D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 969 - 969 Chapter 969 Thoughtful Contemplations on the Demon School System

Chapter 969 - 969 Chapter 969 Thoughtful Contemplations on the Demon School System

969 Chapter 969 Thoughtful Contemplations on the Demon School System

While Lily was eating Kat made her way around the house looking for rooms to stay in. There was the servants’ quarters, consisting of bunkbeds and cramped quarters. The guest or perhaps family quarters that were nicely furnished if a bit small. Finally there was the master bedroom, lavishly furnished and taking up a quarter of the house by itself. In normal circumstances, Kat would simply grab one of the guest room equivalents and be happy with that. This was not normal circumstances.

Firstly, Kat hadn’t seen any evidence of servants. Not only had they been left outside, without any means to open the door, but they had needed to look for food without guidance and finally… the guest rooms didn’t have any bedding. Kat was rather annoyed at that last point. They just had a single sheet thrown over the bed. The pillows didn’t have pillow cases either.

It was at least interesting to note that the bed was carved into the floor instead of built up… but the lack of bedding really was the sticking point. *Now… do I do the right thing and look for bedding and make the bed myself, or do we take over the master bedroom because that actually has bedding?*

Kat was of course neglecting to mention that the servants’ quarters also had bedding but the bunk bed setup was extremely narrow. Kat’s wings would make it hard for her to actually use them if she was inclined to attempt it. She was not. [Check if there’s spare bedding in the room I guess? If you can find it that easily it’s probably not worth antagonising anyone over it?]

Kat’s lips thinned but she didn’t contradict Lily. It was the right move, and probably for the best. Kat started to look through the cupboards and managed a partial success. She found two spares pillows and more than enough pillow cases for all the pillows in the room… and the two next to it. Truth be told Kat thought it was a little silly to have so many pillow cases, especially if there were more in the other rooms.

Kat looked over the one sheet that was on the bed before running it through her hands. Hmm… this sheet is nice silk and it’s not like I get cold… damn it fine. Kat sighed and started to set up the pillows while tucking the sheet in properly to use as a bottom sheet. Once that was done Kat made her way back down to Lily and went back down into the cellar to grab some water to drink.

Kat plonked herself down on the kitchen bench, using it like a chair and leaving her legs hanging off the side. Lily was tiny and was of course simply standing on the kitchen bench. Was it entirely sanitary? Perhaps not. Did Kat care right now? No. Not at all. They’d clean up afterwards and nobody was around to complain so it was fine. Kat felt like she’d been making concessions all day so for something like this? It was fine. josei

“So… what’s the plan once you’re finished with your meal?” asked Kat.

[Well that is the question isn’t it? I need to do at least a bit of practice with my spells just to see how effective they are in this world. Other than that… I don’t know? It’s just weird that there’s nobody around. Though a question… if we have ‘two days to get to know the young master before leaving’ does this count as day one? Nobody’s around at the moment so that could hardly be construed as ‘getting to know’ anybody. At the same time… we weren’t told anything about a break.]


“I’m not too sure either…” said Kat with a frown on her face. “I do wish Sue hadn’t taken off with our guide. This is the sort of thing I feel like he would’ve been able to address. Though… do you think Sue will be able to get useful information out of him perhaps?”

Lily shook her head between bites. [I doubt it. Oh sure Sue might find some stuff out for us just because it happened to come up but Sue isn’t a trained spy. She’s just a Succubus who likes to have sex. Useful, and perhaps a good way to steal information with training… but it’s training I’m 90% sure Sue doesn’t have.]

“I’ll concede that’s a good point… but on the other hand, Sue always seems to have answers to our questions when we ask, and I’m not sure I’ve really seen her stumped by any of them. She even knew what was going on when we got summoned this time,” returned Kat.

[Yeah, Sue knows a lot of things… about the society she was RAISED IN Kat. I suspect most of the things we’ve asked her are pretty basic. They probably have ‘Getting Summoned 101’ as a class in school. I wouldn’t be surprised if this sort of thing was covered in exhausted detail. Nearly all demons do summoning things so the idea that it wouldn’t be taught in schools is unfathomable to me.]

“Hmm… if it IS taught in schools, which you do make a good point it probably is… does that mean spy craft would be an elective?” offered Kat.

[Huh… I mean… it could be? Would they do that?]

Kat shrugged, “I don’t really know but I could see Combat as an advanced physical education elective with things like spy craft or state craft as electives for demons that enjoy those types of things and hope to be summoned to deal with those sorts of issues,” offered Kat.

[I guess that makes sense. I wonder when they learn higher mathematics, and enchanting and things like that?]

“I’d say that’s either a university level thing or perhaps something that you can take in like… ‘high school’ equivalent? Look I’m not too sure myself, I don’t think it’d be weird for them to have like… stages of universities. Demons live for a long time Lily, and even if they’re super advanced, they can’t cram all that information into children. There schooling probably does cover more stuff, and more advanced stuff but it can’t cover everything,” explained Kat.

[I didn’t really think of it like that. Historically speaking school just covers increasingly more things and university education covers the rest. I suppose when you don’t have to design everything with the human lifespan in mind you can afford to spread it out more. Plus, if you make it so nobody has to do things they aren’t interested in you probably get more capable workers out of it in the end… hmm… I guess I was stuck in… if not ‘human’ thoughts then Earth ones.]

“I’m not saying I’m right but yeah, I am pretty happy with my guess,” said Kat with a slightly embarrassed dusting of her cheeks. She hadn’t really thought on the matter as deeply as Lily seemed to think. It just made sense for a species that lived hundreds of years to be willing to sit in class for decades without issue, especially spread out. With places like Wrath for the meatheads that just didn’t care.

Kat sighed and looked at Lily who seemed to be making her way through the food at a decent pace, even if it looked a bit strange. “How is the food here actually? I know there was a lot of it down there but it’s hard to tell what’s actually good and what isn’t,”

[Eh… honestly? It’s pretty lacklustre. I think they must dry all their meat here so this stuff is really tough. At the same time it’s full of flavour and still has a lot of that meaty taste. I guess I’m… ambivalent in some ways? It’s not bad per say but I’ve had some really nice stuff, and this definitely doesn’t qualify. If it was easier to eat maybe I’d be more ok with it but as it stands… it’s annoying to chew and just not up to par really.]

“Hmm, good thing I’m not hungry then. Though… they had good food in that room didn’t they?” mentioned Kat.

[They did… but I’m not sure if it’s really the case that they had ‘better’ food just that it was more to our taste. You were able to pick up something for me that was basically raw meat and there’s no reason for us to think mountain elves eat raw meat. Hmm… I wonder if they have stronger jaws or better saliva production for all the dried meat? In such an arid and windy environment it probably dries out fast…]

Kat shook her head and quickly said, “Lily… I think I’d rather not know. It’s… weird to think about another races biology and I already don’t like mountain elves as it stands. I’d rather not think about how their insides work if that’s alright with you…”

[I still say it’s a fascinating topic but I understand it’s uncomfortable for you so I’ll drop it.]

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