleasant experience and the feelings Lily had picked up on, despite Kat’s clear attempts at hiding them, were probably still going to haunt Lily a for a while.

When the sun started to touch the horizon, the pair took that as the signal to check out the mansion again. It was still silent, and when Kat knocked on the door and received no response she wasn’t surprised this time. Kat looked around, checking in through a few of the windows and seeing no one. Kat moved back to the door and rattled the handle a few times, determining it was locked… for now.

See, Kat was no locksmith, and had very little knowledge of how to pick locks… but there was something she did know. A few clicks later and Kat turned the handle, opening the door. Sure those clicks might have been snapping springs and sheering driver pins… but when you had enough strength to lift a car, opening a door wasn’t hard, locked or not. It was just a matter of politeness.

Kat stepped inside the mansion with Lily padding along beside her. It felt very… empty. The foyer was a raised half dome but other than the windows, and a floor mat… there just wasn’t anything else. Stepping through the only other door just revealed a room with a single staircase, and three doors. One continuing forward on this floor and two others going left and right on the second.

*It seems… empty. I can’t hear anyone moving around even though we’re inside. What’s going on do you think?*

[I think that stupid elf Sue’s ‘riding’ was meant to unlock the door for us and then leave us to our own devices. It’s clear that the servants aren’t around at the moment, let alone the young master that we’re supposed to guard. I’m not totally sure what we should do about that though. No idea what bedrooms to commandeer either. Maybe see if there’s any food in the kitchen? It should be downstairs?]

Kat shrugged, it was as good an idea as any. Kat wandered through a few different rooms on the ground floor before coming to the kitchen. It looked well outfitted with a number of knives hung upon the walls, pots stacked in the corner and a series of cutting boards in a rack above a grate on the ground.

Still, as fancy as the kitchen was… Kat and Lily didn’t need fancy they needed FOOD. As nice as some of the carvings on those knives were… Kat was also 100% sure that said knives were not edible. Her teeth and jaws might be able to deal with eating metal but it was never going to pleasant. Not to mention poor Lily. This meant they needed to look around for the panty… but nothing obvious stood out.

There was a cupboard, but it was a small thing set into the wall filled with spices from top to bottom. Though of course, half of it was taken up by two massive glass jars filled with salt and pepper. Kat wasn’t sure why anyone would need that much of either, but she just shrugged it off.

Another four minutes of searching eventually led Kat to finding the trapdoor. It was actually hidden. Kat had to spot the lines on the floor from one barrels being shifted regularly. At least she got the right trapdoor. Downstairs was a number of food items Kat didn’t recognise, but at least it was fully stocked. “Pick what you want Lily… I don’t think I’m hungry…” said Kat after a moment.

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