D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 970 - 970 Chapter 970 A Dash of Romance in the Mornin’

Chapter 970 - 970 Chapter 970 A Dash of Romance in the Mornin’

970 Chapter 970 A Dash of Romance in the Mornin’

Kat woke up the next morning, Lily curled into her side, and decided to do something nice. She was going to cook something for Lily, maybe try a bit herself, and make a bit of a romantic moment of it. Throwing her feet out of bed… they thumped straight into the floor. Kat winced. *Shit. I didn’t use that much force right?* You see, Kat had forgotten the beds were on the same level as the floor. In addition to that, she wasn’t a human. In contest between stone floor and Kat’s heels… Kat was going to win.

So when her feet didn’t really bounce back up, instead simply absorbed or redirected the impact, Kat couldn’t help but wince a bit. Kat carefully lowered her feet down in the same spot and could feel an indentation under the carpet. Still… it was only a small one so Kat pressed a light kiss into Lily’s side before surrounding Lily with pillows and leaving the bed.

Kat went to sneak out of the room, then paused, and ripped off a part of her sleeve to tuck next to Lily’s face, just so that Lily would continue to smell ‘Kat’ in the room and not wake up too soon. With that in place, Kat opened the door, wincing slightly at the squeak it made… but Lily didn’t stir, so Kat quickly made her way through, shutting it behind her before she could have second thoughts.

It didn’t take Kat long to get to the cellar, and once she was there Kat faced a conundrum. *Hmm… do I make something that should taste good for human Lily? Or Memphis Lily?* Kat tapped a nail against her chin a few times as she rolled the problem around in her mind. *On the one hand, Memphis meals are certainly easier if I can find some fresh meat. And I’m not sure if Lily has noticed but she’s taken to eating and spending most of her time as a Memphis…*

*On the other hand, there is no fresh meat here. If there was, Lily would’ve had some yesterday instead of the jerky she had to settle for. Hmm… maybe I can carve up some of those large fruits into something nice? Might have to settle for that. I didn’t see any live animals around here, probably overhunted at some point. I mean, this is a city of cultivators after all.*

With that determined, Kat grabbed a fruit and then moved back upstairs to work. She focused on whatever the large redish fruit was, carving into it and testing one of the offcuts for flavour. Tasted… a bit like a watery tangerine? Shrugging and considering that good enough, Kat continued to work until it she’d carved out a flower, before turning to the offcuts and carving little flowers into them all and cleaning them up a bit and spreading them around the plate.

Kat then dived back into the cellar for something that looked like a striped pear. Kat cut off a small slice to try and found… that it tasted a lot like a normal pear. What the stripe meant she had no idea. Shrugging Kat carved it into neat slices, eating another small piece from the opposite side to keep things even. Kat went back a few more times for little grape-like fruits that were blue and tasted a bit like cherries, an apple looking fruit that tasted more like corn, and a square fruit that… honestly didn’t taste like much at all to Kat’s tastebuds.

With everything arranged, Kat ducked into one of the other rooms to grab a table and then started to make her way back through the house, for Kat it was a simple matter to keep the food balanced on the table. It was a small circular one that Kat could hold the centrepiece of with one hand and not let it wobble in the slightest. Kat did glare at the squeaky door hinge before she pushed it open, simply sighing when her glare did nothing to stop the noise.

Kat set the table down gently and then swooped over, picking Lily up into her arms. The Memphis didn’t even stir, but Kat expected that. Kat simply gave Lily a hug and a kiss before dropping the Memphis on the table next to the food. Kat had honestly expected that Lily would smell said food and wake up in its presence… that didn’t work. Lily just snuggled into that piece of sleave she had wrapped her little paws around, burying her nose in it further ignoring the food.


Kat rolled her eyes, and fought to keep the fond smile off her face. Sure it meant the food she prepped wasn’t all that enticing to Lily… but it was adorable. With Lily still sleeping though… Kat rushed out of the room and ‘acquired’ two chairs, on for each of them, before sitting herself down on the same side of the table Lily was currently using as a bed. Kat started to run her fingers through Lily’s fur, gently petting the Memphis and causing her to purr in her sleep.

Kat kept this up for a while, simply pleased with the situation. That was until the sun started to shine in through the window. Taking a glance outside revealed that the day had well and truly begun and so Kat started to take drastic measures. Grabbing one of the pieces of that watery fruit, Kat froze it solid and then pressed the ice cube against Lily’s knows.

Lily sneezed, and then stumbled back, eyes opening and looking around to find the source of the cold. Quickly though, she saw Kat and the food prepped. [Naw… did you make me breakfast?]

*Well, it’s awfully close to lunchtime so I can’t rightly call this breakfast at this point.*

Lily coughed mentally and slid off the table, transforming before her feet hit the ground. Lily smoothed out her outfit a little bit and then took up the opposite chair. “Really, this is lovely Kat. Did you make it by yourself?”

Kat nodded, “Yup, it wasn’t too much of an issue… though we do still seem to be alone in the house,”

Lily did wince at that, “That’s… well it’s not ideal certainly. Um… what should we do? Like… shouldn’t the young master be here by now? Even if yesterday doesn’t count… you said it was nearly lunchtime?”

Kat gave a ‘so-so’ gesture, “Eh… it’s certainly getting there. Remember, the whole city is set into a big ravine so the we’re only just now starting to get sunlight. I doubt it’s 12 yet but we’re certainly getting close. I’d put us at no earlier then 10:30 I think,”

“Sorry…” mumbled Lily as she grabbed one of the ‘flowers’, looking it over before popping it into her mouth and smiling at the taste.

Kat shrugged, “It’s fine. I was working on this for… well honestly it took a lot more effort to carve everything then I thought it would. Sure I have super strength and great control over my muscles now but that doesn’t mean I can always make the knife do what I want, especially when I don’t understand how soft or hard the fruit is meant to be at any one point. Still, I think I did pretty well,”

Lily blushed, feeling guilty about sleeping in so much. “Did… did you really have to put in so much effort? I feel a bit bad not doing anything myself. I’ve just been sleeping the day away…” josei

“Hey none of that,” said Kat as she reached over and lightly bopped Lily on the nose. “I did this because I wanted to make you a fancy, somewhat romantic breakfast. I don’t care how long it took me. I didn’t check the time when I started and that’s very much NOT the point. You know that if I really wanted to I could just stay awake like Callisto and use all that extra time do things if I want, instead I spend them sleeping with you. The fact that I spent a bit of time in the kitchen for this is nothing compared to that,”

Lily looked like she was about to apologise again when Kat glared at her hard, a flash of purple roaming across her eyes, “Don’t even think about it Lily,”

Lily’s cheeks reddened as she coughed, looking away from Kat’s intense stare. “Fine… if… I can’t say that… I’ll just say… thank you Kat. This was, IS lovely and I appreciate that you took the time to do it. I do feel a bit bad that I didn’t think to do something similar… but I also understand that if I turn this into a contest I’m not the one that’s going to come out on top here… so… thanks Kat. For this, and everything else,”

“It is my honour Lily. I wouldn’t bother if I didn’t enjoy it. Plus, maybe carving fruit will be a useful skill to have? I took forever this time but I didn’t fuck it up, perhaps I have a talent for it?” offered Kat with a cheeky grin.

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