D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 989 - 989 Chapter 989 Deep Thoughts, Staring Sue

Chapter 989 - 989 Chapter 989 Deep Thoughts, Staring Sue

989 Chapter 989 Deep Thoughts, Staring Sue

This is a SUE CHAPTER! Be prepared for lewd thoughts. (Probably)


Kat didn’t see the concern on Sue’s face as she stumbled back to her room. Nor did she notice that Sue just stood there in the corridor for some time before grimacing down at her outfit. *Kat’s a tough cookie isn’t she. As envious as I am that she’s already Rank 3 despite only doing Contracts for less then a year… she really does try doesn’t she? All the information I have about Rank 3 demons are much older than her. Could that be the real source of issues? That’s she’s rushing through the ranks so fast?* josei

Sue sighed, brushing herself down and pulled the coat around herself properly. Suddenly the idea of teasing some servants with a half-naked state left a bitter taste in her mouth. Instead, she walked carefully to the room that had been set aside for her. Sure she’d ignored it before this point… but she just needed a minute. Yup, only a few minutes.

When Sue got to the room she flopped down on top of the bed, letting the coat fall open. She hadn’t bothered to tie it up properly at all so her large breasts spilled off to the side and the coat fell to the bed, front open. Sue once again grimaced as she looked down at herself. *Am I really happy with what I’m doing?

Sue frowned again. No that’s a dumb question. I love my work. I enjoy what I’m doing… but I can’t help but feel a bit shallow at the moment. I’ve been seducing Bodeir, pretty well I think. Sure I haven’t had any sex with the guy yet, despite what everyone else thinks but these things take time. Time I’m… no longer quite as certain I’m using correctly.

It’s one thing to go for straight for the sex. I love that. I live for that. This… well no I’ll call it what it is. It’s straight up emotional manipulation when it comes to Bodeir. I am trying to force him to develop a crush on me so that I can more easily keep his attention. Why though? It IS the optimal way to go about this Contract. I’ve also seen Bodeir’s horrible control when it comes to bad women. Really I’m doing him a favour… so why do I feel like I’m doing something wrong now.*

Sue turned to the side, staring at the cupboard containing the dress she’d conned Bodeir into buying… and found she didn’t feel bad about that one at all. Bodeir was loaded, and despite the fact the dress was expensive… she knew Bodeir spent twice its value on lunch. Sue also did feel it was necessary for the ball tonight and her heart didn’t quiver when she looked guiltily at the cupboard. Despite trying to force herself to acknowledge more guilt… none of her negative feelings stirred when she thought of the dress.

*Does that make me a bad person? Definitely still emotional manipulation but… is it really? I checked the price tags on it, and I can estimate what the fool paid for lunch. Well, that’s assuming he spent twice the cost of the menu. If he handed over even more in those two bags? My dress then becomes much cheaper. It suits me well too. I don’t feel bad for this one. Is it because I know I need a dress to compete with the other women tonight? Or is it because I know it cost Bodeir essentially nothing?*


Sue clicked her tongue as she threw herself up off the bed and summoned her demonic attire. Once again, she patted herself down, looking for what? Even she didn’t know. Now that she had clothes on she turned to the door… and promptly about faced, planting herself face down on the bed. It was awkward, and didn’t last long. She might’ve had demon durability, but that just meant her back was bent in a horrible awkward position because of how large her tits were. Flipping over she had to be careful of her wings… but she relished in the bit of pain it caused her stretching them awkwardly to flip herself over.

*Damn why did I become friends with such wholesome girls? Kamiko is such a sweetheart. I just want to make sure that she’s protected for the big bad world. Including me. Sue laughed. Then again it’s just so much fun to tease the girl. Makes it hard to keep myself from corrupting her. Not that I think I could succeed in making her that much like me… unless I tried to break her. Which is a BIG no-no. Do not break the Kamiko. She is for snuggling and teasing and NOTHING ELSE.*

Sue nodded, glad to have affirmed that in her mind. She wasn’t a lesbian of course… but Kamiko really did have great reactions… plus Kat and Lily made the idea much more tempting then it should be. *Still, I am firm in my sexuality. As adorable as Kamiko is, and as much as I like her… there’s just no lust there. Which I mean… clearly Kat makes her relationship with Lily work. Still… I like sex a bit too much and it just isn’t the same without the lust so I know that relationship would be doom to fail.

A big shame. Hmm… does that mean I should find a cute, adorable femboy? Sue was of course ignoring the fact that one of her top fetishes was shapeshifters. Who, simply by default were not limited to male… or female… or anything really. So she had to be a little bit bisexual. Probably. Sue’s mind was a damp and confusing place. Possibly. I’d have to make sure he’s a switch though. I don’t want to top forever…

But it’d be basically impossible to find an innocent femboy that KNEW he was a switch. Damn. The trials of wanted good sex and adorable people to tease. Guess I’ll just have to settle for having friends to tease. Though… Kat’s getting a bit too used to my teasing already. She doesn’t even play the jealous girlfriend well! I wonder if that’s a testament to how much she trusts me? Or how much she trusts her girlfriend? Or both I guess? It… it feels nice to be trusted like that. I didn’t realise how much I missed that sort of thing from when I was younger.

I can’t remember the last time someone gave me that much trust… well outside of my immediate family of course. All my ‘friends’ were all to willing to stab people in the back. Even if I didn’t do that sort of shit… they all seemed to think I was just waiting for the right time to screw everyone over so thoroughly they’d be walking funny for months. Which… I’ll admit is a hilarious image but… god I was so wound up dealing with that shit all the time.

No wonder I’m a nymphomaniac. I needed the sex to deal with all the fucking stress that comes from hanging out with those kinds of bitches. In just a few interactions, and a bunch of letters I already trust Kamiko and Kat more than I ever did those sluts. Fuck, I trust Lily more then that as well and I’ve known her for even less time. AND MOST OF THE TIME SHE’S A CAT!

Which, I mean. Cats can be major assholes so the fact that Lily is always adorable and never a little shit really says something about her core principles as a person. Though… very easily distractable and teasable. Honestly she needs to get laid. Which is… god I’d be surprised if that happens within the decade. The girl is too concerned with… everything. Doesn’t want to move too fast, too slow, too rough, too gentle. I almost think it would’ve been better for Kat to reject the poor girl just so that she could build herself a bit of a spine…

But Kat’s too nice for that and Lily might’ve just shattered if that happened. So… now we have to make sure she doesn’t get stuck with an inferiority complex for the rest of her life. Which… I mean… Kat is pretty awesome, and a demon. So that’s going to be really hard. Still…* Sue smiled, *It’s a problem I’m willing to help with.*

Sue smiled again, sitting up and pulling her knees in. *You know… maybe I should be thanking old foreman Stone. I was NOT happy to be conned into dealing with those fucking rats… but it was the best decision I was ever force to make. I should do something nice for the guy as thanks. I could have a go at making those ‘Rock Cakes’ that Golems tend to like… then again… do they require any special cooking utensils? I mean… I have heard Stone crunch the damned things. If there isn’t actual rocks involved in the making of that shit I’ll… well I don’t want to say I’ll eat one, I’d break ALL my teeth and I need those. Maybe… hmm… nope. No dumb punishments for me. I’ll look up the recipe and if I can’t make it, I’ll just bake some normal cookies or something. Does Stone have any allergies? Shit this is becoming more complicated then I wanted it to be…*

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